Just how far are you prepared to go to feel good about yourself?

I believe the acid test of any political system or indeed any society, is how much compassion it has for its own people, who’re simply going through some travails or deeply in trouble. That very same test applies to such everyday organisations as a business enterprise and right down to an individual family. Where there’s no mutual loyalty and it’s every man for himself and to hell with anyone else, then it’s doomed to fall apart. If it has no compassion, lacks that essential humanity, that subconscious tacit safety net we all need to be there, it’s inherently unstable. The centre cannot hold.

The basis of any reasonably content life is building what I could only describe as networks of care. We make friendships for life, join clubs, have reunions and celebrate events like marriage, which is actually a joining of two care networks. We have a local bar, cafe or even a blog, we pop into on a regular basis and where more importantly, everyone knows your name, like it says in the song. The social compact being made in any care network is unspoken but unequivocal. If you need some help, you know I’ll do what I can for you, because I’m sure you’d do the same for me. Where people feel that deal just hasn’t been made, they’ll go elsewhere, where they can make it.

Care networks are so pervasive and systemic to our lives, that they’re almost invisible until you find yourself in the needy position of receiving help from one. As my grandmother used to say, a friend when you’re in need, is a friend indeed. That help ranges from the everyday to the life changing. It’s that friend of yours who fixes that wreck of a family car you really need to keep on the road but just can’t afford to get repaired, and for nothing more than a beer and a laugh. It’s that someone who puts in a good word for you, which gets you that job when you were down to the last of your savings.

But a care network is a two-way street. You help them out in return and that’s when you realise it’s a win win thing. You owe and not only is it a chance to pay that nagging debt back, perhaps to someone else, but also, there’s a genuine pleasure in doing it. You’ve been able to help out someone you care about, and you feel good about yourself for that.

Care networks engender strong and enduring emotions in us all, which anyone abuses at their peril, because if you do, you’ll never quite get back into where you were; ask any spouse who’s been caught being unfaithful. For the rest of your married life, no matter how well the relationship has been mended, there’ll aways be that tiny question mark over you. A crime that attracts strong universal condemnation is kidnapping; because it’s someone outside a family net, threatening harm to a loved young one, to ruthlessly exploit someone else’s love for them. It’s a direct threat to a type of care network we can all relate to.

The subconscious habit of those strong emotions is exploited in more subtle but none the less manipulative ways, because they scale up to events outside our particular networks. Politicians do things like ask us to pose for ourselves the question of what can we do for our country, rather than what it can do for us, and though it’s an elevated notion, it’s still exploitative, because it’s subtly co-opting us into that bigger care network of a nation.

We’re being emotionally drawn into something bigger than our immediate care networks, into what I suppose could be termed a projected care network. The biggest and habitual exploiters are charities or advocacy groups. They show us terrible scenes of awful things happening to defenseless people, so we quite naturally give out money to stop the cruelty.

Just this week, I read that the UK representative at the Doha climate conference has unexpectedly decided to donate two billion pounds sterling to the developing nations, such as Africa, so they can have their very own renewable power sources such as windmills and solar panels, to fight climate change. It’ll even help farmers in Columbia to plant more trees. It came out of the blue and no doubt, after a few token protests, will be nodded through.

We get shown pictures of those marginal farmers and peasants who’re supposedly going to be the beneficiaries but you’ve got to ask yourself a few questions. Does that skinny guy in the picture, whacking that emaciated cow with a stick, actually have any use for anything so unreliable as a windmill or a solar panel, especially when he doesn’t look likely to have a single electrical appliance in what I would guess is his far from palatial home?

I mean, it’s not as if there’s much point of the occasional and meager burst of power they might produce being used to charge his iPad, especially when he doesn’t have one, doesn’t have any use for one, but also that there’s no internet access there anyway? Surely the money would be better used to buy him a decent iron cooking pot or at least some drought resistant seeds? Yes, he needs our help and because of that care network impulse, you almost feel guilty raising any such awkward questions.

This is the sort of feel-good gesture aid that infuriates the developing nations. It’s inappropriate to the point of being an insult, it’s throwing ten feet of rope to a man drowning twenty feet from safety. If generation devices like that don’t work for us, why should they magically work there? Even if they did, they all require a maintenance infrastructure that simply doesn’t exist in poorer countries.

The real point about that generous donation of two billion pounds, is that financing it will cost the average UK household approximately £70. Can they afford to underwrite renewable projects in other countries, when renewable tax levies on their own power bills, are driving more and more people into fuel poverty? Domestic fuel bills have more than doubled in the last five years.

In the same week, I read the results of a poll conducted on two thousand people, to determine how soaring fuel prices are effecting them. The statistics are quite simply appalling. 10% of family households can no longer afford heating, with a further 14% estimating they won’t be able to afford it this winter. 20% now habitually wear outdoor clothing in their home.

It gets worse. Nearly 25% admitted to rationing food, so they could afford heating. What’s officially called Fuel Poverty now goes by the bitter name of Heat or Eat, by the families suffering from it. They’re down to heating one room, and turning that off when the kids aren’t at home.

As usual, the worst effected are the ones least able to handle it. Pensioners trying to get by on inflation ravaged state pensions and supplements, are now keeping warm by spending their waking hours using their free bus passes to endlessly ride around in warm buses. It’s that or libraries, malls or anywhere that’s heated. The UK now has a higher pro rata rate of cold-related deaths than the nordic countries. Numbers are just data, what’s important is what they mean. In this case it’s quite simple – the UK government is killing its own people to supposedly save the world from global warming.

Those numbers are worse than appalling; it’s a national bloody disgrace.

The human body has a well understood mechanism to cope with extreme cold. Where there’s no external heat, it’ll effectively stoke up the boiler inside you, and increase its consumption of nutrients. You’ll begin to shiver, which increases the burn rate of your calories. When it starts to run short of fuel, it effectively diverts life support from your non-essential organs, to the critical ones. Extremities like your fingers and toes will freeze, because they’re no longer getting an adequate blood supply. They feel as if they’re burning for a while, before you lose all feeling and any control of them altogether. They’ll get frostbitten, which actually means they’ll begin to rot.

The battle now moves to those vital remaining systems and it’s the last stand. As the body slowly runs out of fuel, it’ll gradually close them down, your brain, heart and lungs being the last ones. Mercifully, in the last stage, it starts putting you to sleep and you suddenly feel warm. It is not a nice way to die.

I read an article last year about fuel poverty that finished up with a paragraph about the bodies of two elderly people, in different areas of the UK, being found in their gardens after all the snow had melted. It took the easy condemnatory route of asking where their neighbours were and never asked the more curious question of why they were in their gardens in such bitter weather anyway.

I’m not a scientist, pretending to know everything beyond a shadow of a doubt, so all I can offer is a guess and it’s a very human one. On winter nights like that, the skies are clear, and you can see all the way through to the stars. Perhaps they didn’t want to be found frozen to death in their bed, wearing hats and scarves, overcoats and all the rest of their layers of clothing. Mebbe they felt the pinioned wings of death fast approaching and decided to leave this world with a final act of defiance or acceptance but either way, with some grace and human dignity.

They went out, sat in their snowy garden and looking up at the sky, froze to death, because up there above it all, was perhaps a deity they might have believed in, who was going to take them home to their loved ones. An end of all the slow suffering. Mebbe not. Mebbe it was just the way they wanted to go. Who knows.

I do know, that somewhere, we have to start drawing a line. The UK is now failing that acid test of any society. The price of feeling good about ourselves, has just got too high.


Related articles by Pointman:

The sun is setting on solar power, the money’s gone and nobody’s asking any questions.

Is there a moral dimension to being anti-environmental?

Click for a list of other articles.

33 Responses to “Just how far are you prepared to go to feel good about yourself?”
  1. Edward. says:

    Aye P,

    Lavishly doling out our foreign aid stops indigent nations helping themselves, it makes them wholly dependent on gifts and charity and that is the biggest sin. Especially when the donor nation is in dire economic straits itself and requires its own citizens to make personal financial sacrifice to enable the nation to be able to repay its foreign debt.

    What our politicians are good at, is being seen to care. The honest to God’s truth and here in the UK particularly, one can ‘hear’ the bile and loathing Joe and Joanne public engender in our ruling classes, why do I think this? Well the answer is in your poignant blog post.

    Britain lacks, actually, there is a total vacuum of compassion and care in our society. It has been starkly highlighted recently when the new chief nursing officer, Jane Cummings averred things had to change in the NHS:

    The guidelines, drawn up by chief nursing officer Jane Cummings, tell nurses to focus on the ‘six Cs’ – compassion, care, competence, communication, courage and commitment.

    Mrs Cummings said: ‘It’s putting patients first which is the key thing.

    Read here.

    What a pretty pass, how low we have slithered when a chief nursing offer has to reinstate compassion into nursing students and seniors’ commitment to care and tending the sick. Indeed, I should know, I’ve seen nurses chatting at their station while patients cried out for water and basic care – believe it, for I’ve witnessed it.

    That politicians can throw money [borrowed money at that] to fritter away at bone headed boondoggles planted in foreign fields – and all the while their own countrymen die of hypothermia – is a reflection of the crassly heartless uncaring society we’ve become.

    It doesn’t surprise me though, it deeply pains me to say it: the country has gone to the dogs and mangy curs run it.


    • Pointman says:

      Ordinary people still have that compassion, it’s just the leadership have never seen the hungry day. They’re ignorant. There are enough Sullas left, even after the blood-letting in foreign fields, to do the neccessary job. Chin up Buster.



      • Edward. says:

        My good friend Punkt Mann,

        I fear, in me it’s a little of the blood of Erin, sometimes makes me a little dark.

        But I hate injustice, profligacy and waste and done ‘in my name’ without a ‘by your leave’ – something needs to change. Political power, is now way too distant from the people and that bodes ill for all of us.


      • Pointman says:

        Tiocfaidh ár lá, brother. Our day will come, we’ll take them, if only to chase that lonely impulse of delight.



      • Blackswan says:

        Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, Hail!

        We humble legionaries are only too willing to take up a gladius and shield and close ranks to fight this campaign to the bitter end. Our only reward will be to see these murderous traitors thrown off the Tarpeian Rock – a fitting and ignominious end to their treachery.

        The vulnerable in our communities can be seen in one of three ways – as people deserving of our help and humanity, or as of such insignificance as to not warrant our concern, or as prey to be fed upon and used to promote profitable ideologies.

        It’s no coincidence that every second exhortation from the Alarmists urges us to think of our “children and grandchildren” when considering the calamity of Global Warming. Pity the same concern for our offspring doesn’t extend to their education or medical and dental care or whether we can put a roof over their heads or if they will ever have a job in a de-industrialised world.

        You ask “Just how far are you prepared to go to feel good about yourself?” For starters, the CAGW Alarmists never made me feel bad about myself in the first place. Just angry. Secondly, when it comes to goodwill and altruism, writing a cheque or tossing lots of cash at a bureaucracy to solve a problem has never made me feel better either.

        And while we have a Cabal of Socialist/Marxist/Fabians running our country and bleeding us dry, we won’t see change any time soon.

        Ah Fabius … now there was a man who eschewed pitched battles which he might lose. He favoured patience and a war of attrition – lay siege to the enemy, poison their wells, starve them into submission and sell the survivors into slavery.

        It looks like our modern Fabian acolytes are well on track – striking fear into whole populations with their Climate siege engines to sell us into Debt slavery. It’s only a matter of time before we see their worm-ridden ballistas crumble and fall in a heap.

        Maybe then, men and women of honour will adjust our priorities, cast those parasitic grubs into oblivion and see those in most need taken care of first.


  2. Edward. says:

    Indeed it will P.,

    As is the way in all things and the truth will be our vanguard – me an’ thee out front – the Green Jackets – “Celer et Audax”.


    • Edward. says:

      Honestly it was playing on the radio as I was typing the “vanguard” comment – not completely apt but uncanny nevertheless.


    • Pointman says:

      We both know how freaky that Celtic thing is, and I kid meself I’m a rationalist. Some shite, I choose not to examine too closely. On the synchronisity front, Arthur Koestler was on to something. It’s no wonder that Freud said the only unique thing about the Irish was that they couldn’t be psychoanalysed.

      Since we’re into that context, the words of a neglected poet, Patrick Kavanagh, put to a great air, the dawning of the day.



  3. Rick Bradford says:

    I sometimes wonder how many of the Western world’s ills (which naturally impact the Third World) can be ascribed to the feel-good self-esteem movement which has infiltrated our societies over the past 40 years or so.

    If the only criterion by which an action can be judged is whether it makes you feel good or not, then you have become detached from any kind of moral compass whatsoever.

    And we saw many unpleasant examples of how that can turn out in the 20th Century.


  4. Edward. says:

    If I may, this needs no words from me but illustrates my point and starkly:

    If you’re old, if you’re sick, if you’re inarticulate or incapacitated, if you haven’t got a sharp-elbowed champion to protect you from the NHS, then avoid hospital admission like Ebola. An NHS where consultants are the new GPs and the average junior doctor has about as much knowledge of medicine as a PC World salesboy has of motherboards, where nursing staff have never been so highly paid or so poorly vocationally committed, where staff have to be coerced to wash their hands, and where basic human dignity has little place. If you’re inconvenient, a nuisance or they simply can’t make a diagnosis, you risk being placed on the Liverpool Death Pathway, deprived of food and water and drugged to the point of unconsciousness until you die. It’s less offensive than the method used by the T4 clinics to euthanise patients – an exhaust hose from a truck – but none the less effective. […]

    Managerial-ism, Marxist ideology = misanthropy and neglect – the cornerstones of the EU and now rampant here in Britain.


  5. Edward. says:

    The vulnerable in our communities can be seen in one of three ways – as people deserving of our help and humanity, or as of such insignificance as to not warrant our concern, or as prey to be fed upon and used to promote profitable ideologies.

    It’s no coincidence that every second exhortation from the Alarmists urges us to think of our “children and grandchildren” when considering the calamity of Global Warming. Pity the same concern for our offspring doesn’t extend to their education or medical and dental care or whether we can put a roof over their heads or if they will ever have a job in a de-industrialised world.

    You ask “Just how far are you prepared to go to feel good about yourself?” For starters, the CAGW Alarmists never made me feel bad about myself in the first place. Just angry. Secondly, when it comes to goodwill and altruism, writing a cheque or tossing lots of cash at a bureaucracy to solve a problem has never made me feel better either.

    And while we have a Cabal of Socialist/Marxist/Fabians running our country and bleeding us dry, we won’t see change any time soon.

    Thank you Swanny for that, a harrowing but quite superb post.


    • Blackswan says:

      G’day Edward,
      It’s an extraordinary state of affairs isn’t it? The extent of corruption and cover-up currently being revealed in the Australian government and their cronies in the judiciary, has us reeling right now. Makes Richard Nixon and his snoopy burglar mates look like choir boys.

      It’s nothing less than Organised Crime. We have a federal election coming up in 2013 and our fervent hope is that the Labor/Union Administration of the Nation’s affairs will be annihilated for decades.

      The only question is – how much more damage can they do in the meantime?


      • Edward. says:

        G’day mate,

        Organised crime in the public sector – so right Swanny.

        ……. and when there is malfeasance, wrong doing, callousness and criminal negligence, they [managerial claque] all scream innocence and playing the Pontius Pilate metaphorically washing those ever so clean hands – mouthing, “procedure was followed to the letter”.
        Then, they get a pay off [pension pot filled to the brim] and move on into another well paid sinecure – there is no individual responsibility – it’s almost impossible to nail them and the judiciary are complicit in the cover ups and lies…………………….you couldn’t run an army like that but I fear that the UK-political correctness is starting to infiltrate the RA – the last bastion of British professional service.

        Two egregious egs, here here and try this for size – how do we allow this?

        Australia and Britain both gone down the shi88er.


      • Blackswan says:

        Jeez Ed,

        You really know how to make a Swan’s day. Confronting the reality of our situation is painful isn’t it? That link of yours says it all, in spades. A few years back Sydney had a late-night radio jock, the late Stan Zemanek, who refused to ever refer to the Labor Party by name. He constantly called them “Socialist Criminals”. Nobody ever sued him over it. Good old Stan – he’d be in fits over this latest lot.

        I think it’s time we stopped calling them “the Left”, and tell the truth about who/what they really are. Your link suggested they were “cultural Marxists” – I reckon they are Socialist/Marxist/Fabian criminals whose social engineering and wealth re-distribution (into their own pockets) has blighted entire nations and devastated the lives of individuals.

        It seems to me that our respective ‘democracies’ have been seized from us in a series of bloodless coups while we were asleep at the wheel and we were so dozey we didn’t even notice.


  6. meltemian says:

    Edward, you beat me to it. I was just about to post the link to Raedwald’s brilliant post myself.


  7. David, UK says:

    I know this like using a plaster (aka band aid) to fix a lost limb, but if you felt yourself dying of exposure, wouldn’t you – rather than going out into the garden – maybe dial 999? That is not to disagree with anything you said of course. It is a national disgrace.


    • Blackswan says:

      David, your observation got me thinking.

      I’m a frail aged soul who can’t afford heating while the snow drifts pile against the windows. I’m afraid. I need help. I should call 999. The ambulance can’t get through because nobody gritted the roads out where I live…. and even if they did, what then? I’ll be carted off to an overcrowded hospital where I’ll be put on a gurney and left in a corridor till the triage nurse decides how sick I am. I haven’t eaten for a day or two … or is it three? …. and my throat is dry – I’d love a cuppa tea.

      Thinking of all that, no, I’m tired, I’m sick of being afraid. I’m sick of deciding if I should eat or pay the electricity bill. The kids are all grown with lives of their own – my time has come, and I’d best understand that. I don’t really feel cold anymore – I’ve heard you just go to sleep in the snow.

      Now, if I can only get this door open …….


      • Edward. says:

        Didn’t know it was that cold in December……. ain’t it summer in Tassie Swanny?

        Rogue that you are and yep – never give up and when the time comes save a bullet for yersel.


      • Blackswan says:

        Ok Ed – the scorching desert winds are blowing in from the north. The mainland temperatures have been over 40C for a week. I’m a frail aged soul and I can’t afford to turn my airconditioning on …….

        Pity you never got to come rambling over our island – you’d have loved it. Still, if you ever change your mind, the beer’s in the fridge ….


    • Pointman says:

      Hi David. I didn’t want to get too grisly about the details of dying from cold, but part of the process is a deterioration in judgement. You simply start making poor decisions.

      We understand a lot about the process, partly because of the so-called experiments done on concentration camp inmates, by what passed as research by Nazi doctors. You need a strong stomach to read through that stuff. They were looking for ways of reviving Luftwaffe pilots who’d been downed into freezing seas. To that end, they froze people to the point of death, to ascertain the best resuscitation techniques. Some of the results, like sitting them up, rather than keeping them laying flat, were statistically significant.

      The huge moral dilemma faced by the doctors reviewing the “research”, was whether to use it or not …



  8. Edward. says:

    Blimey, my head is spinning, think I’ll dig out a geometry book, or bury myself in a Latin primer and the subjunctive – a bit of logic helps calm and soothe the spirits.

    Or, a good murder novel………………..


  9. Pointman says:

    The 21st of December, end of this year’s Pratties approaches. All around the world, panic begins to spread …




  10. Blackswan says:


    The Doomboosters are at it again with dire predictions of our future …

    “In the worst case scenarios, rising population leads to conflict over water and food, especially in the Mideast and Africa, and the instability contributes to global economic collapse.”


    “The report warns of the mostly catastrophic effect of possible “Black Swans,” extraordinary events that can change the course of history. These include a severe pandemic that could kill millions in a matter of months and more rapid climate change that could make it hard to feed the world’s population.”

    The photo that illustrates the point is very confronting. Can we imagine turning on a tap and nothing happens? How would we fare? This is happening right here and now in the biggest city in the world’s biggest democracy. It is also happening in Africa where foreign owners of water supplies are contracted to allow “subsistence flows” to local people, who queue for hours as water dribbles slowly into plastic containers.

    In Oz, our water and energy supplies are being systematically bought up by foreign corporations as our governments “sell off the farm” in a scramble to raise funding to service our mountainous debt. How far will our “care networks” extend when daily survival is at risk?

    Forty years ago the prospect of the cash bonanza that CAGW theory could engender for Socialist/Marxist governments was just that – a theory. Today, with western countries neatly signed up to their UN treaties, the theory has crystallised into fuel poverty for too many people and the speculators and carpetbaggers are raking in the cash.

    It’s one thing to expose Climate Fraud for what it is, but while our entire economies have been hitched to the Climate bandwagon, it won’t be turned around any time soon.

    Okay, so Doha was such a fizzer that even the IPCC weren’t invited, but they succeeded in having our government sign up to extend our Kyoto obligations till 2020, and to bind us to spending AUD$3 Billion a year in compensation to foreign countries for natural disasters.

    For us in Oz, our hopes reside in a change of government next year. It will be interesting to see how soon they can turn our Ship of State around. Still, if the Titanic had been turned a little sooner it would never have smashed into that iceberg.


  11. Leon says:

    This is a return to the 70’s. I remember the stat for old people dying of the cold back then, was about 60,000 – 70, 000 per annum. Last years figures (2011) were over 36,700 pensioners dying of cold-related illnesses, a death rate of 13 pensioners each hour. 2010’s rate was 9 pensioners per hour which is about 23,000 for the year. This is before the two price increases which we have had since then. So the deaths are probably a lagging indicator. It would be interesting to corrolate the pensioner death rate relative to the price of energy. I don’t have the figures available but my hunch is that it is probably an exponential relationship to the cost of energy. When are the govt going to act on this disgraceful situation? The answer is they won’t. We will eventually have to take to the streets to resolve this and the other major issues in society.


    • Pointman says:

      Hey Leon old pal, letting you in here might just possibly lower the whole tone of the blog, and bear in mind, it was pretty much crashed anyway.

      One for you *http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVYFOlVB-Uo



  12. Blackswan says:


    “GREENHOUSE gas emissions from cars and buses are falling – but the “environmental taxes” on transport are rising.

    According to an Australian Bureau of Statistics study, governments reaped $26 billion in green levies for 2010-11, an increase of $9.2 billion since 2000-01.

    Households paid $8.6 billion in environmental taxes, more than one third of the all revenue generated.”


    26 Billion Dollars?? Ten percent of that is being paid directly to the UN. Almost 9 Billion is from a population of 22 million people with probably less than 10 million workers actually paying income tax while everybody pays Goods & Services Tax plus green levies on everything. Of course, corporations haven’t stumped up with the rest of the cash without passing those costs on, and we are all footing those bills, either directly or indirectly.

    How many homes could have been built for that? – there’s at least a fifteen year wait on affordable public housing for low income earners in Sydney, with other centres not far behind.
    Too many families are living in cars (if they’re lucky enough to have one), with some being put up at motels/hotels as emergency accommodation. Charitable organisations don’t receive a cent of government funding but Centrelink (our Benefits dept) is telling desperate people to go to the Salvos or Vinnies for food and other assistance.

    Our “care networks” have never been more stretched. Yet STILL the voracious Green Lobby remains unsatisfied. What do they want?…. our blood? It sure seems that way.


  13. Blackswan says:


    The Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) has outdone itself. Today (14th Dec), one of our bi-annual king tides occurs, and the CSIRO plus their partners-in-deception in Climate Fraud, are asking people around Australia (particularly in Tasmania and the mainland mid-eastern coast) to go out and take photos of the high water.

    “Green Cross Australia CEO Mara Bún said sharing photos allows people to visualise how flooding from rising sea levels will impact our beaches, coastal areas and shoreline communities in the future.”


    It seems they will use these photos to create ‘visual impact’ in convincing people that “our children and grandchildren” will be needing a snorkel and swim-fins to survive the coming tidal catastrophe. Why would that be necessary when the final par in the story says … “Although king tides are naturally occurring and not a result of climate change, the bi-annual occurrence provides an insight into the potential impacts of rising sea levels to the Australian coastline.”

    They have even created a special-purpose web site to carry their message of doom …


    All of this is on the taxpayers’ dime. Along with all the staff to man official blogs and tweets. This is the site where our science students go to find answers to all their questions …


    One of the sites photographed on the king tides site is ten miles upriver from the coast, and water levels rise frequently, especially after extended rain periods in the mountain catchment areas. It’s all a Pea & Thimble game. There appears to be no limit to their utter gall.


  14. Pointman says:

    Quarter of mothers forced to turn their heating off to afford food for their children: Survey warns of increase in ‘fuel poverty’




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