Your survival kit – Comms.

Every air force pilot on active service carries a small survival kit for use should he be downed. The contents vary from one air force to another, but usually contain a small assortment of essential items such as a compass that will help him to stay alive, remain at liberty and hopefully aid him in escaping to safety. It’s not a magic magic wand. What actually gets you home is a positive mental attitude, ingenuity, determination and a bit of help from whatever’s in the kit.

A lot of the 71 million people who voted Trump got shot down on November 3rd and I think are in need of a survival kit. This is the first in a small series of articles intending to furnish you with a kit. The first item in it is information, the absolute need to know what’s going on around them at this moment or in other words, the news being piped to you from various organs of the media.

If you get your news via the mainstream media (MSM) or social media, the dilemma is which one to believe. Even the ones people thought actually reported the news honestly and reflected their attitudes, turned out to be two-faced scoundrels when push came to shove on election night. I’d cite Fox News as a prime example of that, but a lot of news outlets and supposedly centre of the road commentators let slip their deceptive masks of impartiality that night.

To put it bluntly, you can’t trust any of them or any fact coming from them. More importantly, any news fact actually reported will be spun to favour the great pretender Biden or to damage the real President Trump. If it’s important and simply can’t be spun to their agenda – it’ll simply not be reported, as in the Hunter Biden scandal, the Biden crime family or nine months of “peaceful protesting” that involved unchecked violence, looting and burning down the centres of once great cities.

Bite down hard on that fact and never forget it from now forwards. Don’t believe a word they say. You’ll find it a liberating experience to just step off that mad, spinning carousel of misinformation, omission, censorship, spin and manipulation. Sure, keep a casual skim-read type of eye on them, but only to pick up what spin they’re trying to put on a news item for your consumption. That’s the only nugget of hard information that can be teased out of the 24/7 screaming wall of propaganda.

Remember, the single thing that’s most important to them is getting the correct spin. Nothing else.

You’ve gotta go small, towards the independent news dissemination sources which were always there but have grown at an absolutely staggering rate in the last seven days. They were created on shoestring budgets by independent-minded people who refused to accept the one and only narrative choice on issues like politics, religion, patriotism, nationalism and globalism. Above all, they’re censorship free and out of the clutches of an Orwellian big tech. The commonest debut comment by new people there is a variation of I can’t believe I can actually say what I’m thinking without one eye constantly on the censor.

The two I use are Gab and Parler, but there are others. They’re your big starters. The truly free and uncontrolled flow information in them will be your piece of string you hand-over-hand your way out of the fog of misinformation and back to being a truly informed citizen. There you’ll find links to uncensored articles, citizen videos of what’s actually happening in the streets and polling stations. You can interact with other like-minded people, the biggest benefit of which is you’ll soon realise you’re not alone. 

To install, register and use Gab or Parler, simply click on the links provided. Getting them on your mobile is more difficult since big tech refuse to offer them in their App shops because they refuse to knuckle down to big tech’s so-called community rules, otherwise known as do as we demand or we’ll strangle your business. It’s one of their monopoly abuse practices I hope Trump cracks down on when he wins.

I appeal to you Trumpers out there wishing to help, to add comments under this piece on how to do it, because I’m already working on tomorrow’s article. Oh for the good old days of only one article a week.

Refusing to use the platforms of the liars, censors and manipulators of the mainsteam/social media is your final parting boot in the ass to the lot of controlling and hypocritical scum, feeding like parasites off your information while at the same dictating what you can say, hear or think. Do it, join up and welcome back to a world of normal people.

I’ll catch you there.


Related articles by Pointman:

Click here for a list of all articles in the Survival Kit series.

Click here for a list of all articles in the Stop the Steal series.

Click for a list of other articles.

5 Responses to “Your survival kit – Comms.”
  1. John says:

    Does everyone need to receive a text from Parler to sign in?


  2. nb says:

    The single most useful tool I have is an RSS feed aggregator. I use feeddemon, but there are many others to choose from. The aggregator shows, in one place/program, updates to blogs and other websites to which I have subscribed using the RSS feed. Aggregators are super easy to use. Subscribing takes a couple of clicks. After that the blog content is delivered to you. Not all blogs or websites have an RSS feed, but many do, including pointman.


  3. workingman says:

    I am also using, which is an alternative to Facebook. Parler seems to me to be more twitter like. I subscribe to a number of US groups on FB and it amazing the number that are shutting down there and moving to MeWe.


  4. philjourdan says:

    The MSM is the YSM – Yellow Stream Media. And is reliable as a rubber crutch. I get my news from alternate news sites and then filter it for the bias. So I do not completely trust right wing sources, but that is at least closer to the truth so not as much spin to toss off.

    I use no social media. Period. This is the most social of media I use. And that is just to get perspective, not facts. However the facts are icing on the cake, so thank you for them.

    There are 71 million Americans who will never trust an election or media source again. Versus 69 million that probably will (and 5 million dead and voting who do not care).


  5. NoFixedAddress says:

    Interesting article in ‘The Australian Newspaper’ titled SAS Just Want The Truth.

    Its an interesting read.


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