Redux from 20th October 2016 – I wouldn’t trust them with my security. Why should you?

Though written four years ago, this one touches on several issues of current interest. It was written a couple of weeks before Trump’s victory which laid waste to a lot of carefully laid plans, not to mention years of patient work and money. Mice and assorted men ran in all directions after the shock and have since spent the last four years trying to get their half-assed version of a Seldon plan back on track.

Biden was then VP with weeks ago before he’d have not much more to do in his retirement than count the relative nickels and dimes he’d sold his office and country out for. Uncharacteristically, he showed some initiative in the sphere of foreign relations, which true to his adroit touch with complicated things, resulted in little Vladimir being handed a big win not just at home but in foreign lands. I guess Putin is made of sterner stuff than the much-storied Popcorn or whatever his name was supposed to have been.

Speaking of the Swamp, Hillary gets a mention too, although it must be said not a favourable one. She opened her big unthinking mouth and blew a very precise hole in the SPF of America’s nuclear deterrence. To hazard a guess, her briefings from the chiefs of staff in the aftermath were a mite lighter on the exact details of things. I’m sure they’d mixed feelings about her not becoming president.

Last but not least is a brief outline of how cyber warfare actually works, rather than the Hollywood version we’ve all grown to know and love. It’s particularly relevant because of the discovery last week that a very large chunk of industry standard software at the very heart of the government’s sprawling networks came with an unwanted extra, straight out of the manufacturer’s box. A complete access system hidden within their control system! The apparent carelessness of the manufacturer SolarWinds has ruined Christmas for a lot of network engineers worldwide. Needless to say, the work of some state actor and no doubt the Russians will get blamed yet again. I’d barely written those words and shazam, yet another CNN exclusive. Is there no end to their unnamed sources?

In the context of the Steal, everything needed on the cyber front to reverse the result was already in place.


“In June 1943 in the middle of WWII, US Congressman Andrew May visited Pear Harbour for a top-secret briefing on how the naval battle in the Pacific was progressing. Part of the briefing was the disclosure that US submarine losses were very light because the Japanese didn’t know how deep US subs could actually dive, so consequently set their depth charges to explode at too shallow a depth to be effective.

On his return to the states, May held a press conference stating among other things that America sub losses were particularly light because enemy depth charges were detonating too far above where the subs actually were. Silly Japs, tee hee. For reasons known only to themselves, the journalists present decided to include that snippet of information on the articles they wired for syndication across America, including papers in Honolulu. Obviously, Japanese intelligence monitored American press and radio.

Almost immediately losses of subs shot up because the Japanese were now setting the charges to go off at a greater depth. The commander of the US submarine feet in the Pacific at the time, Admiral Charles A. Lockwood, later estimated that May’s security breach had cost 800 lives and the loss of 10 submarines.”

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