Quid pro Joe comes through for all his pals.

We’ve all heard the saying – power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. It actually restates a more quintessential aspect of corruption itself – that’s to say, corruption corrupts those about it, but corruption at the very top corrupts all those below it. We’ve all seen the truth of both observations in business and personal life at one time or another. It ranges from management spotting there’s something not quite above board with their tendering process and firing the individual involved or further down the food chain, actually watching policemen eating for free at a diner or life will get a lot more difficult for the owner of the small business. I’ve personally seen examples of both those kinds of corruption.

In the former case, the man managing the business for the owners was an honest man who hated thievery in any form but also had the business acumen to know what would happen if he didn’t root out the corruption. Pretty soon the word would get around that the fix was in there, so any tender would have to include not only a cash kickback to the manager of procurement but the tender price could be loaded up. The honest suppliers would avoid getting involved and the dishonest ones would load the price to anything they could get away with. They’d inevitably supply increasingly shoddy goods and services to increase their profit margin even more. In the long term, that unnecessary operating cost would inevitably be passed on to their customers, making the business uncompetitive.

In the latter case, there was nothing to be done. It was a night substation of the distribution system of a major meat wholesaler. In exchange for a token tin of biscuits, two cops could walk out of there with a large cardboard box full of frozen steaks, which my guess was they’d sell on at a hefty discount to local restaurants, turning it into cash. When the patrolmen couldn’t do the “exchange”, their sergeant would do it for them. Obviously, he got his cut when the cash proceeds were shared out.

When the guy in charge of the substation first took over, he’d refused to continue with the corruption. That resulted in lots of vehicle stops and his men clocking off early in the morning getting the stop and search routine every morning just to double check they weren’t coming back from some Burglar Bill activity.

The manager had a word with his manager who said they were aware of the situation and apologised for not briefing him thoroughly. Write it down to spoilage each week. Just let another box of meat go off and feed it back up the supply chain in weekly parts. It’ll be written off as a whole box. The corruption, or should I say extortion, resumed with the cost ultimately being passed onto the consumer. Like they say, just a cost of doing business.

Someone once observed the business of America is business. The government is the most widespread business in the country, so with a corrupt puppet as president, the future for consumers of government products or services will be evermore increasing prices for increasingly less quality. As the Sicilians say, a fish rots from the head down and by the time everybody has wet their beak in the taxpayer treasure chest, what’s left over just reflects that chain of corruption.

If you need an example of how quickly the corruption has metastasised under the new regime, consider the XO that Trump signed that mandated pharmaceutical suppliers to supply certain drugs like insulin at only the lowest price it could be bought abroad. If you were a diabetic for instance, that was literally a lifesaver if your circumstances were modest. One of the puppet’s first XOs was to rescind Trumps XO, most probably in exchange for them delaying any announcement of any COVID vaccine until Biden was installed.

Quid pro quo.


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What’s a butt chain? – Reading the entrails.

Banks collaborating with the regime.

Legitimising the coup.

Click for a list of other articles.

6 Responses to “Quid pro Joe comes through for all his pals.”
  1. another ian says:


    A description I once heard of an old time politician

    “He believes in the quid pro quo – more quid more quo”


  2. NoFixedAddress says:

    We don’t have corruption in Australia!

    We just change the laws and hey presto!… no corruption.


  3. Bill The Bunyip says:

    Gina Reinhart had to get approximately 5000 approvals to build Roy Hill iron ore mine. We don’t have corruption here in Australia at least not in the usual definition of corruption. What we have
    is a system that needs to be fed just like the cops that need their meat. Corruption by a different name and I suspect the whole Western World is the same to a large extent.


  4. another ian says:


    “Relax everyone. Government health experts are here”

    So why is world wide government health in such a parlous state?


  5. another ian says:

    In the spirit of a thread title used at Small Dead Animals

    “Mischief is important”

    “Ted Cruz Reveals Submitted Questions Not Asked: ‘Can We Build Keystone Pipeline if We Add Hunter Biden to the Board?’ ”


    And of the “Pointman Pitchfork”


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