It’s not rocket science, it’s a matter of conscience.

In September 1941 during WWII, two men met in Copenhagen ostensibly for a scientific symposium, but outside of it in the evenings and in a social context, they informally discussed the theoretical possibility of making a whole new type of bomb. They were the physicists Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg. Bohr was a Dane, whose country … Continue reading

Climategate, a crisis of conscience.

Sometimes in a life, you have to look at where you are and what you’ve become a part of, through the very best and the most innocent of intentions, and you don’t like yourself. It’s not somewhere you ever wanted or intended to be, but it is what it is. That’s where you are. Everyone … Continue reading

On climate science and all those leaks.

Over the last few years, we’ve had a number of substantial leaks of sensitive material from deep within the very heart of climate science. In each case, it’s been fairly obvious that the person doing it works in the field and is relatively senior, if only because they have access to such quantities of high-grade … Continue reading

Another whopping leak from the IPCC.

A substantial second leak, already nicknamed the Secret Santa leak, of further portions of the forthcoming IPCC AR5 has just occurred. There was a smaller leak of material last year, which was owned up to by the person who did it on their blog. While everyone is no doubt considering how on Earth to work their way through a … Continue reading

I’m looking for a snitch, who wants to get rich.

Blogging is one of those impossible to make a profit from activities you have to fit into all the necessities of life, such as looking after your family, making a living, paying your bills, hacking back that out of control Amazonian jungle you call a garden, repairing a leaky roof at some considerable personal risk … Continue reading

So, was climategate a hack after all?

This is going to be one of those difficult articles to write, just to make it easy to read. It’s going to get technical at points, because it has to, so there’s going to be more than a few detours to explain things, but bear with me. It’s Sunday afternoon, I’m wearing sunglasses indoors, it’s a … Continue reading

Skeptic blogger raided by the police because he was sent a link to the Climategate 2 release.

Yesterday, the home of the climate skeptic blogger Tallbloke, was legally invaded by six detectives from the Norfolk constabulary and the Metropolitan police. When they left, they took two laptops with them, stating that they would be returned after having their hard drives cloned. The previous day, the WordPress host of his site and the sites … Continue reading

Why Climategate was not a computer hack.

Why Climategate was not a computer hack. In the year since the Climategate material became public, I’ve read many articles on the effect the publication has had on the AGW debate. When it is referred to as a hack in them, I usually don’t bother reading any further. If the writer of the article is … Continue reading

Profile of the Climategate Whistleblower

Seeing as we’ve just passed the first anniversary of the Climategate leak, it might be of topical interest to repost a piece I did shortly after the emails became a blogosphere bombshell. In the time since then, the ‘hunt’ for the whistleblower has not met with any success that I’m aware of. I would be … Continue reading