What this election is really about.

We are on the cusp of an election day that will be recognised in retrospect as the most significant in the shaping of a modern twenty-first century democracy. Fundamentally, it’s about who will control the future destiny of America, and by effect, the world. Will it be by and for its citizens or for the benefit of a pervasive and malign oligarchy? But who or what is this oligarchy?

In a word, money. It’s a loose association of monied interests. Fabulously wealthy corporations and individuals who think themselves well above such petty proletarian illusions as law, patriotism, freedom, religion and family values, because they regard such things as merely control mechanisms to keep an almost semi-sentient citizenry compliant and docile.

Law, despite a lot of noble and high-sounding sentiments, is routinely bought and sold by its masters who’re above it, but must be strictly adhered to by the herd. Contrast the judicial treatment of the Clinton and Biden crime families with a man and a woman standing on their porch with unloaded guns to ward off rioters who got charged and treated like criminals. A kid in Kenosha who saved himself from being beaten to death by a mob being charged with first degree murder. They’re occasionally obliged to sacrifice one of their own, a pawn, but the pattern is clear to see – one law for them, another for the rabble.

Patriotism and a pride in country used to be advantageous sentiments to be encouraged, since the money raised to fight them eventually flowed upwards into their coffers. The worth of a soldier’s or civilian’s life killed in these foreign wars is ultimately worthless since it can’t be monetised, but the bullet or bomb that killed them certainly can. Globalisation, carefully presented as just a bigger application of economies of scale, prohibits the old type of war between industrial nations, since it dents the bottom line of interests they all hold in both countries. There’s still good money to be made in endless and unwinnable wars, but notice they’re always against underdeveloped countries where there’s no valuable cash generating infrastructure assets to be damaged.

Freedom, in the context of this discussion, is the right of an individual to look at some situation and then to express their considered opinion of it in public, without being howled down or possibly physically attacked by a mob who only answer to Judge Lynch. Freedom of action, within the confines of an uncorrupted judicial framework, allows you to live as you see fit without constraints.

Both freedoms are under attack.

If you express the wrong thought, it’s arbitrarily termed hate speech. If you defend your life or property against the lawless mobs created by the oligarchy, you’ll be charged with some criminal offense, despite your right to do so under law. Even if you’re not convicted in the end, the agonising and bankrupting experience of an individual defending themselves against the might of the state becomes their punishment, as well as a salutary lesson to others operating under the illusion that they’re protected by living in a free country.

Religion, most particularly Christianity, is under attack on all sides, because after you boil away a lot of the theology, it’s about being fair to each other. As long as it’s useful and beneficial, it’s encouraged, but of late it’s regarded as a liability since its strictures put it increasingly at loggerheads with an all-powerful state determined to replace it with a different set of loyalties to non-theological deities, most particularly Mammon in his various guises. Witness the exclusive makeup of refugees accepted from wars in the Arab world being strictly Muslim, not Christian. The Arabic Christians were left to be slaughtered by the useful fanatics that Islam breeds.

The whole concept of family is under vicious attack, with the point of the spear being the children. Their teachers ceased teaching long ago and now just indoctrinate young minds to despise their own culture. Efforts to make acceptable things like the sexual abuse of pre-pubescent children by major networks pimping out sequined boys and girls on supposed talent shows like Cuties just serve to prise children and parents further apart. The latter find their gorges rising at being presented as somehow normal the sight of such degenerate exploitation of children.

Healthy babies are murdered in the womb for no other reason than they were inconvenient or just to make a feminist style point, and then the butchered remains sold as body parts into a thriving market. The pressure of acclimatising people to the next logical step of murdering babies after birth is already well underway. The bodycount since Wade vs Roe passed into law has since exceeded 50 million babies, the majority of whom in places were black, which should please the abortionists and outright racists like Margaret Sanger who founded Planned Parenthood. Worldwide, it amounts far and away to the largest genocide of the totally defenseless in human history.

Maintaining control of the population is done in many ways, but the basic method is always the same. Just buy exactly the right person or party of influence, and henceforth work through them. Every time they open their mouths, it’s the words of their masters coming out.

Why now, why this massive concerted attack on a country’s fundamentals?

In a word, Trump. America, like Britain, has this recurring and fortunate habit of coughing up just the right person when a situation has become dire. He’s a spokesman for the 40% of Americans of either political persuasion who says exactly what they’re thinking but hesitant to say, and he doesn’t give a damn how it’s received.

He believes in law. Notice it’s never him who acts outside the constitution, but his enemies. They don’t just want to take control of a 250 year old system of governance – they want to destroy it from within. He loves his homeland and its people unashamedly. After his four years of tenure, America can once again hold its head high on the world stage, and he’s done more for the working class of America irrespective of the colour of their ass than any other president, and that includes the beatified FDR.

He’s the only president in a very long time who hasn’t embroiled his country in some endless quagmire war where there’s no winner but the war profiteers. If anyone seriously pushed him for a war, there’s no doubt in the various foreign regimes that he’d oblige and with the forces at his disposal, he’d win it too, but only after trying to reach some kind of peaceful settlement if their grievance was just.

He has religious beliefs but of the quiet kind which he never pushes in people’s faces. That side of him is behind that absolute barrier to his personal life though even then things can be deduced about his attitudes in that area. When his daughter fell for a Jewish man, he accepted it and finds evident joy in his Jewish grandchildren. But there’s a tinge of Old Testament fire and brimstone about him which a number of his enemies, both foreign and domestic, have found out to their cost – an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and pursued relentlessly.

He’s unquestionably a family man who believes and embraces its traditions. Despite two previous failed marriages, he still has a warm relationship with his ex-wives and the children they had together. The first free moment he had after winning the presidency, he used it to hold a private dinner for the extended family as a thank you for the pressure they’d been put under by the prying jackals of fake news. They’re a tight knit bunch. The big scoop to come out of that dinner was that he’d had two scoops of ice cream for dessert.

He rejects totally the remodelling of America along the desired socialist lines but worst of all, if it can be worse, he’s a staunch defender of the constitution and the Rule of Law, a proud patriotic man, an advocate for free speech, believes in God and is pro-family, which means pro-life. He’s not perfect, nobody is, but he’s unquestionably the perfect man for this moment in time, this turning point in American history.

He’s extremely rich but has always been careful to stay on the polite periphery of the whole lifestyles and attitudes of that set. His money makes him unbribeable even if he was so inclined, which he never was. Their real problem with him is that he despises the so-called swamp and its denizens. On principle, he’s never given an inch to them, which as the last four years have demonstrated, changed the money flow from them to the working class, both white and blue collared.

Him winning unexpectedly in 2016 lit the fuse of their raw pathological hatred of him. It simply wasn’t supposed to happen. A people’s president, a servant to them rather than the puppeteers hidden away in the background. How dare they? Well, they did vote for him and they’re going to do exactly the same thing again, but this time in even bigger numbers.

At the end of his first year, I knew he’d be elected again. He’d survived, even thrived on, the tsunami of vilification and obstruction unleashed on him by the establishment. A pack of lowlifes like Pelosi, Schumer, Mueller, Comey and Brennan taking down the Trumpie monster? No way. He found the fabled magic wand that Obama assured people didn’t exist and within that year turned around a stagnant economy that roared back to life under his sharp businessman’s stewardship. The big financial gainers were the ordinary people who suddenly had jobs and whose take home pay in real terms actually increased for the first time in decades.

He’s going to win, and it’ll be big, despite the same old dishonest polling you’ve been bombarded with, despite a huge organised effort to subvert the election, despite a massive propaganda effort and despite the sly efforts of the fainthearted and surviving RINOs within his own party.

The choice is stark. Vote one way, and the country continues deeper into the type of dystopia I outlined last week, vote the other, and you get your country back, and a government that’s your servant rather than your master.


Related articles by Pointman:

What if Biden wins?

The bid for total digital censorship is now out in the open

The loss of faith in the political class.

An analysis of the Trump election victory 2016.

The loss of faith in the political class.

Click for a list of other articles.

12 Responses to “What this election is really about.”
  1. Marzouk says:

    To the point.


  2. MarkP says:

    Excellent analysis . . . although I can’t share your optimism on the result (I wish I could).

    I’m also fearful of widespread electoral fraud by the Dems as well.


    • richard clenney says:

      Just what I fear. Stalin allowed people to vote; when he was asked if this was wise, he
      said,” It doesn’t matter how they vote, what matters is who counts the votes”. I feel that
      having lost the last election, the dims will have corrected their vote “harvesting”, and have
      a surplus vote this time for the dims. Pointy , keep up the good work, it is appreciated.


  3. beththeserf says:

    Constitutional rule of law and value of the individual. –


  4. rustbelter says:

    When a Trump rally was held near me, I went to it out of curiosity to see the kind of people who supported Trump. They were the happiest and most decent folk I’ve met in a long time. Every one had a story of why the loved Trump. I’ve watched the factory closures, opioid deaths, decay and unemployment in my beloved state for twenty years and after a lot of conversations with them, even after saying I’d voted Democrat my entire life, they still remained friendly and shared their food with me. I’ve got a lot of hard thinking to do tonight.


  5. NoFixedAddress says:


    Quoted your article here, https://freedomaustralia.freeforums.net/thread/323/election

    Good stuff.


  6. hunterson7 says:

    What a beautiful essay.
    Please tell me that quote from Sanger is made up. If not, then there is a darkness in the heart of “wokeness” that is profound.


  7. Pointman says:

    A novel development. As soon as Trump started pulling away, they stopped counting and the tellers took the uncounted votes home with them!


    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pointman says:

    President Trump and his 87.7 million followers have been CENSORED off Twitter. He’s moved over to Gab to bypass Big Tech.

    You can find his direct messages by clicking here – https://gab.com/realdonaldtrump. Go register there quick and get back into the game.

    Let’s beat Big Tech and not let them steal the election from America. Move over onto it now and spread the link far and wide.

    He’s hit 150K followers already.


    • NoFixedAddress says:


      Thanks for that Gab link and am now a Trump follower!

      I joined Gab in 2016 and never used it as such but wanted to support their efforts and they have a good story and product/s.

      Another site/service that may interest folk is a VPN called Windscribe https://windscribe.com/ who also have a good story. They offer a free limited service and a paid subscription.

      Thanks for all your work.



  9. MarkP says:

    Last night (Australian time) I think I’ve witnessed the most blatant cheating/fix in a “democratic” election in my lifetime.

    It’s been incredible and incredulous !


  10. MarkP says:

    Counting unsealed, unsigned ballots that arrive in mystery vans at 4.00 a.m. is – literally* – stealing an election.

    Counting late, unsigned, improperly postmarked absentee ballots is not an election, it is fraud.

    The idea that the US election could be decided on the basis of fraudulent votes is despicable to me.

    In effect it’s a coup d’etat.


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