One to keep an eye on – Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy

All is change, just ask any geologist who hasn’t fallen victim to the steady state climate mania. Things also constantly change in the political world. The old order changeth, yielding place to the new. It’s for that reason I keep an eye out for the promising ascendants who might become big in the future. Some burn out or simply fail to ignite. They turn out fairly early to be all big cowboy hat and no cattle, as the saying goes.

Some others are either a work in early progress or someone who looks to be working their way to top table politics. Kennedy looks to be one of the latter and he ticks a lot of boxes for me. He switched from being a Democrat to a Republican in Obama’s reign when that wasn’t the smart move. A forgivable wander through life. As Churchill observed, if you’re not left wing in your youth, you don’t have a heart. If you’re not right wing when you grow up, you don’t have a head.

It’s not like he’s dumb – academically he picked up a first class law degree from decent university in Virginia and garnished it with another one from Magdalen College, a place of learning still noted for not indulging less incisive minds in these academically degenerate times.

He has a very respectable list of law publications to his credit and used his expertise to publically disembowel some dubious judicial nominations at confirmation hearings where he asked some not very basic questions to some people who thought they were in the closing length of a shoo in. The nominations were withdrawn. They were Trump nominees, so he’s not afraid to go against the grain. At the same time, he was one of the pitifully few non-RINO Republican senators to object to certifying some of the state results in the presidential election of 2020. The rest of them sniffed which way the wind was blowing and arse licked up to the new regime because they knew that was the smart thing to do. He has grit.

I’m fortunate in having been admitted to certain email chains where some hard-working people put together links to articles for circulation. I won’t mention their names, but it’s much appreciated since it gives me the inside story on a lot of what’s occurring. When I use the term inside story, it doesn’t infer flaky conspiracy stuff, but real hard intel from the operators without all the medialand BS.

My thanks to all those unpaid heroes who never take their shoulder off the steady push uphill.

One of the recent emails concerned Mr. Kennedy, no relation to the Massachusetts clan by the way. It was essentially quotes of him and was indicative of how funny he could be. In an age of politicians who need cue cards to order a meal, they were a tick box for me. He was born in Mississippi and raised in Louisiana, so there’s a lot of Southern salt in them and more than a bit of Will Rodgers. See what you make of them.

About Cuomo lecturing us – “It is like a frog calling you ugly.”

“This election in GA will be the most important in history, you have nothing to worry about unless you are a taxpayer, parent, gun owner, cop, person of faith, or an unborn baby!”

He describes Democrats as the “well intended arugula and tofu crowd.”

“You can only be young once, but you can always be immature “

“Americans are thinking, there are some good members of Congress but we can’t figure out what they are good for. Others are thinking, how did these morons make it through the birth canal.”

“Always Follow your heart …but take your brains with you.”

“The short answer is ‘No.’ The long answer is ‘Hell No.’”

“It must suck to be that dumb.”

“When the Portland mayor’s IQ gets up to 75, he oughta sell.”

“I keep trying to see Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer’s point of view, but I can’t seem to get my head that far up my ass.”

“Go sell your crazy somewhere else. ..we are all stocked up here.”

“She has a Billy goat brain and a mockingbird mouth!”

” I trust Middle Eastern countries as much as gas station sushi, with the exception being Israel.”

“You can get a goat to climb a tree, but you’d be better off hiring a squirrel.”

“This has been going on since Moby Dick was a minnow.”

“Don’t stand between a dog and a fire hydrant.”

Of government shutdown looms – “Our country was founded by geniuses, but it’s being run by idiots.”

“It appears he might do the right thing, but only when supervised and cornered like a rat.”

“This is why aliens won’t talk to us.”

“Democrats are running around like they found a hair in their biscuit.”

“Chuck Schumer just moo’s and follows Nancy Pelosi into the cow chute.”

“What planet did you parachute in from?”

“Just because you CAN sing doesn’t mean you should.”

On Nancy Pelosi, “She can strut sitting down!”

It’s all very clever stuff but it remains to be seen if he’ll ignite as a major figure on the political stage. Will he just turn out to be yet another articulate and witty smartass perennially on the sidelines sniping at the big players, or will he have the political acumen and balls to go for the crown?

Time will tell.


Related articles by Pointman:

The steady-state environment delusion

Click for a list of other articles by Pointman.

10 Responses to “One to keep an eye on – Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy”
  1. I’m afraid he’s another Lindsay Graham – an influencer, not a leader.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Peter Shaw says:

    Yes John, we shall see.


  3. another ian says:


    Does the US top general get the nickname of “Elphie” for comparison?

    And people in Uk and elsewhere have wondered since 1940 how the US would handle its “Dunkirk”. No sign of the “small boats fleet” as yet.


    • babygrandparents says:

      Well with the Afghanistan debacle going on we now know how the US will handle its Dunkirk. Just like Viet Nam


  4. Fraizer says:

    You OK pointy? You have alluded to health issues. Praying that you and yours are OK.


    • Pointman says:

      Thank you for your concern and your prayers. I’m pretty sure my conversation with St. Peter with his ledger before the pearly gates needs all the help it can get. Somewhere in one of Shakespeare’s plays there’s a line about sorrows – when they come it’s not in single spies but in battalions. I’m getting mobbed at the moment, so my blogging activities are going to be curtailed.



  5. another ian says:

    Hi Pointyt


    “Ask your doctor”

    Via a comment at Chiefio


  6. another ian says:

    Hi Pointy

    O/T again – The spirit is still alive


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