Lockdown thoughts.

My grandmother had a saying during those occasional emergencies we’ve all lived through – some things are sent to try us. Its meaning was have some patience, hunker down, keep your powder dry and this thing you’ve no way of fighting will eventually wash over us and then be gone. She had a lot of … Continue reading

Life inside the bubble.

Over the years writing this blog, I’ve several times used the expression about certain people living inside a bubble. The people in question would be individuals within the political elite, fake news and the entertainment industry. It’s a phrase that is in common parlance these days because like all good words or phrases, it instantly … Continue reading

Trump booting out the World Health Organisation.

We all have areas of expertise. In terms of making a living and bringing in a steady income for your family, that expertise might vary from the most exotic to the very prosaic. Waitressing food to a table, office work, repairing a broken loo’s flush mechanism, administration, pumping gas, accountancy, running a good steady household … Continue reading

The arrogance and inhumanity of Nancy Pelosi.

We are in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. The last numbers I saw say that worldwide 440,000 people have been infected and there’ve been about 20,000 deaths attributed to it. Given those numbers and comparing them to the avian flu epidemic of 1919 which killed a conservatively estimated 50-100 million people across the globe … Continue reading