Happy birthday Pointman’s.

It doesn’t seem like it, but it’s been a year since I started this blog. I started it for a number of reasons and with more than a few reservations but with some modest hopes in sight, so now seems to be an appropriate time to think about how it’s doing and the experience of being a blogger. I’ve made some mistakes but I’ve learnt a lot too. It’s been a journey from some hopeful aspirations to more realistic expectations.

I wanted to establish a stable forum where reasoned discussions could take place free of the commercial vicissitudes of blogs which are owned and operated by media interests and therefore out of the control of the blog’s author. Nobody owns this blog, neither me nor any of its contributors and nobody, including me, is making a penny out of it. It, like me, has no buttons to be pressed or pressure points to be exploited by any external parties whatsoever. That is a real measure of freedom.

There were already many good blogs out there but I’d always felt that while they covered various aspects of the global warming debate, the dedicated political blog of a certain type was conspicuously absent. Yes, they all of course touched upon it occasionally and some more than others but it was nearly always within the context of a blog whose mainstay was the science or commenting on the news. I felt there was a worthwhile niche, which discussed the Realpolitik and most especially the information war aspects of the thing.

Realpolitik or reality politics is all about assessing trends dispassionately from the viewpoint of someone who has no particularly strong politics because that can cloud your judgement. It’s about seeing it as it is rather than how you’d like it to be or how you’ve been led to believe it is. The Arabs have a saying that the distance between the truth and a lie is the width of a man’s hand; that’s to say, the distance between his ear and his eye. It’s what you see in front of you with your own eyes that matters, not what you’ve been told about it.

The climate activists do information war, not science. That is merely a veneer of authority to be used selectively in any way which will advance their political objectives. They do information war in all its guises; propaganda, disinformation, censorship, misrepresentation, character assassination, lies, intimidation and the rewriting of history. Science just provides ammunition in the form of sound-bite bullets of information which are to be used judiciously or suppressed if they aren’t on message. 

Global warming has always been about politics, not science. Climate science just allowed itself to be used by a loose collection of diverse interests as their bitch. It has erected a sequence of straw man conjectures masquerading as scientific theories, which many very good blogs and their contributors have spent a lot of energy demolishing but while that was occupying them, the activists have had free rein in the arena of public opinion. In the main, this blog dwells very rarely on science, a thing I love, and on the few occasions when it does, I’m careful not to assume any particular expertise on the part of the reader. If you’re writing very technical or very clever stuff that nobody but yourself understands, then it’s a complete waste of everyone’s time. That’s the vanity blogging trap.

I do have some knowledge about certain areas of science, so those are always the difficult simple pieces to write. The blog’s intended audience is the ordinary person who knows vaguely something is wrong and would like a clear understanding of the issues. My aim was to attempt to provide those clear explanations. While they may not be persuaded by anything here, at least they’ll hopefully understand the issues a bit better or failing that, come to understand a skeptic’s viewpoint. Who knows, perhaps for once they’ll get a realistic picture of a typical skeptic.

In its heyday, the propaganda arm of the movement, in the form of the mainstream media, decided to marginalise any who would criticise it to the lunatic fringe. We got banished to the UFO and crop circles crowd and that played for a decade or so. It was the usual dehumanising of opponents that every totalitarian movement goes in for. They’ve never quite decided if we’re supposed to be ignorant rednecks or the paid lackeys of big oil. It’s easier for them to think about us in terms of those simplistic stereotypes, which is why they don’t really understand us. That has been a persistent mistake on their part; you should always get to know your enemy intimately.

Personally, I don’t have a problem with being underestimated because it gives you more room for manoeuvre than you might otherwise have. I do spend time on alarmist blogs, especially the militant ones, and have contributed to them on a regular basis for a number of years but it’s only ever been about studying them. If you listen long enough to a person, they’ll eventually tell you exactly what’s in their heart. I sit at their feet humbly and listen to their ramblings and learn about them. They make their plans and I occasionally help out but I craft my own ones too.

I understand them. They’ve been taught not to believe in anything substantial and been told that’s somehow slick and sophisticated by a politico-media machine that’s only there to exploit them and extract the last buck out of them. They reject Capitalism but the designer label of the moment is very important to them. They’re picky about their food in a way that only a person who’s never missed a meal in their life is. They think in predictable patterns and only group-approved ones as well. In their own way, they’re uniform and strictly conformist, though they don’t realise this. They desperately want to belong to something, anything, just as long as it has meaning.

There is something essentially sad and angry and empty about their lives and this is perhaps because when you have the idea firmly planted in your mind that humanity is somehow a destructive plague on the face of the Earth, then it’s difficult to find in your heart any real love and affection for your fellow human beings. It’s easier to commit yourself to fighting some nebulous Armageddon an unspecified number of years off into some vague and distant future. That way, you don’t have to confront the real sweaty human problems of today. They are at bottom the orphaned and alienated products of parenting and an education system that was so considerate of their rights, it was too hesitant to give them anything to believe in. Vacuums always get filled. I suppose the appropriate saying at this point is that if you believe in nothing then you’ll believe in anything but it’s more than that, so much more than that.

Sometime in your life, you must decide what’s important to you, what lines you will not cross and what you will actually stand for against all comers, irrespective of the cost, because if you don’t stand for something real, you’ll fall for anything and it’ll be by slow degrees; you won’t even notice each well-intentioned step crossing those lines all the way down the pathway to Hell until you arrive there. But enough about them, they do make me feel sad, especially because I have a genuine affection for some of them.

A minor reason for starting a blog was the prevalence of trolling on other blogs I contributed to. All too often, a thoughtful article was never actually discussed because the thread was immediately hijacked by what was obviously a flash mob of obnoxious creatures manufactured on demand by sites like George Monbiot’s Trolls R Us, who were only there to do precisely that. They are Orwell’s sheep at the back of the meeting room, orchestrated to drown out dissenting viewpoints. A simple problem with a simple solution; this blog is a troll-free zone, the policy is zero tolerance. If I should fail to spot them on the way in, that’s okay. When they eventually give themselves away, they’ll be banned and every comment they’ve ever made here will be deleted. Sometimes, it’s nice to be God.

The reservations I had tended to be entangled with the objectives. A common format of blog articles is to quote and comment upon content from another source and while I’ve no problem with that – it’s fair commentary after all and it’s the sort of analysis blog I like to read – I wanted to do something a bit more old-fashioned, articles along the lines of discussion documents or essays, if you will. Not quite the thoughts of Chairman Pointy but definitely my honest personal viewpoints.

I’ve been given to understand by a friend in the advertising business that the average website gets on average 38 seconds of the average visitor’s time before they bop on out to somewhere else. Given those simple metrics, I knew what I wanted to do at Pointman’s would never catch on in any mass market because I can’t do 38 second articles that have any meaning. I also choose not to shrink-simplify things into 38 second sound bites and if you’ve got to this sentence, maybe you’re one of those persons who knows not everything can be shoe-horned into 38 seconds. You choose to read it then you get me too, with my all too human warts and all.

On the warty front, it’s all too easy to start thinking about how what you’ve written will make you look but right from the start, I made the decision to be brutally frank, even if that’s to be at my own expense. I’ve never been dishonest with the reader or told a lie on this blog. If there’s one thing missing from articles and so much of the modern fiction I read, it’s honesty. Everyone seems to have gone to journalism or writer’s skool and skipped out the bit of knocking around in life long enough to actually learn something about it. They are TS Eliot’s hollow men with nothing inside them to write about so they write about nothing and it sells. If I’m wrong, then I’m honestly wrong, even if hellfire awaits me. That damn Latimer has a lot to answer for.

The pale substitute for honesty seems to be a contrived contrarian sensationalism, which is just another way of short-changing the reader and lying to them and it’s no mitigation if you’re doing that in a good cause. We all may have to get down and dirty occasionally and use some sharpened entrenching tools in the fight but basic dishonesty is the sort of crap I’m fighting against.

Writing anything takes time; simple clean English takes a lot longer. It’s for that reason I thought I’d be hard pressed to get two decent pieces out a month but looking over the year’s content, I appear to have done slightly better than that, which is a surprise. Like every other blogger, I have to multitask so any activity that doesn’t address life’s essentials or bring in a bit of money, tends to get pushed to the bottom of the to-do list. There are a number of other factors which will ensure this will never be a daily blog.

This is not a news blog, too many other blogs do a fine job of that. I don’t do content-free and I don’t do dumbed-down; if I’ve got nothing meaningful to say about a particular topic then I won’t be remarking on it. If the whole of the blogosphere is commenting on a particular event, then I’ll only ever cover it if I think I’ve got something new to contribute to the discussion. Clarity of expression is important to me, so I work on an article until I’m satisfied with both the content and how it’s expressed. I work for a very tough editor but he always lets me decide when something is ready to see the light of day.

There were some very real security concerns about coming out from under the radar and establishing a fixed abode on the internet. There are individuals and certain groups out there, whose dedication to the grand task of saving the planet means there are no bounds and no limits to what they are prepared to do. I had some nasty experiences with them back in the days when I rather innocently commented under my own name but I learnt from those experiences. It was not happenstance that the very first post in a series of articles here on internet security was about the merits of anonymity. To underline the point, it was followed by a few technical articles on the internet which should have left nobody in any doubt that I know something about the esoteric arts of the darker side of the net.

Despite having painted my shed on the internet with lurid black and yellow warning stripes, I’ve had to make a public example of someone who was sent here to play public games and on two occasions, private examples of wannabe hackivists, who thought they were safely hidden. They know better now. First and last warning; next time around, I do the names, addresses and all connections thing as a blog piece. Everyone will get their fifteen minutes of fame. Everyone.

I think it was the poet WH Auden who said words to the effect that “as every school child knows, those to whom evil is done, do evil in return.”

There is an additional bonus to blogging anonymously, it allows you to be franker than you might otherwise be. A friend, who’s well into analysing people, said there’s someone else inside me that I don’t share. This is true of most people but in a very real sense, blogging gives me uninterrupted time to let that person explain themselves. It allows me to talk openly about the things I find joy in and the things that hurt me too. Some stuff goes deep either way and that’s just the way everyone’s life is. Being able to share those highs and lows with others helps you appreciate or cope with them.

A very big benefit of blogging is you get to meet a lot of new people. A blog is nothing without interaction from other contributors. Some prefer to comment here directly and some do so by email for their own reasons. They’re drawn from various countries in Europe, the Americas, the Orient and the Antipodes. It’s fascinating to read their take on events in their homelands. Some go to the trouble of posting in English rather than their mother tongue and I deeply appreciate that. If that should ever get too frustrating for them, I’d encourage them to post in their own language; we can all use Babelfish and google translate. We’ve yet to hear from anyone in Africa but I’m hopeful that might happen one day.

The big reservation I had about starting a blog was my estimate of how ineffective blogging actually is in terms of its effect on the broader public. Realistically, we’re a long way from it being anything like a mass opinion former, though I hope the argument that blogging may be influential in certain policy framing quarters might possibly be true. I think of that as the Optimistic Domino theory of blogging.

If you are skeptical of the whole man-made global warming movement, then there are elements of sensory deprivation to it, in the sense that you can’t help but feel you’re quite isolated. Your views are not reflected in any reasonable fashion in any of the organs of the mainstream media and your attempts to present a counter argument are usually censored. So often, I write a piece and I can sense the commentators heaving a silent sigh; thank God then, it’s not just me that thinks it’s rubbish. Blogging, if it accomplishes nothing else, breaks that isolation and unites kindred spirits around the globe.

This blog exists because I believe if you’re going to blog, you have to commit it to something and then fight for it and fight again and keep on fighting. My intellectual commitment and what talents I bring to bear are merely products of my mind but they originated and are always fuelled by my feelings of anger at the damage being done to the defenceless and invisible victims of environmental politics in the developing world. They are the always overlooked collateral damage of our trendy experiments in feel good lifestyles. At the end of the day, even their own political leaders don’t give a damn about them. More often than not, their energies are devoted to diverting the wealth of the country and any foreign aid monies, to their retirement funds in Switzerland.

Strong emotions like anger and hate are out of fashion nowadays, we’re not supposed to do them, but experience has taught me that sometimes, when there’s nothing else left in the fuel tank, they’ll keep you going just fine. It’s a deep deep well I dip into during the inevitable black moments when I wonder if it’s worth blogging at all. One look at the latest stats of deaths caused by the switch from growing staples to biofuel crops, rampant Malaria because of the DDT ban, famine and starvation caused by a refusal to let the developing world have access to genetically modified crops and infant deaths from respiratory diseases caused by the smoke from having to burn dried animal dung indoors because there’s no other power available to cook or for warmth and it puts me right back in the field with a vengeance.

I’m in the fight for them and though in the long run, I know in all likelihood my efforts may not make any difference at all, they just might make some, so I won’t be going away. Around the world, one of the biggest killers of infants is still dehydration, brought on by chronic diarrhea. Their lives could be saved by a one nickel tablet containing not much more than chalk. I don’t have those tablets and I’ll never have enough nickels and maybe there just aren’t enough nickels in the world but I can remind people that’s the world we should really be fighting to save and perhaps I might plant a seed of doubt in the minds of those who’re so certain they know exactly what’s best for other people.

In the last twenty years, it’s been estimated that 98 billion US dollars have been spent worldwide on the science to study man-made global warming, though whether it’s actually getting warmer, never mind mankind being the culprit, are still highly debated and debatable points. It’s late and I’m tired and I don’t know off the top of my bloody head, but just how many nickels are there in 98 billion dollars?

Don’t worry about answering that. It doesn’t matter any more. The money has already been spent and it’s gone, just like those kids.

I’ve come to think of blogging as occasionally writing a message on a piece of paper, rolling it up carefully and putting it in a bottle. I put the cork back firmly and walk down to the shore of that great heaving electric-blue ocean of information that the internet truly is, and I wait for a particularly strong incoming wave. When it arrives, I throw the bottle as hard and as far into it as I possibly can and I hope. I stand and watch it bobbing in the surf until it eventually floats out of sight and wonder what strange shore it might wash up on and who might open it and then I walk home.

The act of faith is complete until the next time.


Related articles by Pointman :

Love is simply not an option.

Click for a list of other articles.

57 Responses to “Happy birthday Pointman’s.”
  1. *http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4SLSlSmW74


  2. Blackswan says:


    Congratulations and Happy Birthday.

    In “that great heaving electric-blue ocean of information that the internet truly is”, there are treacherous undercurrents, sharks and other predatory creatures who seek to feed on the unwary. We sometimes paddle ashore to find ourselves on a barren island, or worse, to find it inhabited by insatiable cannibals.

    Then again we scramble ashore to find a welcome sanctuary. Better still, we find fellow-travellers there who are like-minded or who can teach us much, offering a perspective we might not have considered before. Your blog is such an island.

    When I first dived into those swirling waters looking for information on AGW I could not understand the complex scientific arguments that raged. I just remembered basic high school science from decades earlier and knew that a building-block of Life was not any kind of pollution. I really appreciated the patience of the few who, like yourself, explained in layperson’s terms just what the issues in question were.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us – always likely to stir some interesting exchanges. I really like your Fiction section, especially your novel Line of Descent. If I was a Movie Prodoocer, we’d have to ‘do lunch’ sometime … LOL


  3. Blackswan says:

    BTW, found this little gem in the Sydney DT which may be of interest and explains much …

    “SENIOR bureaucrats in the state government’s environment department have routinely stopped publishing scientific papers which challenge the federal government’s claims of sea level rises threatening Australia’s coastline, a former senior public servant said yesterday.”


    “You have to ask yourself why they were rejected, considering they had been peer reviewed, and the Fort Denison tide data is among the longest continuous data of its type available in the world.

    “There’s never been a sensible explanation of why they have stopped these papers.”

    Enough said.


  4. Skiphil says:

    Happy Birthday to your blog, and thanks for creating this great place in webworld!

    p.s. Have you seen this one:


    I had been wondering why I never seem to see any info on this ARGO buoys project, since that would seem to be a source of extensive data about current heat, energy, and temperatures across a wide portion of planet earth. It seems that the data is quite “inconvenient” to the CAGW “cause” and so it is being kept as obscure as possible.

    There can be no doubt that if this data were at all useful to “the cause” we would be hearing about it constantly…..


    • Pointman says:

      Hello and welcome Skiphi. Yes, a typical cracker of a piece by Jo. Do you get the feeling that words like “inconvenient” and “global warming” are coming back to haunt the alarmists? Enjoy yourself here.



  5. Will Delson says:

    One of your bottles has only recently washed up at my feet here on the shores of the Tennesse River in North Alabama. I found your speculation on the profile of the climategate leaker unique and insightful and I quite enjoy your style of writing. I’ve added you to my list of blog sites and I’ll check back frequently. Happy birthday to your blog. Roll Tide, y’all.


    • Pointman says:

      Hello and welcome Will. Always a pleasure to meet a Po’ Boy from the great state of Alabama.



    • Pointman says:

      … and any man fortunate enough to live on a great river will never need a television.



      • Sleuth says:

        Same thing goes for the ocean. I read a terrific “extra” piece in a Sunday news supplement many years ago. It listed in order,the top 10 vista’s that the majority of people found to be their ultimate “view’ or aspect for feeling serene and secure. Amongst the others as well as a great river and an ocean were, mountains, waterfalls and a log fire.I think snow came into to the mix somewhere, sadly too long ago to remember it all Cheers Sleuth


  6. K.Montgomery says:

    1.98×10^12 nickles.

    So much could be done with that much money. I think of it in terms of lost opportunity. Also, somewhat selfishly in terms of lost manned space exploration.

    We really have regressed as a civilization in the last 35 years or so, haven’t we? Is it caused by the global warming socialists, or are they a manifestation of it?


    • Pointman says:

      Hello and welcome K or should that be Monty? Yes, a complete waste of money, a fraction of which could have removed a lot of misery from the world.

      About space exploration; I think we’ll sail those seas again. We’re too restless to stay on one planet.



  7. Mack I Avelli says:

    Congratulations on your blog anniversary and also on such a well written and thoughtful posting. I too am a real greenie who initially fell for the watermelon BS on global warming. A few years ago when the penny dropped that “the global warming scam” was the “greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud” ( vale Hal Lewis) since Lysenko I always read Delingpoles blog. I was too timid to contribute and was still learning. It didn’t take long to work out that Pointmans contributions were not to be missed. One of your best lines has been “follow the money”, sad but true. I still read Delingpoles posts but can’t face the crap below. Your analysis of FOIA is without peer is my review. Pointmans blog is now on my favourites bar and I now visit daily. Keep up the good work. I look forward to another year of your intelligent and entertaining posts. Perhaps now is the time for you to get a tip jar.
    Regards from down under.


  8. petra says:

    I found one of your bottles months ago and traced it back to here. Dont give up and keep throwing those bottles.


  9. amcoz says:

    Happy birthday P.

    Your comments mirror almost all my thoughts and hope to see many more posts.

    Like you, I am angered by the frivolous waste of time and money by people with political intentions – for power only – rather than resolving the causes of impoverishment of the many, who have little chance of survival. The global warming / climate change hoax has to be one man’s most egregious efforts to date in this regard.


  10. Sleuth says:

    Congratulations and many happy returns,”Literally ” so to speak. I read your piece this morning and had intended to reply immediately, however an unexpected package in the shape of a child was dropped in and I have been up to my elbows in paint, stick tape and once outside, water for most of the day.I’m glad I didn’t reply then, as I have pondered over your brilliant essay for most of that time. When I look into those little eyes and and the half smile and see the trust and love staring back at me I can feel the outrage coming over me at the utter immorality of this God forsaken clique. How dare they.I am no academic or a philosopher,s bootlace but I found the statement that you made about choosing what one stands for at some stage and rolling with it, most thought provoking. I loath injustice, for good reason and it makes me so angry that innocent families are just dismissed as necessary collateral fallout. They are so very, very evil. I am so very pleased I tracked you down and found the “joint”! Enjoy Swanny as well as a fellow countryman. Cheers from Sleuth


    • Blackswan says:

      Hello Sleuth,
      As a fellow-Aussie it’s good to see you here. Children have the happy knack of reminding us of what’s important don’t they? I think you’ve expressed what most of us feel and why it’s good to see rational comment like we find at Pointman’s place.


  11. Edward. says:

    I shall raise a glass of Black Bush to you tonight Pointy, your posts always a pleasure of incisive content and concise prose.

    Thank you friend.


  12. Hillbilly33 says:

    Congratulations Pointman. I found one of your bottles at Jo Nova’s site and immediately recognised in you someone who seemed to have put many of my own thoughts on paper and expressed them far more eloquently than I could have done. In general, blog sites have offered great places to vent the frustration felt by those of us who have such a feeling of helplessness at the onesided MSM coverage of the AGW scam.

    However, some sites are “jewels” and achieve the status of “must visit”. Yours is one such site and it is wonderful at 78+ for me to be able to say that although still not very IT savvy, I have learnt so much about so many interesting things over the last few years.

    I also give thanks to the many erudite posters who inhabit the blogworld. What a wonderful resource they provide, not only with their intelligent comments but also the links they provide to so many informative sites. It’s like having our own vast intelligence service.

    For instance, I just placed the following post at the Sydney DT link provided by BlackSwan but of course, it may not be published.

    “Climate change has been happening naturally, cyclically and chaotically since Time began and will continue to do so until Time as we know it ceases!

    Are there really people out there so gullible and scientifically illiterate that they actually believe Man or any other power on this Earth can either stop or control climate change or limit rises and falls in temperature?

    Basically, rather than spending money on preparing for natural disasters we know will continue to occur and trying to relieve world poverty by providing access to food, clean water, sanitation, basic medical care and affordable energy, this patently absurd “belief” is what has led to billions of dollars being wasted, and continuing to be wasted in pursuit of the comic-book science-fiction dream of controlling the climate!

    For the sake of all humanity, wake up, swallow your pride, admit you were misguided and start demanding self-serving politicians, financiers and all the carpet-baggers making fortunes out of this scam start addressing some of the real priorities outlined above!”

    Finally from beautiful Tasmania, the home of one of the early scientific warriors fighting the manmade global warming fraud, the late great and much respected John L Daly, our first two official days of summer have been very much on the cool side with cold showers and winds in Hobart and snow flurries in the mountains.

    Cheers and best early Christmas wishes to you all.


    • Blackswan says:

      G’day Hillbilly,

      Good to find a fellow Tasmanian at Pointy’s joint. I’ve been championing Prof John Daly wherever I can on the blogosphere for a couple of years now. His untimely death in 2004 was what prompted that reptile Phil Jones to declare it was “cheering news” in the CG1 emails. What a mongrel.

      An interesting island in the blogging seas is Orkneylad’s Digital Glebe ……..
      http://www.glebedigital.co.uk/blog/?p=4733 …… he has cited Daly’s emails expressing his frustration at the CRU’s dodgy practices.

      An excellent comment that you offered to the DT. I gave up posting replies there a long while back. It was like groundhog day – same comments, same people day after day.

      Thanks for your good wishes and the same to you – if this weather keeps up we might get snow on the Mountain for Christmas.


      • Hillbilly33 says:

        Hi Blackswan. I’d wrongly assumed you were a West Aussie! Thanks for the Orkney link.

        John Daly was a real thorn in the side of members the AGW cabal, Phil Jones in particular, because they knew they were under his scrutiny all the time. His email exchanges with Jones over the errors John exposed are classics as they clearly showed the attitudes of secrecy, spin, outright lying, bullying and bluster in response to legitimate criticism which has characterised most members of “the team” ever since.

        They pre-dated Climategate and the full story with the offending graphs and figures is at
        http://www.john-daly.com/cru/index under Quality Control – CRU style. There is an update http://www.john-daly.com/cru/emails.htm where he completely demolishes Phil Jones and his excuses and protestations. Delicious and thoroughly worth the read!

        Do you know of any updated current info on the Isle of the Dead Tidal benchmark? Can’t seem to find any myself.

        Snow down to the 900m level forecast for later today. That white Christmas remains a real possibility.

        Happy to join the party Pointman and i’ll definitely raise a glass of red to you all but my music is a bit more “highbrow” today. Off to listen to Beethoven’s No.2,4 and 5 symphonies performed by our own small but world-class Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra.

        Cheers from way down under but feeling on top of the world amongst such friends!


      • Hillbilly33 says:

        Apologies to all. I left the htm off the first john daly link.



      • Pointman says:


        Good God man. I don’t know how to break this to you so I’m just going to give it to you straight. Rock and roll was invented by a Tasmanian.




      • Blackswan says:


        Young Einstein clip is just a typical Saturday afternoon at my place …. LOL Tassie Devils rock!


  13. Bob TI says:

    Happy Birthday .P …….don’t ever stop the good work, the world would be a much lesser place without your Blog




  14. Cyrus says:

    Happy birthday Pointman’s.

    Hello Pointman. This is my first post on the internet. It is amazing what a guilty conscience can make you do. I seem to be like a lot of people here. I found one of your messages which led back to your place. Your point about blogging breaking the isolation is typically you. It’s true but it just needed someone to actually recognize it.
    I have been following your blog for most of the year. Reading this made me realise that writing a blog must be a solitary business so I want you to know I’m here on some other side of “that great heaving electric-blue ocean of information” and I’m waving.


  15. legion2 says:

    Congrats’ mate.Here’s to the next year proving itself as ‘unsettling’ for the ‘Consensus’ as the last.has been.


  16. Pointman says:

    Guys and Gals, thanks for the birthday greetings.

    There’s only one thing to say – let’s party.

    You’re all invited around to Pointman’s. Let’s make the Joint rock. Time for a break from the climate wars. Bring a virtual bottle of something you like to drink and some goodtime party music. Be there or be square, as they say. You’d also miss out on the sight of a slightly tipsy me, glass in hand, wearing my favourite snazzy hat and cake walking badly to Badly Drawn Boy.

    See you there !



    • Sleuth says:

      I’ve started on my list already! To kick things off, there is a slab of liquid gold on ice (best beer in Oz) on second thoughts I had better make that 2 to cater for my fellow countrymen.There’s a HUGE cake in the oven but I need ideas for decorating it please. I’m sorting through the cellar and I also need to know what’s on the menu as I don’t want to open anything inappropriate. My better half is more than happy to throw some prime sirloins on the barby when he returns from golf ( he couldn’t get out of it as it is medal day,a prize he is yet to achieve!) Music wise we have to include Stevie Wonders’ Happy Birth Day to you ‘ which in my humble opinion the best of the genera, and definitively Gladys Knight and The Pips with Midnight Train To Georgia when we all start feeling mellow.W ell I think I’ve done my bit for now but I’ll certainly be in touch if I think of anything else. Actually now that I think about it I am more than happy to organize the whole party! I have done it before you know . And there you have it , my talent on show although I would love to have intellect to contribute more !!! Cheers everyone!


    • Pointman says:

      Okay Sleuth, I made a good deal to sort out some live music. They’ll play for that second slab of liquid gold, so bring it along (with Stevie and Gladys and even the Pips). A scratch band; the Big O and the rest of them, Bruce Springsteen, KD Lang, Elvis Costell, Tom Waits. Times are hard, they’ll work for the beers and cake. Audition tape, they look happy anyway.




    • Hillbilly33 says:

      Thanks for the welcome link to Young Einstein. I’d almost forgotten him (one of the shortcomings of ageing) , but did you realise his screen “dad” Peewee Wlson was an even earlier pioneer of rock ‘n roll?

      “The Delltones were part of a burgeoning rock ‘n’ roll environment which largely invented itself; part of a community which drew guitar patterns on Fantales boxes in darkened cinemas, ran sprawling suburban dances with pug nosed boxers as bouncers, blew international touring acts off stage with raw, blustery energy, and gleefully upset the social order of a young and conservative country.

      Young, fresh and enthusiastic, with creamy harmonies punctuated by the booming bass tones of the almost cartoonlike Ian ‘Peewee’ Wilson, the Beanpole of Bop, the Delltones were humorous, entertaining and irrepressible, able to light up a stage or a television screen.”.


      I’m sure there would be a good clip of them somewhere and well worth adding to your list!


    • Pointman says:

      @Billy. Aren’t connections like that great. Found them on youtube.

      List of their stuff there http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=delltones&oq=delltones&aq=f&aqi=g-s10&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=1438l3875l0l4766l9l4l0l0l0l0l484l1624l3-2.2l4l0

      Mr Bassman -The Delltones *http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ-PkMeXk7k



  17. Rebraz says:

    Happy birthday Pointman,
    Congratulations for one of the most eloquently written blogs on the net. I live in the Northeast of Brazil and there is not much English spoken here so it´s always a pleasure to read your carefully crafted English and of course the common sense content. Keep throwing the bottles in the pond, the ripples extend to unusual places.


    • Pointman says:

      Hello and welcome Rebraz. As I’m very definitely finding out, “the ripples extend to unusual places.” Thank you for the kind words. Mi casa, su casa or is that the wrong language for your neck of the woods?



  18. senter says:

    Another bottle chaser here. Found an article on my vets site (at last, something by someone who didn’t have their thumb up their ass seemed to be the consensus). Always simple stuff like ‘The money has already been spent and it’s gone, just like those kids.’ Enjoy your party, you deserve it.


  19. Happy Birthday Comrade!

    A notable success, but don’t let it go to your head like it does some of those other counter-revolutionaries!

    For those that haven’t seen me for some time, I’ve been in the gulag, one of my underlings found a wind-up radio that had been planted under my bed. Denounced as a capitalist pig, and been spending my days eating roast rat on bed of sawdust!


  20. Pointman says:

    “The world has moved on and Australia sits like a shag on a rock, risking $100 billion on a gesture hardly anyone noticed.”


    Some very direct speaking going on at the Oz Telegraph by Miranda Devine.



    • Edward. says:

      Personally with SL, I’d always be wary of anybody claiming this, or that or, the other, apart from Al Gorebulls [NYC 30′ or something – good Gawd] – he just talks s***e.

      Plimer is different, yep he has made some errors but as they say, this ain’t about science is it?


      • Sleuth says:

        I have obviously missed something here. Who is SL? However I have read Plimers Heaven@Earth and the errors are so minuscule, they make as much difference to the essence and undeniable truth of the book as the of temp. of the poles as a snowflake


  21. Pointman says:

    It’s Sunday and I’m skimming like a rock over the surface of youtube. Some stuff you find, you’ve simply got to share; a New Orleans street band playing for tips. Keep your eye on the woman singing, a big voice that doesn’t need a microphone and raises the hairs on the back of your neck.




    • hro001 says:

      Belated Happy Anniversary, Pointman (I’ll be celebrating my second in a few days!) … and loved that music! Speaking of little women with big voices … allow me to introduce you to a Canadian (of course!), Nikki Yanofsky:


      • Pointman says:

        Hi Hilary. What can I say? Wow, what a voice and thanks for that. There’s always something life affirming about children with prodigious natural talent. Here’s another young person who’s overcome severe medical problems and if the population controllers (ie crypto eugenicists) had their way, wouldn’t exist and we’d never have had this performance.


        He’s pretty good with a guitar too. All the gifts …


        With all this flattery, I’m weasling to get an invite to the birthday bash …



      • senter says:

        Jeez Point, that kid can really play. Any idea what he’s doing now?


  22. Edward. says:


    Sea Level = SL,

    I make no criticism of Professor Plimer [some facts open to interpretation shall we say – Geology is like that], the main thrust of his book was correct in every conclusion.

    My apologies.


  23. nzrobin says:

    I just came across your blog and it is now a part of my Google reader list. So when you toss your scroll into the ocean, you can be sure a copy will always arrive here. I just have to find time to open it among many of others I like to read.

    You have very thoughtful commentary and I appreciate the efforts you have gone too. I started blogging a while ago on climate science and environmental – but have not been able to dedicate the time. Life’s busy holding down a job, looking after a house, doing a bit of community work etc.

    Congratulations – and wishing you all the best for next year.
    Robin (New Zealand)


  24. manonthemoor says:

    Hi Pointman A bit late to the party I’m afraid.

    Congrats for your efforts and may they continue for very long time.

    Messages in bottles, such an apt description, we all have our own interests and different ways of communicating. Yours is special and much appreciated.

    One point though, the internet never forgets, will the next generations have as much fun reading our thoughts as we have generating them. — A form of social history in the making. — Perhaps some of the bottles are long life or even indestructible!




  25. You have a great writing style pointman, it’s inspiring to read. It creates a feeling of freedom with how the ideas are being expressed.

    Star Wars theme is just as much a bonus as the writing!


  26. Garrett says:

    Hello Pointman, I just found your blog through twitter. I must say it’s refreshing to find a voice of reason in a world of crazy eco nazis. The whole CAGW narrative is getting SO long in the tooth. Catastrophic? Show me, becaise the climate varies and what is catastrophic for one region is not for another.
    Anthropogenic? Prove it. 100, 000 years ago there was about 5000 feet of ice over top where I sit right now….5000 FEET. Correct me if I’m mistaken (I’m not but feel free to challenge me) one HUNDRED THOUSAND years ago the planet began warming enough to melt an ice sheet that covered ALL of Canada. That’s 4700 kilometres from east to west and it stretched from below the Canadian border all the way north. The size of this ice sheet boggles the mind. This began to occur long before humans had ANY measurable CO2 output so tell me how CAGW was accomplished in 200 ish years of fossil fuel use. (Rhetorical question so don’t bother to comment.)
    You mention a number of excellent points regarding food, water and the politics of the enviro movement. Another elephant that nobody wants to mention is humanity’s exploding population growth. The planet is currently hosting over 7 billion people and the rate is increasing. Our enviro friends, along with the UN continue to trumpet how CO2 emissions are killing humanity but the numbers prove otherwise. If Greenpeace and the UN are so interested in humanity’s, and the planet’s, wellbeing why aren’t they suggesting we cut back on bringing children into the…just for a while…just till we can feed them?
    Call me crazy but animals have that figured out but because of messed up religious beliefs and other tribal customs we feel we need to continue to bring babies into the world and watch them die slowly.
    I’m slowly going through your blog, it’s good stuff. Thank you for being a voice of reason in a very messed up world.


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