Putting a price cap on Russian oil.

Back in July when the idea of putting a price cap on Russian oil was first floated by the Biden administration, Putin commented quite wittily to some reporters on the effect such a poorly thought out move would have on the world price of oil. If the West block should really go for such a … Continue reading

The reaction to the sledgehammer by West block Europe.

First of all, let’s define terms. West block Europe is NATO and the EU combined since the latter is now totally perceived by the East block as nothing more than the hostile political arm of NATO being used to wage the economic sanctions war on Russia. The UK is a member of NATO but has … Continue reading

The Sledgehammer.

Over last weekend a conference called the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) took place. The chances are you might not even of heard it occurred but it did and what came out of it confirmed my worst fears of how dire a situation the US, EU and the West in general have managed to … Continue reading