Your children are part of the great reset.

About ten years ago, I wrote a short series of articles on how to use the internet safely. They covered basic security stuff but were needed at the time by a lot of people who were new to the whole idea of surfing the web. In essence, they covered the dangers, how the dangers operated … Continue reading

Absence has not made the heart grow fonder.

There’s going to be a number of things in this article that some people will take offense at. I’ll no doubt be variously judged to be a racist, misogynist, elitist, nationalist or whatever, but it’s only because I occasionally feel I have to speak my mind, and I’m not one of those bores who goes … Continue reading

Internet Security 4 : I’d like to ask a favour of you.

Pointman’s is an analysis and opinion piece blog, primarily aimed at fighting climate alarmism. When there’s something big in the news on that front and I think I have something to offer on it, I may go into blog overdrive and put out a few pieces on it but that’s the exception rather than the … Continue reading

Internet Security 3: The Worst Sort Of Predator.

This is a nasty, distasteful and distressing area to post a topic on but if it saves the happy childhood of one kid, it’ll be worth it. If you’re a parent, which I am, anything like this is tough going but I’d encourage you to read on. I think it was Will Rogers who said … Continue reading