The Brexit betrayal, a new political landscape in Britain and meet ze monsta.

Everybody hates the phrase I told you so. If you say it, you feel like a smartass and if you’re on the receiving end of it you feel like a damn fool. By common consent, it’s usually abbreviated to an exchange of meaningful looks. Don’t say it. I wasn’t going to. About six months ago, I wrote an article called the Brexit betrayal because by then it was obvious what was happening. To anyone left who is still deluded enough to believe the political swamp in Westminster were ever going to allow Brexit to really happen, I’m giving you that look now.

There’s a German folk saying about broken promises that describes exactly what was happening. Ein Tag, einige Tag, bald – NIE! One day, some day, soon – NEVER!  The game being played by the Westminster swamp was to say of course the will of the people as expressed in the Brexit referendum would be respected, and then they promptly set about undermining that expressed will of the people. Perfidious Albion at work on its own people.

The ploy of we must obviously make some sort of exit deal with the EU before Brexit could happen was introduced. No such deal was required of course. Then it split into various sub-deals such as a soft Brexit, a hard Brexit and multiple subtle variations so complex that I’m reminded of Lord Palmerston’s remark about the Schleswig-Holstein question. It was so complicated that only three men in Europe had ever really grasped it fully. One was Prince Albert, who was dead, the second was some genius German professor who’d since gone quite insane and the third was his good self, but by now he’d quite forgotten the finer details of it.

This was with the full connivance of an unelected EU bureaucracy who’d play Mister Nasty setting impossible exit conditions and a plucky Theresa May would gamely shuttle back and forth between Westminster and Brussels playing the traitorous part of an honest broker while actually undermining Brexit. Everyone was supposed to be in awe of her sheer gutsy determination to finally bring home a great deal for Britain, which would actually be bolting Britain onto the EU forever. That was her personal political survival strategy. Career first, country second and fuck the will of the people.

They managed to drag it out for nearly three years in the sure and certain expectation that people would get sick and tired of the whole business, they’d make a phoney Brexit deal with the EU that’d effectively keep Britain in the EU and the great Peasants’ Revolt of 2016 would finally have been put down.

That they thought such a cunning plan had a snowflake’s chance in Hell of succeeding is a measure of how much the political class are only in touch with each other and totally out of touch with the people who elected them. Just a glance at the brute statistics of the referendum should have underscored how strong the popular sentiment was. Two million people who’d turned out for it hadn’t bothered to vote in the previous General Election. Over sixty percent of the supporters of both the Tory and Labour parties had voted for Brexit. If those numbers didn’t indicate a strong and determined will by the people to get the fuck out of the EU, I’m at a complete loss to know what else possibly could.

As the years passed, the plan didn’t work out. What actually happened was the traditional respect for Parliament that most voters had, grew into a fundamental contempt of it and the pack of bastards elected to sit in it, and that opinion straddled both sides of the usual left-right political divide. As somebody who’s kept an eye on politics for most of my life, I can safely say I’ve never seen anything the like of it. The general feeling was that the people had been screwed by the political elite, democracy was broken and what was the bloody point in voting if it was going to be ignored anyway?

What grew in parallel with that contempt was a palpable anger, shared even by many who’d voted remain, at how brutally parliamentary democracy was being traduced. At the same time, all the organs of the fake news machine like the government mouthpiece BBC pushed the line that all proper thinking people were of course in favour of staying in. The referendum was a fluke by a small cabal of 18 million little Englanders and old fogies hankering back to a bygone era that’d never existed in the first place.

We’ve had the long parliament, the short parliament and the hung parliament, but for the last few months, we’ve had the joke parliament, and there was nothing that could be done about it. Certainly, most lifelong conservative voters resolved never to vote Tory again and as the only other choice was the Labour party under Jeremy Corbyn, which has been thoroughly suborned by deranged Marxists, they weren’t an option either. Lifelong Labour supporters would never touch their old party again and the Tories under May were an even more dire choice, even without the traditional tribal animosity.

Previously hard-core supporters of the two main parties were now orphans without a home. Since there was no other party of any significance other than the main two, all that was left for anybody at the next general election to do was going to be abstention. Don’t even bother voting.

The political establishment slowly realised the self-constructed bear trap they’d stepped on. They’d seriously alienated a huge portion of their traditional electoral base. At the next general election, sitting MPs in safe seats would see their majority drastically slimmed down and those in marginal seats would almost certainly get the boot because their previously reliable core party voter simply wouldn’t turn out for them.

So, the new game in town became delay that general election for as long as possible and fuck the effect that would have on both the country and the standing of Parliament. Nobody of whatever political stripe could allow a no confidence vote on May because that’d automatically trigger the general election they were all by now desperately bending over backwards to avoid, and that’s exactly what’s been happening for the last three months. Have no illusions about how venal and petty the Westminster swamp actually is. We’re not talking high ideals here, merely keeping the gravy train firmly on the rails for as long as humanly possible.

They were now in what engineers call a negative feedback loop, which is a technical way of describing a type of bad situation which if left to its own devices, will get progressively worse until finally it tears itself apart. The longer they avoided the dreaded general election, the more they became despised and the harder the electorate were eventually going to come down on them. There were a few great white hopes like Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg floating around who might possibly break British mainstream politics out of its downward spiral, but quite frankly in terms of real effect, they’ve all turned out to be more great white elephants than hopes.

What mainstream politics in Britain is now totally focused on is trying to survive the anger caused by the Brexit betrayal, but as usual with the modern crop of politicians, they’re missing the bigger and more serious problem they have on their hands, or perhaps they just don’t want to see it. The western world in general is moving to the right and will no longer tolerate phony left or phony right-wing parties that are nearly indistinguishable from each other. Around the world, the left-wing parties are lurching into outright socialism and obscurity, while the traditional right-wing parties are being decimated by new parties reflecting the resurgence of a forbidden nationalism.

What has actually broken the stalemate was the reappearance on the political stage of that enfant terrible of British politics – Nigel Farage. If you’ve never heard of him, he’s a successful businessmen who went into politics, kicked a marginal party called the United Kingdom Independent Party (UKIP) into good enough shape to force a Brexit referendum and once the referendum had been held and won, he resigned the leadership to get back to leading a normal life, thinking the job had been done. In his absence from the field of battle, UKIP reverted back to being the mutants on table 9 handbagging each other and the Westminster swamp started filleting Brexit.

Like another successful businessman who entered politics, he cut straight through to the heart of the problem and appears to have given the angry political orphans a new home. He announced he was starting a new party called the Brexit party. In less than a week after its founding, a YouGov poll came up with a frankly astonishing result after posing the question which political party the voter preferred. In third place was the Tories on 14%, in second Labour on 20% but in front on 27% was the Brexit party. Astounding.

Plainly, a new variable has been added to the boring old two party system that’s been in place since early on in the previous century in Britain. History would indicate that a new third third party would struggle until it was reabsorbed back into the crotch of the mainstream body politic. If it is to survive and grow, it can only be at the expense of one of the current two big parties, but which one is vulnerable? Leaving aside UKIP, whose voter base he raped and pillaged exactly one minute and fourteen seconds after he announced the new party and looked at realistically, either or both of the somnambulists appear to be on Farage’s carte du jour.

Labour are simply unelectable, since they managed to saddle themselves with what looks like a leader for life and one who while sending the chic left Guardian readers of North London into hand manufactured orgasms, is not going down well – joke intended – on a national level. Around him is a valued brains trust of people like Diane Abbot who thinks that vague itch in her back passage isn’t what she thinks it might be, other than a souvenir of the traditional young Marxists vs old black slags doo she went to the other night.

It’s indicative of how far it’s strayed from its traditional working class stock when the best it could muster in the last general election was to have as a poster boy a cross-dressing comedian in free fall career failure turning out for them in the full makeup, twin sets, dress, black stockings and stilettos. I thought the latter being shocking red was a touch too slutty, but a man’s taste in high heels is probably a touch suspect from the very start.

Obviously, that went down as well as one would expect with what’s left of the steeplejacks and scaffold monkeys of the country’s industrial heartlands. Add in what seems to be an almost systemic antisemitism problem, the usual woke white liberal’s utter disdain of white people, especially if they’re of any sort of Christian background, and you’ve got the 21st century Labour party. Rich pickings there for Farage’s new party, you might ask. For God’s sake, which bit of the woods don’t the bears shit in?

The Tory party have managed to magnificently mismanage themselves into a disaster of almost epic proportions. I’m used to Labour shooting themselves in the head via their foot, but the Tories traditionally tended to have much keener survival instincts, but obviously not the latest crop of them. Everybody out in the shires has shuddered at the sight of Theresa May on her knees for the last two years chewing on Jean-Claude Juncker’s meager Frankfurter peeping out from his EU-approved bureaucratic codpiece.

Nominally, it’s French cock she’s sucking on, but everybody knows it’s the Germans playing hardball for their own amusement. For God’s sake woman, get up off your knees, and stop it, you’re getting nowhere and anyway, they’re just laughing at you – the whole bloody nation feels totally humiliated by your grovelling before a bunch of jumped up French drapery clerks tasked to deal with you by a malevolent little East German midget, and we will definitely not be discussing your bad technique.

Are there enough disaffected votes in that party Farage can’t hoover up? Shitting room in the woods is now becoming a precious commodity, with the futures market betting heavily on the long side. As always, money talks and bullshit walks. So which party, if one has to go, will be the one who goes gentle into that good night?

Not Labour, I think. Once Farage has stripped away their remaining traditional left of centre voters, nothing will be left except the Marxists busily getting the remaining moderate MPs deselected before the next election. Their idea of actively reshaping the Labour party into the New Model Army of socialism will make them unelectable by the centre ground of the electorate. There is a very real danger of it splitting into two parties if the traditional left get so fed up of the student politics, they just decide to pick up their football and march off the pitch.

The Tories look a much better bet to be going extinct. The damage the Theresa May premiership has done to it is simply colossal. For any political party, policies come in or out of vogue, but what always abides is a core set of beliefs that define it, or at least the bulk of its members are committed to. With unerring aim, May has managed to disrespect or undermine the complete set of Tory values. An abysmal failure to show even an iota of leadership steel. Shameless grovelling to Johnny Foreigner instead of telling him to piss off. A pervasive dismissal of that 92% minority in the country who’re white and of some Christian background. Pandering to violent minorities whose highest ambition seems to be a wish to see St. Paul’s cathedral go up in flames. The list goes on and on.

The party won’t disappear overnight, but it’ll lose the bulk of people within it who cling to those values to Farage’s new party. His timing couldn’t be better. Cash in on the Brexit betrayal rage while at the same taking hold of the new wave of nationalism sweeping across Europe. People are sick and tired of globalism, the EU and invasions of feckless barbarians with their attendant rape culture. All he’ll need to campaign on is a battle cry of enough is enough.

The next general election will be fought on the Brexit betrayal of the people by the swamp in Westminster and I’ve no doubt given the wave of popular anger and resentment, the Brexit party will do very well, and it will be at the expense of the two old traditional parties.

And if it does, here’s the kicker. Get ready to meet ze monsta – a Prime Minister of the UK called Nigel Farage.


32 Responses to “The Brexit betrayal, a new political landscape in Britain and meet ze monsta.”
  1. rapscallion says:

    Hammer meets nail once again Pointman. Like you, I have never experienced such anger and contempt at the political class from my fellow Britons. I would posit that a very large number of the British working and lower middle classes are generally patriotic and are conservative with a small ‘c’
    They have a clear sense of what is right and what is wrong, they abide by the rules, even when designed to piss them off, and have an innate sense of fair play. They are also very strongly attached to democracy, and they accept that whilst their party didn’t have enough seats this time, perhaps they will next time. They accepted any democratic result. It is how the system works, and it must this way or the only other avenue is violence, and we did that 380 years ago in the Civil War, when the King tried to overrule Parliament.

    Now, Parliament is trying to overrule the People. We voted to leave in what was the largest political mandate in British politics bar none. Leave is what must happen, not some Versailles MkII that is in many ways worse than the original, and in no way achieves the objective. Any MP that voted for that is putting country last, and in my view is guilty of treason, because they are aiding and abetting a foreign power, Treason May is the guiltiest of them all.

    We may not riot like the French, like it was some casual summer pastime, we will effect change in our own way. Farage’s Brexit Party is just the ticket. He is the right man, with the right party at exactly the right time. He is hugely charismatic and he has the common touch – something lacking in so many politicians. The new right across the world is rising, especially in Europe. It wants an end to globalism, socialism and a return to nationalist, traditional values and retention of each nation’s cultural heritage. The people are angry alright, they are seething with fury, and they are going to vote accordingly, because this isn’t about Brexit anymore, its about the survival of our democracy.

    Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see Farage as Prime Minister, for it would mean the sweeping away of treacherous MPs for him to have reached that position. I hope he goes on to drain the swamp containing the MSM, the Civil Service, and most of our institutions and Academia.
    The sound of exploding lefty heads like that utter cow, Alibhai Brown would be so delicious. The biggest pleasure of all would be to see this beloved country as a free, independent sovereign nation once again.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. David Chappell says:

    All the British TDS sufferers are going to be overwhelmed, their minds blown by an outbreak of FDS!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. beththeserf says:

    Brexit and Theresa May shenanigans, …kinda’ like the Irish question, every time Gladstone thought he was getting somewhere, the Irish changed the question. Oh politicks.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. PaleoSapiens says:

    A reply to the bile spewed by swamp critters on both sides of The Pond:

    Two southern country gals, Lyza & Caroline, happened to meet in town one day.

    Lyza excitedly began, “Oh, Caroline honey, you would not bee…lieve what I’ been up to…”
    Lyza then launched into a monologue of how she had become a millionaire’s maid with all sorts of ‘perks’ and ‘privileges.’

    Caroline politely and every so often responded with, “That’s jus’ faannn…tastic (fantastic)!”

    After completing her 5 min. rant to Caroline, Lyza asked, “By the way honey, what’ch y’all been up to?”

    Caroline responded, “Oh, I’ jus’ been goin’ t’ Charm-School…”

    Lyza interrupted, “Oh, what’ch y’all been learnin’ in Charm-School?”

    Caroline replied, “Well, right now we’ learnin’ how to say FAANNN…TASTIC! instead o’ BULL-SHIT!!”

    [You too, now know the Charm-School definition of FANTASTIC!!…] 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Graeme No.3 says:

    Australia also seems to be moving right, despite the frantic efforts of the ABC to convince viewers that it will be a Labor landslide. That’s because it is difficult to tell the Labor loonies from the Green loonies. Mind you it is often hard to differentiate the Liberal loonies from them either.
    I was talking to a younger family man last night who said he was going to vote for the UAP in the Senate and the local independent incumbent. As the UAP is run/financed by Clive Palmer whom he frankly admitted was a grub, this seemed odd. He then explained that there was no way he would vote for either the Liberal (our version of the Tories) or Labor parties anymore.
    Then another said he was not going to vote for Labor again and he didn’t want to vote for the Liberals. I have not heard anyone for the last 6 months express any interest in seeing the Liberal candidate win.
    I will be interested to see how The Conservatives go in the Senate voting.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Graeme No.3 says:

      Further to the above: A conservative country electorate.

      At the 2010 election the major parties cornered a combined 86.51 per cent of the local vote (49.15 per cent LNP, 37.36 per cent ALP). When the Coalition returned to power in 2013, the LNP was down to 42.61 per cent and Labor barely 23.46 per cent (combined 66%)

      At the 2016 poll the combined ALP-LNP vote fell to 54.58 per cent. An informal poll by The Australian showed the COMBINED vote for the 2 majors would be below 50% in the coming election.
      voters no longer see their choice as being a binary one. The old certainties of Australian politics have broken down, along with people’s trust in the system.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Simon Derricutt says:

    Pointy – I’ve been watching the Brexit process with a lot of amazement as to just how badly it’s been done overall. Businesses need to know what’s planned for the future in order to invest wisely, and it seems that the process so far has produced the maximum amount of uncertainty possible.

    It was obvious from the start that the EU were going to make things difficult. First arrange the deal on exit, and then there would be talks about trade once we had actually completely left. That seems intended to produce the “cliff edge” people have been bemoaning, and there is no possibility of a “soft Brexit” other than not-leaving.

    I had wondered at the start how they were going to deal with the Irish Border problem. I figured though that since the majority in NI was for remaining in the EU, then maybe some deal could be done to re-unite Ireland and give the Northern Irish the option of dual passports if they wanted. However, it looks like the DUP are really happiest being ruled from Westminster, even though if you remain in the EU it’s pretty obvious you’d be ruled from Brussels instead, given enough time and broken faith of the UK politicians. Still, it is what it is: you can’t have a customs border between Eire and NI, and you can’t have one between NI and the rest of the UK, so you can’t have a customs border at all. That means the UK in a customs union, and free movement, and not leaving the EU in any real sense. It’s a Gordian knot, and no-one has the balls to cut it.

    You seem to have a fairly high opinion of Boris Johnson’s suitability as Prime Minister. I think he’d cock it up the same way as he did the job of Foreign Secretary. He wants the position and the kudos, but won’t put the work into it to actually learn what he’ll need. Jacob Rees-Mogg possibly, except that he doesn’t want the job. I really don’t see anyone in the Conservative Party who could do the job better than Theresa May, and that is a pretty dire realisation considering how she’s cocked things up. The Labour party is even worse, though.

    I don’t think that Nigel Farage actually wants the job of Prime Minister, in that he was happy to have achieved the referendum result and wanted to go on with his personal life after that. Could be pretty interesting times if the Brexit Party gets a majority and he gets the job.

    I’ve no idea whether the UK will actually leave the EU, and I think no-one else knows either. I think there’s more chance that Brexit will be aborted one way or another, and the next General Election will require a lot of popcorn as politicians try to convince the people that they can be trusted after all the lies and evasions. Some locally-liked politicians from whatever party may keep their seats, but it looks like there’ll be a massive influx of new ones who haven’t yet been shown to be perfidious. Both Labour and Conservative will be minority parties, and unable to govern without a coalition.

    On the bright side, Farage will get on well with Trump and they’ll do some good trade deals. May be a few years getting Article 50 activated again and getting out even if Farage is at the helm, but then that 2 years’ wait was only ever a maximum, and it might be possible to shortcut the wait. If the UK goes to a low-tax Free Trade zone (similar to the way Hong Kong was), then the future looks bright after a few years of difficulties.

    Liked by 2 people

    • rapscallion says:

      Why can’t we have a customs border between Eire and NI? All our borders will be customs borders once we’ve left anyway. It is an faux issue made up entirely by Selymayr to try and prise NI away from the UK, and it won’t work. I can’t see the EU forcing Eire to erect a hard border and we certainly won’t, and given that 70% or Eire’s external trade is directly to the UK, I can’t see them cutting off their noses to spite their faces any time soon.

      Remember what Juncker said when invited to Downing Street just after the referendum; “Brexit cannot be a success” That is all you need to know. They claim to be friends, well, with friends like that who needs enemies?

      Liked by 3 people

      • Simon Derricutt says:

        Rapscallion – basically, the reason for no border posts being there is that that was promised in the Good Friday agreement. If you put in customs posts, then there’s a pretty good chance that the Troubles will erupt again because neither side will forgive the other. It’s also pretty obvious that if there are different customs rules either side of the border, and no customs posts to stop people, then there will be a lot of smuggling. Depending on what’s smuggled, either the UK or the EU (and likely both) will get somewhat annoyed at people buying things at the going price one side and selling them the other at a profit that doesn’t go to the government. At the moment, fuel stations on the Northern side of the border now accept euros since fuel in NI has lower tax applied than in Eire.

        Still, both Eire and the UK have stated they’ll never put in customs posts anyway, so really it’s not a point of contention. It was however a great excuse for Juncker to make the negotiations difficult.

        Agreed that Juncker said Brexit couldn’t be a success, since if it was it would be followed by several others (why Macron won’t put it to a referendum). The problem for Juncker is that if the UK does indeed get out, then it will be an obvious success after maybe 5 years since the UK won’t be paying as much tax and thus will be carrying less load on the economy. Looking at how the economy has improved since the 2008 crash, and has improved since the referendum where the economists all predicted it would shrink, I think the UK will be doing really well out of the EU once the initial pain has been gone through.

        The interesting point is that around 3 million EU citizens have moved to the UK, yet only 1 million Brits live in the EU (and probably most of them are looking for sunnier retirements, like I did). The UK is a good place to work, even if the politicians aren’t up to snuff.

        Liked by 2 people

  7. NoFixedAddress says:

    Liked by 3 people

    • Russ Wood says:

      Yes, well – when the itinerant grape pickers ended up costing California fruit farmers too much, Yankee Ingenuity ™ came up with grape picking machines. And apparently there are other fruit and vegetable picking machines either available or planned. Despite all the foofaraw about the 4th industrial revolution, the THIRD is catching up to the old manual agricultural labour. In South African mining, the biggest cost is now for the extensive labour, because for the previous and current governments, EMPLOYMENT was the main thing. SA farms are mechanising, but the political scene (and unions) are against mining automation. But I can see that the need for ‘migrant labour’ is disappearing.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. babygrandparents says:

    Pointman – sometimes I think you have a crystal ball. We are facing similar issues in Canada.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. dr.bill says:

    Great piece, Pointman. You have a talent for clear and concise exposition.

    I’m sure you know the difference, and likely got distracted by the context, but what you’re describing in paragraph 13 is technically *positive* feedback.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. gallopingcamel says:

    I remember going through the NI border when there was a customs hut on the road from Belfast to Dublin. Most of the time they waved you through. The main smuggling that was going on back then was cigarettes.

    That little hut is long gone and one nips across the border to get the buy cheaper petrol in the Republic.

    There is absolutely nothing about that border that needs to change with BREXIT or without it. The authorities on both sides rightly ignore the petty smuggling that is going on. That the doomed EU bureaucrats make a big fuss about such trivia shows that they are control freaks, unfit to rule anyone much less a “Nation of Lions” as Farage calls my countrymen.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Peter Shaw says:

    Fantastic article; beautifully put. Whenever I feel despair about the situation, Pointman, your POV provides hope.


  12. Pointman says:

    Tories slump to fourth place behind Labour, Nigel Farage and Change UK in new Euro elections poll

    “Anthony Wells of YouGov, which conducted the poll for campaign group Hope Not Hate, said the Conservatives were suffering because voters had no idea what they stood for on Europe.” – what a load of bollocks, their former voters know when they’ve been betrayed.


    Liked by 1 person

    • rapscallion says:

      “which conducted the poll for campaign group Hope Not Hate”

      No prizes for guessing why this shower of scumbags are involved. They will do anything to prevent TBP doing well, and I do mean anything.

      Liked by 2 people

    • gallopingcamel says:

      At least you Brits stop voting for the Tories when they betray you.

      Here in the USA the GOP betrays its voters election after election and yet somehow they retain power. It makes no sense to me at all.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Pointman says:

    God help the mainstream parties if a two week old Brexit party can do this sort of turnout.



    • rapscallion says:

      Indeed Pointman. They are in deep trouble.


    • gallopingcamel says:

      I love Newport where my company had a 30 acre cable factory. We made the first fiber optic cables in the UK thanks to our Nobel prize winner:

      I had some memorable Rugby matches there although my team (Coventry) had a tough time beating Newport. However the “Grab a Granny” nights were memorable……somewhat similar to that video with Nigel Farage.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. NoFixedAddress says:


    An interesting article over at The American Spectator that has good references to an organization in Pennsylvania that is creating its own ‘Brexiteer’ organization

    Cheers and thanks for fixing my references.


  15. Pointman says:

    I popped out to the shops for milk and bread and looked at the headlines on all the newspapers on display. Not one had a headline about the electoral disaster that’d happened to both the mainstream parties yesterday. Not a single ONE!

    If there’s no way to minimise such a disaster, then just ignore it. Fake news + Westminster = The swamp. And only half the results are in.

    I’m not gonna say I told you so …


    Liked by 1 person

    • rapscallion says:

      You don’t need to squire. We all have eyes to see, and ears to hear; something that curiously the MSM deliberately fail to utilise. It’s staring them in the face of course, but they don’t want to see it, and so it goes unreported. The thing is, they know they are in the firing line too for having cosied up to the utter scum that infest Westminster. The spoiling of ballots is very interesting isn’t it? I’m ordering in several tons of popcorn for the Peterborough bye election – should be a real fun night 🙂


  16. Pointman says:

    YOU’RE SO SLY, GUY Theresa May branded ‘insane’ and ‘pathetic’ by EU’s chief Brexit negotiators in shocking BBC documentary

    They really despise her, along with her own country.


    Liked by 1 person

  17. A good description of the situation in Europe / Britain.

    I would like to translate into German and then publish at
    Original source under your name, with me as translator

    I am one of the translators of

    I would like to get your permission (see my email)

    Thank you and best regards from Bavaria

    Andreas Demmig


    • Pointman says:

      In principal, not a problem Andreas, but I’d like to see the first draft translation and as long as it’s published in full, before giving my permission. By direct email to you, I’ve supplied a secure darknet email address you can send the translation to.

      I’m aware of how difficult a task translation can be, especially when it comes to accurately conveying the mood of a piece. I wish you luck.



      • Andreas Demmig says:

        Dear Pointman,

        have you seen my translation / interpretation?

        Best regards



      • Andreas Demmig says:

        Dear Pointman,

        unfortunately, the timeframe to publish your articel ist gone. Next week we will have the European elections.

        So thank you for your first impresion of “not a problem”

        So long



      • Pointman says:

        If you’d actually sent me a translation, the window might have been hit. Don’t bother me again.



  18. ewing.caldwell says:

    It seems the spirits of Edmund Burke and Thomas Paine do battle yet again.


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