Helping to catch the climategate whistleblower.

I got an email from someone this week. I’ll leave out the frothing details, but they were basically accusing me of helping to track down the climategate leaker (FOIA) and telling me to shut up. It’s one of those communications I file under “maniac” and forget because I get a lot of them. Lord, you should really see some of the hate mail and debut posts I get for moderation. Barking mad doesn’t even begin to describe some of them. In the unlikely event of my body being found floating face down in the East River, there’ll be a few good leads in that directory for the cops to follow up. Looking at the sheer number of emails there, that’ll involve a fair bit of overtime and as we all know, budgets are a mite stretched nowadays, so there’s a very strong possibility my untimely demise might remain unsolved.

I’ve often thought “in vino, veritas” (in wine, there is truth) maps into a personal conjecture that “in insanity, there is sometimes truth.” Anyone got the Latin for that one? Certainly, a number of the more philosophical books I read seem to reflect that out of left field thought, as they’re written by some very learned but basically deranged types, so I kicked the idea around. We’re looking at horns and dilemmas here I’m afraid, but when I thought it through, the horns are not mine, being as I am a mere junior imp of Satan, and certainly the dilemma isn’t either, as I’ll go on to explain.

Let’s do the scenario analysis of the accusation from the anonymously emailing disturbed person. The bloodhounds either read something by me that helped them collar FOIA or I was of no help to them at all.

Having reviewed past blogs, everything I’ve written about FOIA is plainly pointing out to anyone who’s supposed to be hunting them down like a mangy dawg, don’t do it, don’t catch them because nobody really wants you to do that. The reality is that it would only benefit the skeptic community if you did happen to catch them and there’s just too much reputation and prestige riding on the global warming bandwagon, whose wheels are already wobbling alarmingly. It’s all about insurance and telling the people who matter that FOIA’s a “made” man, like they say in the Mafia. You daren’t touch them. Despite all the piss and wind, they never seriously went looking to find FOIA after the first climategate release (CG1).

Everyone played their part beautifully in that little charade. PC Plod dutifully puffed around for a while and got nowhere, which I suspect they always knew they were expected to do and probably didn’t like, the mainstream media were suitably outraged by the “hacking” of the emails, the successive committees dutifully exonerated the “scientists” without looking at a single significant issue raised by the emails, Phil Jones was moved in the general direction of suffering sainthood and I bought another bag of popcorn and watched the floor show. Life doesn’t get any better I thought, as I stuffed my gob with handfulls of popcorn between sips of cold beer from a long neck. CRU, with a bit of professional PR help, was basically managing the situation and making sure nobody would be caught. They may be a bunch of academics but they’re not stupid.

Anything I’ve said about the second climategate release (CG2) falls into the same category of telling people not to try too hard to find FOIA because they really don’t want that to happen. I did point out why the leaker had released encoded material because it was a way of doing a bit of insurance. All that’s needed to decode the entire part of the release is a simple code phrase and that’s probably on a bulk email timer somewhere that’s being periodically reset by FOIA. If FOIA gets nabbed, then the bulk email giving the pass phrase goes out automatically to every major skeptic worldwide and we’ll all have some interesting emails to read over breakfast the next morning. I call that the Nuclear Backup Option.

Note that after that brilliant stroke in CG2, FOIA is really running the game now because they’ve got the initiative, all the options and they’ve put in place a mechanism to ensure nobody can stop them. They can sit there and hand assemble CG3, CG4 and however many more releases, knowing that if they ever get zapped, the big bitch Nuclear Backup Option happens automatically and we all get the works.

The other side of the coin is me having given the bloodhounds a clue that helps them nab FOIA but when you follow on from that thought, why would I have a problem with that? Sure, FOIA would suffer some personal distress standing in the dock but can you imagine the further damage such a trial would do to the already tattered reputation of what remains of the tainted global warming brand?

FOIA have twice made the deliberate decision to put themselves in harm’s way for what looks to me like reasons of conscience and they have my highest admiration, both of their motives and their courage. I’ve made some reasonable speculations about them but I’ve also been careful to withhold any that I thought might cause them a problem. If they end up in a court of law, it will not be because of anything I’ve said but because the bloodhounds accidentally found them. If that should ever happen, I’ll be blogging until I drop between sessions outside the court waving a placard.

Gawd, like the rest of the skeptic blogosphere, I’d just love it. FOIA would be our very own 21st century Dreyfuss, day after day reporting on the latest developments in the trial, the T-shirts and merchandising, developing the script, the book, the movie deal, the volunteer defense fund appeal, the whistleblower law conundrum. Do I want any of that? Oh yassum boss, gimme, gimme, gimme dat thing.

At this stage in the game, you’d have to be in deep denial not to concede that climategate is a leak, which directly implies it came from someone fairly high up in climate science circles. There were only ever a limited number of people who had the access to get their hands on the material and as far as I can determine, they’re all still alive and well. The leaker is therefore still in place, still on the inside and as we now know, a very determined type.

Given those not unreasonable deductions, you have to wonder what FOIA could tell us in open court about what happened after the first climategate release. Remember, it wasn’t the Watergate break in that nearly got Nixon impeached but the verging on criminal efforts to cover it all up. Some of his minions ended up doing time in that big house up the river for their part in that exercise.

How many of the damage limitation meetings did FOIA possibly attend? Were they present when the personnel and terms of reference of the various enquiries were carefully stacked against anything but exonerating everyone involved? Do they have yet another tranche of post climategate emails discussing how to minimise the fallout from CG1 or how to stage manage the various enquiries? It’s the stuff of nightmares if you’re a true believer in “the cause”, as Michael Mann calls it.

All the possible outcomes of this situation are extremely bleak for climate science. It looks increasingly like a tired and tawdry old whore still pathetically trying to look young and unsullied for her customers. The cheeky sparkle has gone from those eyes, the mascara is just that bit too heavy, the lipstick has smudged, there’s not enough face powder in the world to over those wrinkles and the bulges are starting to appear in all the wrong places. It’s all getting a bit embarrassing really and the customers are edging away.

So, you see Big Green, that’s your dilemma. If you catch them, the nuclear option kicks in automatically and we also get the trial of the century. If you don’t catch them, the indications are they’ll continue to float successive waves of email releases in your direction and at the most embarrassing times possible. You’re screwed either way. How do you like those apples cousin?


Related articles by Pointman :

A profile of the climategate whistleblower.

Some thoughts and some questions about the Climategate 2.0 release.

Click for a list of other articles.

53 Responses to “Helping to catch the climategate whistleblower.”
  1. amcoz says:

    P, an excellent precis of the essential points.

    What really scares me is that there seems so little attention by the authorities to bring the the ‘climate-liars’ to account, regardless of whether the ‘leaker’ has broken any laws. Much like the actions of Ellsberg and his compatriots, or Dreyfuss (although he eventually was exonerated but only after horrendous mistreatment), or even Assange’s expose of the the murder of innocent people under the guise of war.


  2. k. montgomery says:

    “FOIA have twice made….”

    “have” instead of “has”… typo or more to the story?


  3. Deadman says:

    In dementiâ, nonnumquam, veritas—in insanity, sometimes, truth.

    Vera delirus dicat. A madman might say true things.


  4. cali says:

    You made me laugh quite a bit when using these metaphors. Ridicule is what the climate fabricators can’t stand.
    Pointman, congratulation yet again for a superb post!


  5. Blackswan says:

    G’day Pointman,

    Another great post. We have to wonder how long the charade will continue but they are already saying “Next year in Qatar……”. And still no prosecutions for the massive fraud already admitted to in the emails.

    You put it all so well …..


  6. Mack I Avelli says:

    As discussed previously it would seem to be the situation after Climategate 1, that FOIA is a leaker in UEA, that UEA know who FOIA is, that the Norfolk constabulary know who FOIA is and that for obvious reasons UEA and the Norfolk constabulary prefer to look the other way, that FOIA knows that UEA and the Norfolk constabulary knows who he is and prefer to look the other way.
    Climategate 2 ups the ante for all and so the attempted insurance through encryption. A very brave but dangerous move. Unfortunately I don’t think we will ever see a trial. The “cause” will be pondering how to get exclusive hold of the code from FOIA no matter what it takes. How the thriller ends is edge of the seat material, which we may never find out.


    • Sleuth says:

      Jeez Mack, don’t even allude to it! If I don’t know the ending it will be the death of me! wink, wink. Seriously though, there is something nagging me at the back of my mind that I can’t figure out and it’s driving me mad. The only analogy that I can think of, is when I hear a piece of music and it sounds fantastic only to be let down or disappointed because it fails in the “crescendo” department. eg Ravel’s Belero Now, I realize how stupid that seems, seeing as though that is precisely what Pointy is working on but I’m thinking more about a clue that is there and “can’t see the forest for the trees” springs to mind. There is something there that has been missed. Maybe it’s the “reason” why FOIA is releasing the emails. Cheers from Sleuth


      • Mack I Avelli says:

        Hi Sleuth, I agree Ravel is overrated, only popular because of Torville and Dean. Try Tchaikovsky’s Opus 47 if you wan’t a decent Crescendo.The Elephant in the remaining emails must be as Pointman has suggested the contacts between the “Team” and the politicians and Powerbrokers. Unless you or someone else can live up to your name I fear the ending will be more like Ravel than Tchaikovsky.


      • Sleuth says:

        Love a challenge Mack, I’m on it! Nothing will ever top Griegs piano concerto in C minor but I also love Tchaikovsky’s Opus. I grew up in a rich classical music environment. Couple of Professors in the family.


      • Pointman says:

        Not a crescendo in the 1812 sense but it builds nicely and ends with a good bang on the timpani. Dmitri at his best, before he was forced to make that apology for his raw naked talent by a bunch of …




  7. Hillbilly33 says:

    Hi Pointy. Good commonsense article again as expected.

    Further thoughts to my comment (detailed below) on your Crash Post: Climategate 2 article:
    “From reading that article (by Leo Hickman) detailing the instant responses of some of the “team”, it almost seems they were forewarned of specific emails being released, unless they had been preparing for the event for a long time.”

    I realise now that after CG1 the “Team” would of course have had a pretty fair idea of exactly what information the “leaker” has in his possession, so it’s reasonable to suppose that since then they may have been scouring their databases for potentially damaging emails and preparing responses.

    As to his identity, with the critical letter calling for CRU and IPCC reform released by UEA’s Mike Hulme immediately following CG1, I felt at the time that he was a prime candidate but I guess that’s too obvious – or is it? I would surmise that he may have come under some uncomfortable scrutiny!

    That site also has the initial response to CG1 by Judith Curry.

    Footnote: Our first five days of summer in Tasmania have been more like the first five days of winter. Talking to a guy last Saturday who had recently arrived from the San Francisco area and his comment on the weather was :- “It’s what we’ve just left so it’s pretty normal for us!”

    Are NH winters and SH summers becoming linked because of “climate change”??LOL


  8. Labmunkey says:

    Anyone considered that the leaker could in fact not be one of the team. A high number of students and temporary (or ex-staff) will have passed through the CRU.

    I find it very easy to believe (just as easy as a core member being the leaker) that a non-core memeber of staff got wind of this, got access to the servers (a sinch from the ‘inside’, especially in an organisation like the CRU) and copied the lot.

    If i’d worked there and got wind of this, i’d have probably done the same.


  9. Motsatt says:

    Hi Pointy and all.

    You could write up your climategate posts in a (however many words) article and send it of to a magazine like rolling stone or vanity fair. Your clear view and writing is that good I feel.

    I might suggest a title: Climategate, leak or hack?

    That should get the popularism junkie editors attention enough to give it a seconds consideration. If you can’t penetrate the wall og climategate silence with your, read like a spynovel, writing, I’m not sure who can.

    Keep up the good work.


  10. orkneylad says:

    News of the World and UEA

    Hackergate arrestee Mr Wallis’ consultancy was employed by the UEA to deal with the fall-out of Climate Gate.

    “We don’t advertise a lot of the things we do,” says Edwards, who was called in by the University of East Anglia when Climategate blew up. “That was really interesting. It’s very high level, and you’re very much in the background on that sort of thing.”

    The university’s Climatic Research Unit wanted Outside to fire back some shots on the scientists’ behalf after leaked emails from the unit gave climate change skeptics ammunition and led to an avalanche of negative press about whether global warming was a real possibility.

    “They came to us and said, `We have a huge problem – we are being completely knocked apart in the press,’” says Sam Bowen. “They needed someone with heavyweight contacts who could come in…”

    Hackergate meets Climategate….you play in mud, all you get is dirty.


  11. Neal Asher says:

    Um, just discovered this place and have some enjoyable reading ahead. Thank you, Pointman.


    • Pointman says:

      Hello and welcome to the joint Neal. Always a pleasure to meet a fellow scribbler. I don’t get enough time to do a lot of fiction but please enjoy what’s here. The Ship short is SciFi so it’ll be up your street.

      My favourite SciFi author is Roger Zelazny. Yours?



      • Neal Asher says:

        Definitely up there in my top ten. I read Princes in Amber until I had it nearly verbatim, so had to hide it away. But if you want a look at the future, try getting hold of Half-Past Human by TJ Bass. Best.


    • uninformedLuddite says:

      I am a huge fan of Mr Crane.


  12. Rick says:

    Pointman, just stumbled upon this site. A great bookmark for me to go along with WUWT. I had read once that the leak originated from the guy whose name rhymes with Britta.


  13. Dr. Greyman says:

    Good Day, Pointman-
    I’ve been watching the World circus and especially the ongoing Climate debacle for quite sometime and have found your analyses and point of view refreshing. You seem to have a group of blogers who are not afraid to think. I like that!
    When I parsed you recent installment, I started thinking about one of your Climategate analyses regarding the possible intent of the FOIA leak. As I recall, you seemed to think that there might be a reason for the second go-round, since there didn’t seem to be much media response to the damning emails (likely from some level of suppression) in the first leak. You opined that the second leak could be a ramping up to get more attention from the people of the World to the grave situation we’re heading towards. That does make sense, at least to my addled brain, and so here’s a possibly different way to help our friend(s).
    The powers-that-be control the media,but they (for now) don’t control the internet.
    Most of the sceptic/deniers/patriots/etc are kept out of sight and are relatively few in numbers.
    Much of our rancor about the state of things becomes a pissing match to see who’s on top and who’s most accurate, it’s always in the confines of our friendly web sites.
    There are “trolls” who love to keep the self immolation stoked and burning… as long as it stays confined to the dark recesses of the web blogosphere (CA, Climate Depot, JoNova, here, etc).
    FOIA can’t get the dark side to put out the self-incriminating data (Duh!), so it came through the sceptic network (where it tries to fly, but keeps getting shot down).
    There is a Nuclear Option (the 200,000 zingers), which, plausibly, seems to be being held for a) personal protection and b) a password protected “pay attention!” notice. This, too, is getting short shrift from the media.
    I’m glossing over many points, but IF this seems in the ball park, THEN here’s an idea.

    We need to get some way to increase readership/interest in the “other side”- the data that the UN/IPCC doesn’t want out. Most people don’t want to read dull, boring (i.e. scientific) articles, even though we get off on them.
    Many of those on the internet want a challenge in real time, and many of them would like to fight the bad guys (like HALO sims). Many of them are players and enjoy solving puzzles, often requiring finding passwords.

    We have a puzzle requiring a password.

    That password might be in some of the already leaked emails, and, besides, it’s a great story! Bad guys, back biting, assassination attempts (usually verbal), World Government, etc. Hell, I’d pay to get a game like that! But that’s what’s going on.
    What would happen if someone set up a site inviting players to help us “find” the password? The screen could show the “password required” statement that most players love to get. The hunt is on! They’d have to download 7Z apps, sift the emails (and maybe learn about the on-going Climate debacle). Some might even get intrigued with what’s going on.
    Do I think it will be solved? It doesn’t matter. People will be paying attention.
    Do you remember “Masquerade”? It was a “solve the puzzle” book around 1979 from Kit Williams. Someone did get the gold (although there was an associated scandal). People from all over the World worked to find the Golden Hare and it’s happened before. People like a good puzzle. In todays electronic environment, it would possibly “go viral”.
    I would think that finding FOIA’s password puzzle might do the same thing. Isn’t it possible that that’s what FOIA wants?
    Just a thought.

    Watch Your Six-
    Dr. Greyman


    • Pointman says:

      Hello and a belated welcome Doc. A substantial debut comment merits a substantial reply which I simply haven’t had time to do. Apologies but it’s been a hectic few days for one reason and another. You touched on a number of things so I’ll respond to some key ones.

      Agreed, FOIA has had to turn to the skeptic side of the net to get their message out because all organs of the MSM are closed to them. I do have an optimistic impression that the more sane sites on the blogosphere are read by perhaps influential opinion formers. As an indicator of that, have a look at OrkneyLad’s comment above. The pertinent quote by them is – “We have a huge problem – we are being completely knocked apart in the press”. At the time of CG1, there was absolutely no reporting of it in the MSM. What you’re looking at there is a slip of the tongue – I think they had to be thinking about the skeptics in the blogosphere, since we were the only ones giving them hell …

      “Most people don’t want to read dull, boring (i.e. scientific) articles, even though we get off on them.” Again, agreed and a very key point. As I said in the birthday topic, the intended audience for this blog is the ordinary person, whose reaction to sciency articles is exactly as you say. With great respect to the other blogs specialising in that area, writing pure science articles is not too difficult. Everybody’s in their comfort zone writing, reading and commenting on them. If we ever want to be broadly influential, we’re all going to have to get out of that comfort zone, otherwise all we’re doing is talking exclusively amongst ourselves.

      The “Crack the Climate Code Challenge” is an interesting idea. I’ll confess, I’ve had a few playful cracks at it but I do know something about encryption. Given a sensible pass phrase, nobody stands a chance of cracking it. We’re looking at snowflakes in hell. I’ve read enough comment on the encrypted files, to realise that most of it was uninformed about an interesting but technical area of computing. Would people be interested in an article covering the basics of the area?

      Apologies again Doc.



      • creeper00 says:

        Pointy, granted that given the scope of encryption the possible combinations for the passcode are in the bazillions. But I’m not convinced the passcode couldn’t be cracked. It would simply take many computers linked together by some savvy software. Think SETI.


      • Dr. Greyman says:

        Good Day Pointman-
        Thanks for your reply, and no apologies needed, my friend!
        I think my last post is being a bit “off-tracked” into encryption and finding FOIA.
        I believe you and I would be in agreement that the climate debacle needs more attention from the people on the street. I don’t believe that your constituents are close to being “ordinary people”. They’re here, they’re interested and they know what’s going on, QED.
        I’m concerned about how to develop and support a process that would get our “ordinary people” to begin looking into the data that’s been politically fixed and kept behind Dorothy’s curtain. The 4C (Crack the Climate etc) idea was just that…a place to start thinking about how we can use what we have to get others interested. I originally thought of skydiving into the Superbowl in my Speedo with a banner, but good sense stepped in (an old guy in a Speedo? Even I shuddered!). Evidently Marc Morano looks better, but we need to play with what we have..
        I agree about the chances for solution, but anything that will get the kids and adults of our World paying attention to what’s going on is OK in my book. Remember, if we’re looking for a snowflake in Hell, more eyes are better than just yours, mine and our readers. More like the infinite number of typing monkeys. And they’ll have to start by reading emails.
        I believe that’s what FOIA wants.
        Anybody have other ideas?

        Watch Your Six-
        Dr. Greyman


      • Pointman says:


        Hiya creeperoo. You’re right but it doesn’t help us out. If the password is one in a gazillion combinations, just program a computer to generate and try a gazillion combinations and it’ll find the right combo in the end and we’ll be able to read the plain text eventually. Each of those tries takes a certain amount of time. The problem is that it might take 500 years. Now you know why those lads and lassies of the no such agency in Fort Meade are always buying those big fast raptor-class computers.



  14. Sleuth says:

    I know now what has been bugging me P I think FOIA is doing this to save his or her or their skin, nothing more nothing less.


    • Pointman says:

      Hiya Sleuth.

      That’s always a possibility. On balance though, you’ve got to wonder why they would feel threatened enough at this stage to do CG2. As far as I’m aware, the police investigation had wound down in any meaningful sense and to my way of thinking, the climate establishment never had any desire to catch them because of the trial that would ensue.



  15. Sleuth says:

    OK, but look at it another way. Just think about it if they were NOT feeling threatened at all. The riskiest bit was releasing the first crop.I think this is one very clever, eminently practical survivor who has enjoyed the gravy train but so sensible not to want to go to jail. I hope I’m wrong as I would love it to be someone worthy of our admiration. Cheers Sleuth


  16. creeper00 says:

    I’m not the least bit interested in outing FOIA. But I’d give my left font to know what’s in that encrypted file.


  17. Rick says:

    On a tangent, my local paper has been running warming scare editorials with increasing frequency, coinciding with the release of this batch of mails. These are usually reprinted from other sources. The most recent article went back to the Warming label instead of the Climate Change re-branding. In one of Pointman’s recent posts, this topic was examined, but since then, they’ve come full circle.
    At any rate, I read the editorial with amusement, as the author actually used the “warm air holds more moisture, therefore it snows more” argument as the basis for why we had a surprise October snowstorm on the east coast of the US.
    I decided to look more closely at the author, but unfortunately my wife had already tossed the paper by the next day. But I do recall it was a woman affiliated with some sort of environmental organization I’ve never heard of, and unlike most guest editorials, this one had no contact information.
    Not to worry, since the paper maintains an online archive of all daily content. Not this one however. The editorial cannot be found on the internet anywhere. Short of dumpster diving, there is no way to authenticate if this “author” even exists. A shame.


  18. Blackswan says:


    For those in the wider world who simply can’t understand how reputedly savvy, practical Aussies could find ourselves swamped by the tsunami of Climate misinformation that has resulted in a Carbon Dioxide Tax, please take the time to listen to what passes for a searching intellectual climate debate in this country …..

    For starters, this grindingly boring love-in with a pair of university professors is a challenge simply to stay awake, but worth paying attention to what our Climate Commissioner Tim Flannery is saying to refute any doubts about ‘climate science’.

    As you say Pointman, “Know your enemy”.

    Andrew Bolt is right – he is mentioned so frequently as a ‘denier’, why wasn’t he invited to participate? The Flim Flam Man is barely rational at times and his Dorothy Dix crony is a stammering, hesitant stooge who is simply infuriating.

    Flim Flam’s solution to solar/wind being able to produce base-load power for the nation is to build many hundreds of wind turbines and to string power lines across half the continent, thereby taking advantage of the fact that it’s a windy place and crossing time-zones would allow a spread of peak demand. Problem solved.

    Flim Flam says “It’s no good babbling on radio or on blogs …. if you haven’t done your due diligence, (by reading peer-reviewed literature) we don’t want to hear from you, you have nothing important to say in terms of the debate.”

    Well, that’s an hour of my life I’ll never get back, but it certainly is an affirmation of who or what we are fighting in Oz – both sides of politics have declared that the ‘climate science’ is genuine, CAGW is an imminent threat and they just differ on the mechanism to deal with it. In short, we’re screwed.


    • Mack I Avelli says:

      Hi Blackswan, I hope that you’re not related to Wayne. I couldn’t stomach anymore than 1:30 of that bilge on Boltas Blog. All they needed to do was seat Rob Oakeshott at the table and they would have had a dope ring.
      By the way in relation to Boltas favourite question; By how much will a carbon dioxide tax lower the temperature? Let me just point out that the Australian house of Reps passed the Carbon Tax in October and now here in NSW we are having our Coldest December in 50 years some 5 degrees C below average. Who said a tax can’t lower the temperature, I think in fact it was JoNova. Who nows if it ever comes in it will probably bring on the next Ice Age.
      I am surprised that your namesake Wayne and Flammery aren’t doing the media rounds trumpeting their temperature lowering achievements.
      As to being screwed, there is a great deal of anger and resentment in the electorate. I think the ALP will be annihilated at the next election and am both hopeful and optimistic that the crock of a tax will be repealed.


      • Blackswan says:

        Am I related to Wayne Swan, our moronic Treasurer? Gee Mack, you really know how to wound a poor ebony-feathered water bird.

        My high school science teacher (back in the Jurassic period) explained a basic tenet of the Sciences – that if one only ever saw white swans, it could be assumed that all swans are white. A true scientist of integrity must seek a black swan in order to disprove his own theory.

        Add to that, here in southern Tasmania I live quite near to a wild swan nesting site and am surrounded by hundreds of my feathered brethren.

        Thirty seconds into that appalling video I’d had enough, but I decided to persevere. Remember Denton’s program “Enough Rope”? I really liked that; always amazed that when you do give people ‘enough rope’ they inevitably end up winding it securely around their own necks.

        I wasn’t disappointed – they both were exposed as absolutely moronic intellectual snobs and simply not worth feeding, let alone being on the public payroll manipulating our young people into their Gangrene toxic mindset.

        The Flim Flam Man did actually answer that question on Sydney radio once a few months back. He said that despite our best efforts at emissions mitigation and regardless of the amount of tax we pay, it could be a thousand years before we saw any difference in temperature. He also said that Mother Gaia was on the verge of attaining a true consciousness, a real persona. The man simply isn’t rational – just a highly paid mouthpiece, and he isn’t even very good at that.


  19. Blackswan says:

    Miranda Divine from the Sydney Telegraph has another excellent exposure of Aussie insanity. The Flim Flam Man looms large …….

    Many coastal councils have already banned development on waterfront properties. People who bought housing blocks years ago with a view to building a house for their retirement have found the land re-zoned and building is verboten. The fact that they can actually switch off utilities to established villages is nothing short of criminal. Wonder when we’ll see some class actions take these Climate Crooks to Court.


  20. Rebraz says:

    Hi Pointman.
    I think there is little doubt that UEA and the Police know who FOIA is, UEA is a relatively small university and the number of people with access to the emails would be limited, it seems unbelievable that the resources of the police plus outside IT experts couldn’t identify the leaker. If the police have been called off, someone farther up the chain from the UEA would need to be calling the shots. Most of us sceptics think that FOIA is a white knight leading the charge for honesty and openness but there are a few puzzling aspects that have not been explained. Why wait two years to release a second batch? What was the trigger? Durban is going nowhere, and Global Warming is slowly disappearing from the radar. The preamble to the second release is also hard to understand, a few one liners about starving children but hardly the words of a dedicated white knight.
    Are we totally misreading the motives of FOIA, could this be nothing more than audacious blackmail? Perhaps an employee who was passed over for promotion, achieved his aim with the first batch and is now looking for a second promotion with the second release and is keeping the remainder as insurance.
    Pointman, this is a bit contentious and you and I will be attacked from all sides if you post it, so delete it if you wish. At the very least it would be a great plot line for your next book.


    • Pointman says:

      This is our shack on the internet Rebraz, our place, la Cosa Nostra, Sinn Fein, our thing, we ourselves. No idea honestly expressed with civility gets deleted. We’re not the Wapo, FAZ or the Guardian. We’re better than that. Kick the idea around folks.



      • Sleuth says:

        Hi P and all, I wish everyone a very happy, safe Christmas now, as I don’t think I am going to have the time in the next couple of weeks to indulge myself in trying to solve mysteries.That’s not to say that I won’t be keeping an eye on things but the time required for selfish pursuits (thinking and typing) is at an end, as is the year! Cheers S


  21. Rick says:

    Although this has little to do with the actual article by PM, I was wondering if anyone could suggest a good US-centric blog similar to this one. The discussions that touch on politics and political operatives (and media types) are always interesting, but Aussie/UK player names are often unknown to those of us in the US.


    • Pointman says:

      Hi Rick. This blog isn’t Europe, Aussie or America centred and probably never will be because climate alarmism is a global phenomenon. I tend not to do topics which are too highly country specific but there are the occasional exceptions, such as this one on the Tea Party.

      America is throwing another Tea party.

      With the controversial passing of the Carbon lax legislation in Oz, it’s obviously a hot topic with Aussie contributors here and comes in for some discussion but that’s what we’re about.

      Can I suggest you take a leaf out of their book and paste the links to any American specific article that you find worth commenting on to kick off your own threads of discussion?

      It’s worth saying I’m not too bothered by people going off topic and I never close off comments on a topic anyway. There’s no rule saying you can only be commenting on the latest topic.



    • Blackswan says:

      G’day Rick,

      Apologies to you and others for getting off-topic – the Pointman is a generous host is he not?

      This scientific/political Climate Fraud will affect us all one way or another and the best aspect of the blogosphere is our ability to expand our horizons and learn more about how our fellow residents in the Global Village are tackling these issues … or not.

      Your link on the Patagonian Glacier retreat is interesting. A few months back, the world was stunned to see these images of the Puyehue volcano eruption in Patagonia….

      Considering the fall-out and the consequences for the Patagonia/Argentina residents was so massive, it occurs to me that such a monumental ash cloud could well affect the climate locally. This volcano last erupted over 50 years ago and is part of the great Pacific Rim of Fire, so it occurs to me that one natural phenomenon could well have an affect on the other, but as your link tells us…

      “Patagonia’s mountain glaciers are so colossal, and fed by so much snowfall each winter, that scientists believe they aren’t in immediate danger of vanishing in the coming centuries.”

      What do you think?


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