The real doh! about Doha.

Well, here we are again. It’s November and that time of year for the annual international conference on figuring out ways of saving us all from global warming. Since the last one was called COP17, this one rather unsurprisingly is called COP18. Incidentally, COP stands for Conference of the Parties, which considering the great shindigs that … Continue reading

The Climate Wars revisited or No truce with kings.

This is a quiet little island of the internet. I write an article and it floats off into the blogosphere to end up Lord knows where. Some pieces sink without trace, foundering even before they’ve cleared the reef but others seem to take on a life of their own. There’s no way of predicting their … Continue reading

2011 and climate alarmism.

We’re nearly at year’s end and in the fight against climate alarmism, it can only be called a vintage year. This was supposed to be the year when they thought they would regain the initiative but it’s only served to confirm how jaded people are with it all. Al Gore’s Climate Reality Event was intended to … Continue reading

The Durban debacle awaits …

Here we go again, another climate clambake attracting attendees from all over the world. They’ll be the usual assortment of politicians, government civil servants, Media, NGOs, activists and fruit loops determined to save the earth from global warming. Nothing changes. In terms of the basic political objectives, nothing much either has changed since Cancun. The developing … Continue reading

Happy birthday Climategate.

It’s around the time of the second anniversary of the Climategate leak so it’s fitting to take stock of where we are now. Before doing that, it’s worth taking a walk down memory lane to recall how things were before it occurred. They were really different. If you were in the fight at the time, … Continue reading