A message in two parts – part one.

At the end of every war, you will always find two types of people left who want to keep on going at it; those who’ve lost and can’t admit it to themselves, and those who’ve won but just can’t stop, because they’ve grown to love the conflict. Both roles will come to define them for the rest of their lives, and will also ultimately destroy them.

I was always too much of a realist to be the former and at heart too revolted by the necessary brutalities to be easy with the latter. Prosecuting any conflict to a successful conclusion takes a brain and a heart, and that heart once set upon a plan of action by that brain must by needs be cold and relentless in its execution. Once you give yourself up to that path, things get simpler. It’s your basic do or be done unto – there is no grey.

The war against climate alarmism is over, and we won it.

There won’t be a formal surrender, there will be no armistice or cease-fire, there will be no shell-shocked soldiers staggering out of bullet scarred bunkers with their hands raised high waving white kerchiefs and there will be no trials for crimes against humanity for the genocide committed in the developing world, but it’s over.

They’ll just continue to melt away as the murderous craze drifts further into political irrelevance and what will be looked back on as yet another moral aberration of the it’s all about my feelings generation and the politics that pandered to it.

Politically, the whole thing is dead in the water and has been for some time. Global warming is at the bottom of everyone’s list of concerns even if it makes an appearance on the list at all, and we’ve just been through a year-long presidential campaign where it was barely mentioned. Trump being elected as president will be its long overdue coup de grâce, though not in the form of a bullet through the head but rather a knife cutting through its financial umbilical cord down which flow the government grants, concessions and loan guarantees that keep it alive.

For me, being a small part in stopping the harm it was doing if only by a week or two was always the modest ambition, and any idea of punishing those responsible for inflicting needless cruelty on the most vulnerable people on the planet I always knew was never going to happen. I always hated them, always wanted to beat them but at the same time always knew they’d escape any sort of punishment, and that is the way things have worked out. My anger towards them still burns incandescent, but I will not allow it to overrule my reason.

No ending of war is ever that neat and tidy, and any notion of just deserts or some kind of balancing out of cruelties in the real world is a self-indulgence reserved only for those innocent of its callous realities. Punishment, if it ever occurs, will be in their afterlives, if perchance there should be such a thing.

I’ve done the best part of a decade in it, doing in recent years some things above the waterline like this blog and some other stuff well below it, not one of which I regret. For me, it was initially intended to be a quickie, my last war, because in one form or another, I’d seen too many of them but you do get sucked in, and once you go over a certain event horizon, you’re committed and have to see the thing through.

Like most skeptics, that event horizon was when you reached a point where you knew that by going any further off the orthodoxy reservation, you were going to lose friends and be disappointed in people you formerly respected as they hurriedly distanced themselves from you in fear. You were about to learn all about being shunned, both professionally and personally, and that when it came to a “climate criminal” like you, all the rules of civilised behaviour didn’t apply.

You’d become some sort of new age nigger of a freshly unenlightened twenty-first century, of whom anything could be said and to whom anything could be done, just short of actually lynching us though some of them would if they’d the guts to go further than anonymous verbal threats. To compound the jollies, you quickly found out you were going to be adopted as some sort of Saul on the road to Damascus convert by a variety of fringe loonies, all of whom were a bit higher up the insanity scale than a Grand Wizard of the KKK and just as unpleasant.

In the face of that amount of hate, you needed to cultivate not only some fortitude but a pretty robust sense of humour.

On the plus side, you made some new friends who were also engaged in the same push back against what was presented as a massive consensus. Though different in their own approaches to the conflict, they’d all passed over their own particular event horizon, and for the grand reward of not a penny but a lot of pretty vile abuse, soldiered on through the hard years. As Churchill said, when you’re going through hell, keep going, and they did.

It’s when you see people under that amount of stress and still doing the lonely courage thing, you’ll see the worst or the best come out of them. The abiding thing I’ll always take away from my time in the climate wars is I had the honour to serve in the company of heroes and heroines. They were and still are the right stuff.

We’re now in better years, times have changed and alarmism is in various stages of implosion around the world. In some like the USA and UK, it’s a corpse on the receiving end of copious amounts of makeup larded on with a trowel by the legacy media in an effort to kid people there’s still life in the thing, in others such as Europe and the Antipodes the alarmists are aware that though it’s not quite over, the writing is on the wall. They’re busy stuffing their pockets with as much cash as they can get their hands on before the big cleaver comes down on the easy money that used to flow from government coffers.

For some time it’s seemed plain to me that we were engaged in the endgame, they were in a self-destruct spiral downwards and it was just a matter of not interrupting its progress to a satisfactory conclusion, since the passing of time and the momentum of the forces that favoured our side have been irresistible for some years, and are by now unstoppable.

We were certainly a factor in its demise, but not as big a one as some people in the daily fray of the thing might think. After what was a hard start nearly a decade ago, it was just a matter of letting it play itself out.

The big learning to take away from the skeptic campaign was that it was waged primarily on the internet. The legacy media had not only bought into climate alarmism because it offered a non-stop stream of dramatic headlines, but the supposed cure for the non-problem was in essence a social re-engineering of western society along lines that agreed with their overwhelming liberal or outright socialist leanings.

It was information war posing as journalism and as with all infowar, any viewpoint opposing the official line had to be denied any means of expression. No platform for deniers, so we created our own ones.

The response by skeptics scattered around the world was to use the only means of communicating their message that wasn’t under the control of government or hostile media conglomerates – the internet. The elements of what was a diffuse and disconnected opposition independently came up with that way to break the information blockade that there was an alternative narrative available on the dangers or not of global warming.

An unexpected but in retrospect an obvious product of what I suppose you’d have to call the emergent behaviour of the internet, was the gradual creation of a skeptic community centered about a few blogs, their contributors, commenters and readers. A lot of mainline science and technology practitioners gravitated anonymously into that community, but you’d have to nail them to a cross before they’d ever admit it. Certainly in some quarters we were the furtive equivalent of science porn in the early years.

As it turned out, we played the infowar game a lot better than the opposition, helped in no large part in that our content had an element only rarely present in theirs – the truth, and a truth which could genuinely be argued about by the commentators under the blog piece. When you’re paid absolutely nothing for your efforts, there’s no way to exert pressure on you by the legacy media and its owners, so you can just tell it as you see it.

What’s vital though, is that without a free and unrestricted internet, our views would never have been heard.

We pioneered campaigning using primarily the internet because we had to, and Trump presented with the same problem of an overwhelmingly hostile media, did in essence the same with very little usage of a legacy media which could be guaranteed to distort his message.

We merely bypassed the legacy media, but he’s practically made it obsolete. Since people no longer trust them, they’re now the walking dead.

Because that’s been my assessment of the situation for some time, it has necessarily involved a rethink of the shape of my future involvement in it. If you’re a regular visitor here, then you’ve probably already noticed how in the last year I’ve taken my foot off the climate gas pedal and if you like moved off the mission statement in the original about me of this blog.

There really haven’t been many worthwhile targets moving about in the eco-sphere. More like headless chickens running in ever more frantic circles to a background of general hilarity at their antics.

I never planned to stick around after this point and looked forward to doing a Cheshire cat type of exit from the scene. A fade out with nothing remaining but a parting grin floating in mid-air, and the last trace of the contrivance called Pointman would disappear with an almost inaudible pop like an errant soap-bubble. I was there for a while, did what I thought I could usefully do, and then would bugger off, never to be heard of again.

To speak plainly, I’m old, tired, managing some health issues and all that comes with its own share of personal difficulties which have to be overcome on a daily basis. It’s been a mite challenging of late. When you’ve done enough years of struggling, you become tired of unremitting focus, of conflict, of never dropping your guard and always being on the look out for an opponent’s momentary lapse in concentration. A graceful exit to a less stressful world becomes a much more attractive proposition. You’re definitely ready to put your guns in the ground.

But life, as John Lennon said, is what happens to plans, and a change of plan is what I’d like to talk about in part two.


Related articles by Pointman:

A message in two parts – part two.

The Climate Wars revisited or No truce with kings.

Our Secret Weapon.

How to run a really bad infowar campaign.

The Real Bastards.

The Age of Unenlightenment.


Click for a list of other articles.



40 Responses to “A message in two parts – part one.”
  1. Margie says:

    Thanks for being one of the voices of reason.
    Unfortunately, Canada has moved further and faster down a path designed to curb emissions and slow fossil fuel distribution. With Trudeau as our Prime Minister, and Notley as our Alberta Premier, the future isn’t very bright.

    Liked by 1 person

    • asybot says:

      Margie I was about halfway through the read and I started getting my reply ready to pointman. It was no surprise yours is exactly the same as mine.

      Here in Canada the fight is far from over and although Trudeau has hinted a softening re the pipeline proposals I do not think for a minute that those are going to happen anytime soon.

      His government and his backers will continue to delay and oppose that for a long time yet , indeed for a lot of gravytrain riders the money might be cut off but here in Canada there is still a lot to be made. Just look at the disaster in Ontario, I have always thought that Ontario Canada was the template for the attempt to destroy all western economies.


      • Margie says:

        Maybe this is a fight Canada shouldn’t even be in. Canada emits1.6% of GHG emissions. Will Canada’s emission reductions have any effect on global temperatures? Could Canada increase their emissions in order to be a supplier of cleaner fossil fuels for countries that depend on coal? Would warming have a net positive effect for many parts of our generally cold country? This doesn’t seem to be the type of discussions that our leaders are willing to have with the public. Our leaders prefer to fall into lockstep with the environmental alarmist crowd.


    • MJB says:

      While I agree, in general, that the current campaign in the war has been won, I am not sure the war itself is over.

      Firstly, there are two entire generations of brainwashed snowflakes coming out of high school and college that have been wholly and entirely indoctrinated in the carbon as a pollutant mindset. They are like the stranded Japanese soldiers after WW2 that didn’t get the memo that their side lost in nuclear fire and were still fighting what they thought was the good fight.

      Except occurring in small isolated pockets good for a laugh on Gilligan’s Island reruns, there are millions of them.

      Personally, I think what is called for now is a “Surge” Iraqi style. The enemy must not only be beaten they must be publically humiliated Nuremberg-style and marched to the proverbial gallows after confessing their sins contritely.

      Merely letting them melt away ensures they will rise again to fight again another day.

      My apologies for the tortured metaphors. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Retired Dave says:

    I can’t wait for part two Pointy. In the mean time thanks for all your efforts and insights.

    In starting a new work role, many years ago, my new boss handed me a small handout which defined what you did and how he wanted it done – it was useful stuff. The last paragraph was headed “rewards and renumeration” – it simply said “considerable, but not in this life I am afraid.” I see you grasp the same concept Pointy.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Martin A says:

    It will be over when I can buy 100W lamp bulbs again in Tescos.


    • catweazle666 says:

      Incandescent bulbs are still freely available in most places if you know what to look for.

      The day before yesterday I bought a 100W unfrosted light bulb in a Spar in South Wales, they had half a shelf of assorted incandescents, bayonet and screw cap. They get around the silly regulations by specifying them as “rough service” handlamp bulbs.


  4. Michael 2 says:

    I enjoy your writing style and insights. I hope you find things to write about; I suspect that it’s in your DNA to write about *something* from time to time.


  5. Climate Otter says:

    I’m sorry to say, we still need to hear the Fat Lady sing.


  6. Eric Simpson says:

    Pointman, I have to tell you that over the last years I’d drifted a bit away from the climate scene, and after the election I’ve started getting back into it a bit. And I actually wanted to visit your blog, because I felt you have a flair for powerful dramatic expression, but …. I couldn’t remember your name. I kind of had the feeling … your name starts with a P. It had been at the “tip of my tongue” for a while, but no luck. I knew that if I saw it I would know. I checked blogrolls, and did things like go to Jo Nova’s site knowing you commented there. But, no luck. Until today, seeing Tom Nelson’s tweet.

    And of course I was not disappointed today, with your outstanding post (though I’m sorry to hear you’re having some issues).

    My only concern is I don’t think the war is quite over yet, though if Trump takes a cue ball to the Paris Accord that will be a major battle won. Parenthetically I say that the question of whether we will stay in the Paris Accord remains uncertain as Trump expressed some odd ambivalence on that a few weeks ago, and then a few days later he nominated for Sec of State the Paris Accord pushing alarmist Rex Tillerson. I still think it’s our job to raise a squawk about Tillerson’s leftism on climate change (and other issues), but I hear so many skeptics say “but he’s an oilman, he can’t be that bad.” Big mistake imo.


    • Graeme No.3 says:

      Trump wants to up-grade the infrastructure – overdue but expensive – so what better than to cut out unnecessary expenditure on NASA etc. say, several billions of it? Then if he decides that some functions (EPA etc.) can be done mostly by the States even more billions become available.
      The public won’t care, indeed with better job prospects and economic recovery, Trump’s opposition in the Republican party will be scrambling for cover.
      Then there are the coming elections in Europe, which may well decide far more than the fate of the Paris Accord. I don’t think it matters what Tillerson may have said back when any opposition provoke howls of demented rage.


      • gallopingcamel says:

        It is often argued that eliminating useless government departments such as the EPA, the Department of Education, the Department of Energy and the Department of Agriculture won’t save much money. That seems true in the grand scheme of things but saving money is not the point.

        We need to shutter these departments and many more like them to end the harm they do. They destroy prosperity by trying to control “We the People” rather than serve us.


  7. meltemian says:

    My bet’s on ‘Freedom of Speech’ in all it’s forms. I see that as the next big problem we have to deal with.
    Glad to see Mark Steyn looks as though he may just get that court case heard soon, the best fighter for that cause.
    I wait for Part Two with great interest.

    Liked by 2 people

    • meltemian says:

      Forgot to add Καλή Χρονιά, Happy New Year to everyone.


    • Power Grab says:


      A friend told me just today about a video where the person described an actual “law” that Obama signed recently that dealt with disinformation and foreign messages (that’s not the correct wording, but you get the idea).

      It sounded like an end-run around the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. That would, of course, make it extremely unconstitutional.

      Sounds like a new infowar to me.


  8. Stonyground says:

    I have been expecting the climate alarm bubble to burst for quite a long time now. It is hard to remain optimistic when the AGW train just seems to carry on rolling. I wonder if there are those who are determined to keep it rolling at all costs simply because of the eye watering amounts of money that has been spent. People whose actions lead to trillions being wasted on solving a non problem might be a bit worried that the world is about to catch on.


  9. Blackswan says:


    It will feel a lot more like the Climate Wars are over, and we won, when our Australian Government and its carpetbagger Goldman Sachs Prime Minister are thrown out of office and the money tree felled.

    The ousted PM Tony Abbott reduced funding to the CSIRO and 80 “climate scientists” lost their jobs … Turnbull restored all funding, gave them more, and the 80 Munchkin frauds all had a Happy Christmas.

    A Billion taxpayer dollars was given to the Pacific Islands to avert them drowning in rising sea levels, but nobody knows to whom it was paid or how it was spent, though the plan worked a treat because the seas stayed the same as they have for hundreds of years and Mother Gaia’s tides drowned nobody.

    Abbott abolished the Carbon Tax but Turnbull established an ETS, so when I see all the Climate Add-ons disappear from my electricity bills, maybe I’ll get a tad excited.

    However, I’m sure you’re right about the slow fade-out of preposterous Climate Fraud – after years of reading that the city of Venice was drowning in rising CAGW tides, finally this …

    “Throughout the 20th century, wells were sunk into the Venetian Lagoon to draw water for local industry, causing the city to drop.”


    The canals are empty, the sludge and filth of the city exposed and nary a mention that burning fossil fuel is to blame … a very promising development!

    Looking forward to Part 2 with great interest.


  10. Pat Frank says:

    I’d like to include the journal Energy & Environment among the science-stalwart encomiums.

    E&E is the only journal that consistently offered an honest and unbiased peer-review of AGW-critical manuscripts and that had the institutional courage to publish them.

    Editor Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen deserves high praise for this and for standing up to all sorts of slanders, including attempts to get her fired.

    And good on you for your work, Pointman. You are at the point of the spear.


  11. u.k(us) says:

    There is a whole generation that has been force-fed this propaganda.
    Gonna take some time to turn that ship.
    We’re at full rudder, no stopping that momentum now ?


    • gallopingcamel says:

      Once the funding is removed the whole thing will be gone like a bad smell.

      However nobody will be punished for the biggest scam of all time; we won’t be getting our money back and nobody will even bother to apologise for being wrong about the science.

      Success has many fathers but failure is an orphan.


      • asybot says:

        Love your last line but in this case failure has many fathers and we know most of the , Al Gore, Mann etal, Leo come to mind ( I am sure the list is virtually endless you still hear them whining about Trump, they are the same.)


  12. Annie says:

    Pointman, you have done much to help in making known the scam. I also enjoy your writing. However, there is only so much a given person can do before the mind and body have had enough. Thankyou for your efforts and make sure you have time for yourself and your family. If you have to hand over the baton, so to speak, you have run a very important part of the race and should take satisfaction in that.
    Happy New Year to you and all who come here.


  13. gallopingcamel says:

    The war is over as you say and sanity prevailed. Unpaid bloggers on the Internet should be congratulating themselves but not too much.

    The real credit for destroying the Global Warming scam is Mother Nature who has a wicked sense of humor. She simply refused to be pushed around by CO2, Al Gore or the hordes of “Climate Scientists”.


  14. Peter Newnam says:

    Dear Pointman, I have been following your posts since coming across “The Seductiveness of Models” several years ago. It reassured me that the confidence in their models was misplaced, and as they nothing else in the way of observational evidence to support their speculation, that theirs was not a rational movement but a religious one. Many thanks for informing and entertaining my wife and me over the intervening years. I hope things go well for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Pointman says:

    A happy and prosperous 2017 to everyone.


    Liked by 1 person

    • asybot says:

      Thanks , same to you. I sincerely hope your problems will resolve themselves. Get healthy and take a break to do so, we’d understand if you do. Thanks for all your insights they have helped me immensely over the past few years as I was going through a bit of a ditch.


  16. u.k(us) says:

    @ pointman,
    I just put you on my “favorites” list that I read every day.
    Don’t stop.
    Just slow down.


  17. ristvan says:

    I do not think the climate war is won. But I do think the tide has turned and the outcome is now inevitable. There are three separate reasons. First, Kyoto failed and Paris is a joke. Second, Mother Nature is apparently on the skeptical side. Except for a now rapidly cooling 21015-16 blip, no warming this century. No accelerating SLR. Greening. Polar bears thriving. Third, high penetration intermittent renewables are a disaster, as South Australia just demonstrated and UK likely will soon.
    But there is much yet to be done before this ‘war’ concludes. Rewrite the biased bad science; neither Marcott nor OLeary have been retracted. Curtail the wasted climate grants and duplicative spending; GISS goes on. Purge the warmunists in universities lest they metatisize anew (Mayfield is still at GMU and just hired Cook, Oreskes is still poisoning Harvard). Remove renewable subsidies to end the waste and damage they cause. Redo the EPA endangerment finding and the SCC, repeal the UK Climate Change Act. All this will take years of additional diligence and require energy and political capital. So as many skeptics as possible need to remain active even as others (Bishop Hill, Climate Audit, perhaps Pointman) retire from the field.

    Liked by 2 people

    • While I like your list of likely “events” in our near future it is time to think big……..real reforms. There are enough businessmen in the Trump cabinet to run the country like a business which means that tools like “Zero Based Budgeting” and “Cost Benefit Analysis” will be used to great effect.

      Under “Zero Based Budgeting” look for federal departments to shrink dramatically or even disappear entirely. My “Disappear Wish List”:
      Department of Education
      Department of Energy
      Department of Agriculture

      These departments all do harm so they have a negative COST/BENEFIT ratio. Does anyone have better candidates for dissolution?


    • catweazle666 says:

      “I do not think the climate war is won.”

      “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” – Winston Churchill

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Joe Lorimo says:

    We may have won the war but we have failed to stop the slaughter. Billions are still being spent in Europe and the US to subsidize and fund renewable projects, vast swaths of land are still being destroyed and thousands of endangered raptors are still being killed by wind farms. We may have won the high ground but this war is not over.


  19. Snert says:

    Wish someone would tell the BBC/Channel 4/Sky, here in Blighty that the wars is over.


  20. Pointman says:

    2016’s Biggest Loser: The Green Blob.


    “The short answer is that Americans went to the polls and rejected environmental extremism among other things. The biggest loser on election night was the Big Green movement in America dedicated to the anti-prosperity proposition that to save the planet from extinction we have deindustrialize the U.S. and throw millions and millions of our fellow citizens out of their jobs. Voters turned thumbs down on the climate change lobby and rightly so.”



  21. Phil Jones says:

    I wish I had your confidence that the climate war is over (and won). Regretfully, I fear that the nutters believe they are “saving the world” and have gained some traction.

    I sincerely hope I’m wrong.


  22. John F. Hultquist says:

    I expect this post to have a high future value.
    Thus, I will mention Steve McIntyre of Climate Audit.

    Back in the summer of 2008 my internet connection was still dial-up over the plain old telephone system (POTS). That was barely serviceable and I rarely used it.
    That September the phone company offered digital subscriber lines (DSL). That changed everything.
    One of the first things I encountered was by Steve McIntyre: “The Ohio State Paper”
    Steve and his commenters on the site Climate Audit (CA) were technical beyond my abilities and I hardly ever contributed there. I did read much there and elsewhere, including the Pointman postings where I found them. Likely I should have been here, but there are issues that limit anyone’s time.
    A few weeks ago, on a site, I expressed my view that many of the CAGW issues were seemingly multi-recyclings of previously bogus things. I finished that comment with a link to a 1948 song “Life Gets Tee-Jus Don’t It”, written by Carson Robison. I think that expresses the feelings of many folks that have been “deniers” for the last 9 years or longer.
    I will be happy to follow a fantastic wordsmith on a new mission.

    I have read parts 1 & 2, just now, and have bookmarked the newly redirected Pointman WP site.

    Best to all, John

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Bartemis says:

    “Always after a defeat and a respite, the shadow takes another shape and rises again.”
    – J.R.R. Tolkien

    “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”
    – Thomas Jefferson

    Wars never truly end. Teach your children and grandchildren well.


  24. Pointman says:

    And the first thing Trump does after his inauguration is kill off Obama’s Climate Action Plan.

    “Trump sat through the whole humiliation in granite-like silence surrounded by hundreds of the great and the good of Washington who were having a good old snigger at his expense, but I’m willing to bet you that experience was the moment Trump decided to run for president, if only to disassemble every shred of that decidedly modest set of accomplishments referred to as Obama’s legacy.

    Climate change action, the EPA, cosy government funding of quasi-political activist organisations, lavish funding of UN white elephants, reversing every executive order with a stroke of the pen – he won’t leave two bricks of Obama’s legacy stacked atop of each other, and when he’s finished, he’ll bulldoze the bricks and dust of it all into the Hudson river; and nobody of consequence will care.

    They’re not sniggering now.”

    An analysis of the Trump election victory 2016.



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