I had my doubts about Theresa, but …

The demographics of the readership here have been remarkably consistent over the years. A quarter British based, another quarter mainland Europe, another from the Antipodes and the last but not least the final quarter from the new world. I’ve never focused on any particular one of those demographics, since what I object to and have chosen to fight is a global malaise and perhaps those demographics reflect that decision.

The vague common denominator is you’re mainly English speaking, or expressed in a more basic sense, Anglo-Saxons, and even looking at the European contingent, they’re mainly drawn from that same hardy stock.

The more important common denominator is that when push comes to shove, we are no good at being intimidated by anyone, no matter how powerful they are, no matter when all is lost or how overwhelming the situation might be. Never mind Barbarossa, Hitler cancelling operation sea lion was the biggest mistake he ever made. Can you imagine D-day ever being launched from across the width of the Atlantic?

The ordinary people in Britain had nothing but unrelenting months of Project Fear in the run up to the referendum. Every tin pot expert, every media outlet, every major party, every foreign party and even that content-free arsehole who currently masquerades as the President of the United States assured us that a brexit vote would leave us alone, isolated and doomed to collapse into a twenty-first century dark age off the coast of Europe. We weren’t just being assured of that, we were being threatened with it, and they’d see to it.

It was all a done deal, and everyone knew it. Everyone knew they’d scared us just enough, we’d wimp out, knowing there was no way we could possibly win and would get back into line.

Instead and gloriously, so bloody goddamn gloriously, the common man lived up to that stubborn Anglo-Saxon heritage, and waved two fingers at the whole lot of them, or a single finger if you come from the new world. The colonials are so much more efficient like that.

We told the whole pack of them to fuck off, we’d chance it alone, free once again to strike out into the world ourselves, confident and happy to be masters of our own destiny and not vassals of some quill-wielding clerks in some sleepy village on the bum pimple arse of the EU world that was inexorably tearing itself apart, despite the efforts of a decadent unelected bureaucracy that spent more on their haircuts in a month than most of us within it earned in a year.

Scotland and Northern Ireland voted yes because they suck on the EU teat, but outside glittering London, the shires made their mind known – we want out of the EU. Ignore our will at your peril.

In the immediate aftermath of the vote, we’ve had weeks of the establishment whingeing on and on, and even campaigning for a rerun of the referendum. For them, democracy is ideal, just as long as it comes back with a decision they approve of. You could nearly hear the whole establishment screeching like an ungreased axle. Having defied all the experts and finding the world hasn’t actually collapsed down on our heads, people are feeling cocky. If the whingers ever got a rerun, the Leavers would win even bigger.

Having won the referendum, exciting times ensued. The PM Cameron resigned and the power struggle began and that’s just politics. At the end of day, they’re all power junkies jostling to get to the top. After one horrendously disgraceful backstabbing, a new leader emerged; Teresa May.

She was a tepid Remainer and everyone knew her unopposed coronation, despite a momentary opposition from a lightweight, was an establishment coup. Or so they thought. En passant, have some Mozart.

The dread I had, like most Leavers, was she represented the paralysed icy fingers of the establishment once more getting hold of the situation. We’d be fighting the slow reverse mission creep of somehow always failing to leave a failed and failing experiment while all the while being assured the will of the people was being obeyed.

Well, excuse my French, but fuck me, within less than twenty four hours her cabinet appointments kicked that notion into touch.

First off, Boris Johnson, the in all but name leader of the Brexit campaign, was appointed Foreign secretary. David Davis, a respected politician of fierce integrity, was appointed to the new ministerial post of negotiating us out of the EU.

Best of all, the smarmy little back-stabbing bastard Michael Gove got the bum’s rush straight out of government.

She then abolished the DECC (Dept. of the Environment and Climate Change) and gave their building to the Ministry of Brexiteers.

Osborne, the Chancellor, got shown the door as well. With the exception of Boris (who everybody likes except the BBC, Guardian readers and most of norf London) she threw out all the Eton/Oxbridge/Bullingdon Club aristo smarmy bastards.

I rather think the establishment thought they were regaining control but they crowned somebody who mentioned that overlooked minority in her accession speech; young white boys who were the poorest performing demographic in the educational stakes.

From any practical perspective and noting that the opposition is in a complete shambles, her job as a leader is not only to put her party together as a community of souls, but also to stitch together a country in the wake of a harsh decision while at the same time implementing the will of the people.

Her gutsy decisions and the appointments made within less than twenty-four hours presage good things.


Independence day.

They’re not fit to rule us.

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25 Responses to “I had my doubts about Theresa, but …”
  1. Anita Dunne says:

    My thoughts exactly!


  2. Anita Dunne says:

    PS: But it’s ‘Theresa’, not ‘Teresa’!


  3. Oliver K. Manuel says:

    I have great restect for the BreExit voters and agree with your analysis.


  4. chris says:

    I agree! When I first heard that May had got the PM’s job in the bag, I was stone cold sure this was yet another establishment stitch up, and the move out of the EU would never happen.

    To say I am pleasantly surprised at May’s new appointments to office and throwing out most of Cameron’s cronies would be an understatement.

    So far, so good. I sincerely hope she keeps this up…


  5. Retired Dave says:

    Rearrange these words into a well known saying- they chickens your hatch count before don’t.

    The pea might need watching – she says today that Article 50 will not be triggered until Scotland is happy.

    I still say give the girl a chance, and the benefit of the doubt for now, given the team she has installed as you say Pointy.

    Interesting times


  6. erl happ says:

    This looks indeed hopeful. Abolished the Department of Climate Change you say. Wow. Are they coming to their senses?


  7. Jack says:

    A coup in Turkey as the President has been trying to move that nation to Islam.
    In Australia, millions have voted against the greens and major parties.
    In USA, polls keep putting Clinton in front. The only real lead she has is in pongness.
    People have had enough of being pushed around by politicians who think they are better than they are. Not only PC politicians but also that hidey hole for bizarre rulings, the marxist PC bureaucrats, unaccountable and unsackable and sneaky push this rule over people not for people.


  8. NZPete says:

    So refreshing! I’ve followed this closely. Good times for the Anglo-Saxon sphere, I hope. I loved your tweet on the matter too, Pointy.
    Even better news is hearing that DECC has been disbanded.
    “Well, excuse my French, but fuck me, within less that twenty four hours…”
    “that” should be “than”.
    Your antipodean reader.

    Fixed, thanks Pete.


    • Retired Dave says:

      Hi Pete,

      One of the big opportunities that Brexit allows is proper free trade with NZ. Many of us old folk remember that the UK abandoned our friends (no, family really) in NZ and elsewhere to join the EU and its anti-trade stance with much of the world.

      It isn’t seen as PC these days to mention the war, but our recent commemoration of the Somme emboldens me to say that some of us still have great remembrance for those Kiwis who came, fought and died for us twice in the last century, only for NZ to be treated shamefully by us in the decades to follow.

      Proud to be British? What have we left to be proud of?


      • NZPete says:

        Hello Dave. I’m one of thoese “older” folk, though not yet retired. My father fought in WWII with the South African Air Force, attached to the RAF. We emmigrated to NZ in 1962, when I was quite young.
        I well remember the constant battle through the 60s and 70s as NZ fought to retain access to the British market with it’s dairy and lamb exports. The EEC as it was back then had this monstrous butter mountain, which made it difficult for us.
        My culture is most decidedly British, and I’m thrilled that Brexit has prevailed. I see some hope in this, but it’s a rapidly changing world in which we live.
        I feel priviledged to live in NZ, when compared to many other countries on this planet. Thank you for your kind words.
        Warmest regards,


  9. Blackswan says:


    My only reservation about Ms May’s appointment as PM is that she has declared Britain will continue to be bound by the European Court of Human Rights.

    As Foreign Secretary, ECHR rulings were Ms May’s constant excuse for her failure to deport tens of thousands of convicted EU and other foreign criminals who’d served prison terms in the UK – their rights to ‘family life’ outweighed Britain’s right to rid herself of convicted rapists, murderers, drug tzars and people smugglers.

    Any foreign crook can get any British national female knocked up and then claim a right to family life whether they’ve had any interaction with the child or not. The taxpayer has been supporting said ‘family’ and will inevitably continue to do so.

    Nothing is preventing this ‘dearly beloved family’ from joining the miscreant in his homeland so why is the ECHR edict invoked to allow him and his brood to live on UK taxpayer largesse indefinitely?

    It doesn’t make sense. Frau Frump warned that UK Brexiters would not be permitted to “cherry pick” bits of the Lisbon Treaty to suit themselves – it’s all or nothing. So why would Ms May choose the ECHR (of all things) to begin her exit negotiations with?

    Surely restoring British territorial waters and fishing rights would be a better place to start.

    As for the DECC … Hallelujah!!! Dare we hope that this might signal a complete collapse of Climate Fraud around the world?

    Good luck to you all in Blighty as you begin this promising epoch in your political landscape – the rest of us can only hope the contagion of Independence spreads.


  10. David says:

    Good article Pointy.

    I like the idea of Boris as Foreign Secretary. Given his record of upsetting those who need upsetting it is a good choice. There are a lot of “foreign” wankers who need to be told a few home truths.

    If some of the establishment had read Kipling’s “The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon” and had the wit to understand it they may not have found themselves in the metaphorical tumbril on the way to oblivion..

    Another Antipodean reader.


  11. Selwyn H says:

    My “Scouse” father would have been proud of you Brits voting for Brexit but my daughter who got her British passport on the strength of her ancestry liked the idea of being able to work and travel easily in Europe which is why so many youngsters voted against it and here in Australia her Brit friends were aghast and wished they had voted. In a competition many years ago in England to decide on the Boy Scouts motto the winning entry was “Be Prepared” but Dad always reckoned his entry “Up Boys and At Em” was a better one. Your politicians obviously weren’t prepared for this outcome but Theresa May looks like following my father’s ideas with her brilliant cabinet appointments.


  12. auralay says:

    “Scotland and Northern Ireland voted yes because they suck on the EU teat…”
    I am proud of my Welsh countrymen ( / women / insert gender here) who also voted leave. We had a relentless barrage of fear from our glorious leader (Jones the first) who claimed he would not get so much largess from Westminster as we scrounge from the EU. I think it got peoples backs up – it certainly did mine! We have such a strong labour tradition here that few would admit in public how they felt but in the privacy of the voting booth …


  13. beththeserf says:

    Across hemisphere’s shared yr doubts the Brexiteers would withstand
    the fear campaign, elation that they did, then doudt re Theresa May’s
    political will to bring it to fruition. For reasons you state, Hey, DECC,
    reason to hope. Good luck, Brits.


  14. Roo says:

    Sorry about this being a month late, but I just found ya and I don’t know how.

    Every tin pot expert, every media outlet, every major party, every foreign party and even that content-free arsehole who currently masquerades as the President of the United States assured us that a brexit vote would leave us alone, isolated and doomed to collapse into a twenty-first century dark age off the coast of Europe.

    Being a new worlder who uses 1 finger instead of 2, I love this! But you are too kind to this president. He spent way too many years (8) in a spot he should have never been in. The young generation who voted him in, will learn.

    Best of luck U.K. in your new era. And Teresa May, best of everything to you as PM.

    “Onward thru the fog”


  15. xmfclick says:

    On the other hand, there’s Richard North’s view on the matter, over at EuReferendum.com, which is that the team of Davis, Fox and Johnson have been set up to fail: “OK, you won the referendum, now YOU sort out the mess”. North is scathing about both Johnson and Davis, in terms of Davis not understanding detail that he should be in command of, and Johnson being a serial liar [North’s words, not mine]. I have a lot of respect for North, who has been right about a lot of things — I hope he’s wrong about this, but I fear he may not be.


  16. Fred Furkenburger says:

    I hope to God you are right Pointie!


  17. Pointman says:

    Britain already has TEN Brexit trade deals lined up with economic powerhouses.




  18. Oliver K. Manuel says:

    The danger of public policy based on “97% consensus science,” glued together with government research funds, will be discussed at the London GeoEthics Conference on September 8-9, 2016. A time is scheduled for questions after each presentation.

    Click to access london-prel-program-3b1.pdf


  19. Andrew Duffin says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong but did Mrs. May just hand a veto to the SNP? Is the Scottish tail about to wag the English dog yet again? I do hope not.


  20. Santa's Little Helper says:

    I always turn to Kipling…he understood the English….

    “The Saxon is not like us Normans. His manners are not so polite.
    But he never means anything serious till he talks about justice and right.
    When he stands like an ox in the furrow – with his sullen set eyes on your own,
    And grumbles, ‘This isn’t fair dealing,’ my son, leave the Saxon alone.

    “You can horsewhip your Gascony archers, or torture your Picardy spears;
    But don’t try that game on the Saxon; you’ll have the whole brood round your ears.
    From the richest old Thane in the county to the poorest chained serf in the field,
    They’ll be at you and on you like hornets, and, if you are wise, you will yield.


  21. AndrewZ says:

    Theresa May is what we’ve got. What she really stands for (if anything) and what she really intends to do is all TBC. Prime Minister May is a blank that has not yet been filled in.


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