Happy birthday Climategate.

It’s around the time of the second anniversary of the Climategate leak so it’s fitting to take stock of where we are now. Before doing that, it’s worth taking a walk down memory lane to recall how things were before it occurred.

They were really different. If you were in the fight at the time, things were pretty grim and you had to be plain dog-mean cussed not to just give up and walk away. Al was riding high with his Nobel prize, Oscar and charging $100,000 a pop for a speaking engagement. The then UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown was telling us we’d 50 days to save the planet or was it 40 or maybe 10? Doesn’t matter anyhow, nobody remembers the bum nowadays but I do recall him telling us that under him, the days of boom and bust were gone though. Obama was determined to saddle an unwitting America with an indirect carbon tax and everyone was going to be ecstatic, according to the media. Bliss awaited. The BBC was in overdrive; even their fricking soaps had veiled references to the evils of global warming.

Yoof was demanding action and converging en masse on Copenhagen to set things aright. Da timez dey woz achanging. You couldn’t turn on the television without being lectured by some media climate expert on the environmental impact of your flatulence. The day of the manipulated and malleable moron had finally arrived and the whole world seemed to be celebrating it. It was the high point of the green orgasm, there wasn’t a G spot left to hit. Personally, it was the lowest I’ve ever felt in the whole struggle.

Well, Copenhagen turned out to be an abject failure, a bit of post-coital triste for them. The developing nations, behind the leadership of China, blew it out of the water because they knew no wealth transfer was going to happen. They were well aware we were already broke though not many of us actually realised that, and anyway, nobody was going to stop them industrialising, most especially us; the enemy. Global warming was good fodder for our well-fed electorate but their electorate’s needs were much more realistic and pressing. That was the alarmist’s wake up call.

But what did the alarmists do in response to it? Well, they did what they do best; they spun things. All reporting of Climategate in the mainstream media (MSM) was silenced by self censorship and the Copenhagen fiasco was pitched as just a tiny glitch on the road to the coming green utopia; don’t worry, it would all be fixed at the next jamboree in Cancun. On a daily basis, Google shamelessly managed to report dramatically fewer and fewer hits on the keyword “climategate” and the television and papers totally ignored it for months.

For a lot of enquiring minds, that was the real wake up call as well. The blogosphere started bulging with new people who’d realised for the first time the media streams they’d sort of trusted in a jaundiced way for their information were not independent at all. Far from it, they’d swapped any journalistic integrity to jump on the green bandwagon to save us from ourselves and I’m not just talking about the tabloids here; Nature, The New Scientist, The Scientific American, they all did their bit of staying silent and if I have to hazard a guess, their subscription renewal numbers since November 2009 have went steadily south. That influx of new minds has enriched the blogosphere.

Climategate was at last the great confirmation of a deep suspicion many of us had entertained for a long time; we were not contending with an honest scientific debate but dealing with a bunch of cheats, liars and spin merchants. Following it, anything they said was going to be examined critically by a fresh army of sceptics and the pickings since climategate have been rich.

The floodgates opened and there were a lot of gates, glaciergate, pachuraigate and amazongate to name but a few. On hard examination, so many of the outrageous claims being made by the IPCC turned out not to be based on their much trumpeted peer-reviewed papers but press releases, undergraduate scribblings and the furtive handouts of quasi-political activist organisations like Greenpeace and the WWF. A recent survey by a corps of volunteers found 30% of the references in the last IPCC report tracked back to sources like those. So much for their exclusive use of gold standard science.

The point about fighting a war and make no mistake about it, slam dunking global warming down the big white telephone to God is a war, is that you have to sort out two things; what’s the objective and who is the enemy.

Let’s take who’s the enemy first. A lot of the skeptics would say that’s the climate scientists but come on boys and girls, let’s be honest about them, even as scientists, they’re rather third-rate. Bean counters, technicians, clerks, nobodies on an ego trip out of an obscure and nascent branch of science blinking in the spotlight of notoriety. It’s a 15 minutes thingy. If they’re not coming up with the answer you want, just fire them and hire a few more who have the political smarts to come up with the requisite answers. So, who’s doing the hiring and firing? The activists? Naw, they’ve got money but not that much and anyway, everyone knows they’re a bunch of assorted loonies. The politicians? Naw again, they’re the guys who’re always cadging a buck off you for their next campaign. You don’t give, they don’t get elected. They all think they’re masters of the universe running the game but the key player is the one all of them need. If he’s not playing, they’re all buggered.

It’s the moneyman of course. They feed the politicians funds for their campaigns but only as long as politicians put in place policies that big bucks can be made from. The activists? Well, they were useful tools to give the money-making policies a feel-good and ethical veneer. The activists, in which I have to include most of mainstream journalism, became puppets of the politicians, who were all along dancing to the tune of the guys who held the big purse strings.

The objective is public opinion and more importantly, that segment of it that actually turns up in a polling booth and casts a vote. Public opinion has changed over the last two years and nowadays, the environment ranks at the bottom of most voters list of concerns; they’ve fallen back to life’s essentials of jobs and money. Because of the media blackout, most of the electorate have never heard of climategate and anyway, it would rank as a sciency thing so most of them would quickly change the channel. Given that assessment, you have to ask yourself if it actually mattered in terms of winning the objective.

It was significant but not for achieving the objective, that was done by other external events. What it did do was totally undermine the credibility of climate science, stripping it of any integrity. It revealed a world of small and venial people withholding information, fudging results, actively suppressing dissenting viewpoints and rigging the game. They were cheats. Once the cancer at the heart of the thing was exposed, it slowly and inexorably spread outwards, gradually engulfing the IPCC and then the professional associations such as the American Physics Society and the Royal Society. It’s still metastasising.

Climategate has become a political card to be held in reserve or played. In last year’s mid-terms, the Republicans won big, partly because their candidates played it. In Europe, the politicians are still holding it in reserve. By sheer necessity, they’re in the process of making big cuts to environmental budgets because that’s where the fat is and if the pressure from the MSM, who are the lapdogs of the environmental movement, gets too intense, they’ll play it as well. Political survival trumps the environment every time.

The arse fell out of this perfect storm of a conjunction of interests of the moneymen, politicians and the activists when the implosion of the financial system occurred. The moneymen scurried to cover exposed positions and a few Winters of brutal ferocity were the cherry on top of the disaster. When people are freezing, lecturing them about global warming is a hard sell. All you had to do from then on was watch the money.

I did. Daily, I watched the big sell orders in green stocks on the NYSE and the LSE and it was plain to see that assets were being repositioned out of green sectors. The price of carbon steadily worked its way down to 5 cents a Tonne before they finally closed the Chicago Carbon Exchange. It was a mercy killing really. Al, being a founder and major shareholder, took a bath but he’s still worth a few million.

As for Cancun, it was a non-event, as will be the upcoming Durban conference. Not even Al bothered to show up. By the middle of 2010, all the smart money had left the room and there was nobody left but the true believers, who ended up nursing huge losses.

Everyone is running for cover; the moneymen have long ago moved to profitable pastures anew, the cash-strapped politicians are cutting the green subsidies, the media are prudently staying stumm on all things environmental, the activists are still in denial over the ruins of the green dream, which leaves the climate scientists, who are about to get the blame for the whole thing.

As a young man, I took up fencing and since I’d watched more than enough of those swashbuckling films, the weapon of choice had to be the sabre. My natural over-the-top enthusiasm and youthful aggression terrorised and intimidated most opponents, so it fell to my fencing master to artfully whack me around the side of the head enough times with the flat of one in a few bouts before I really started to learn how to fence. I graduated to the foil and épée and discovered you didn’t have to hew limbs off your opponent to win. Cool precision would carry the day.

In fencing terms, Climategate was the point-perfect cut that nicked the carotid artery of the onward charging global warming giant. Since then, it’s been flailing around but the movements are getting weaker and weaker because it’s slowly bleeding to death. The deed has been done.


Related articles by Pointman :

Why climategate was not a computer hack

A profile of the climategate whistleblower.

Cancun and the Chinese perspective on it.

I’m not a scientist but …

Click for a list of other articles.

46 Responses to “Happy birthday Climategate.”
  1. Blackswan says:


    Great overview of the Climate debacle, great analogy for its demise. Shame that Gorey arterial spray has contaminated so many of the institutions we once believed in. The indoctrination of our youth is the most unforgivable aspect of the Banksters/Gangrenes’ corruption. Stealing our money is one thing – stealing our kids’ minds and their capacity for independent thought is something else entirely.

    While the early goal may have been influencing public opinion, in Australia that has proven to be unnecessary. The Marxist/Fabian Labor/Green/so-called Independents simply collaborated to seize Government in a bloodless coup to oust the popularly elected Liberal Party and they have rammed their Carbon policies through Parliament. Various polls have consistently revealed that over 70% of constituents are against this fraudulent means of wealth redistribution, but it isn’t relevant anymore.

    The 11th day of the 11th month in this year of 2011 is Remembrance Day in Australia, the anniversary of the Armistice signed to end World War 1. We have to wonder, with shame and regret, what all those ANZACS (Australia New Zealand Army Corps) would feel about how our current generation has allowed a gang of spivs, crooks and charlatans to take over our country to drive hard-working citizens into penury … and for what?

    There is so much more at stake here than what the weather will be like in 50 years. Building this nation from a wilderness in 220 years has never broken our backs, but this grubby cabal of thieves and liars is well on its way to breaking our spirit.


  2. mlpinaus says:

    Thanks Pointman. Words mostly fail me… except the old Saxon ones….. Don’t lose heart ‘Swan. We win by lasting longer than the pinko trash in power right now. The frauds are running out of cash. Hence the poloooootion tax. Just a super tax before their oblivion…


    • Pointman says:

      Pointman – “Personally, it was the lowest I’ve ever felt in the whole struggle.”

      Chin up Marcus, time for a bit of “plain dog-mean cussed”, which I know you Aussie buggers do very well. Next election, blood will flow. Memories are long …



  3. MikeO says:

    As an Australian also I understand what Black Swan says. We are headed in the opposite direction to the rest of the world. We have an ineptocracy who are dependent on the Greens who have about 12% of the vote. The opposition are divided on the climate change issue and so do not offer a strong opposition. I think it is much the same as the conservatives in the UK when they gained office. Our opposition is a coalition of the Liberal and National parties. The Nationals represents people outside the cities and is strongly against what the Greens stand for.

    What Mark Twain said about humans “people’s beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing” describes Australia exactly. This would have been said in the late nineteenth century so things don’t change. The ones who rule us continue to do so while our media has the culture it does. Climategate has had far less impact here because our very left leaning media suppressed it! We have a culture war here that the conservatives are losing which is probably why. Currently an inquiry is on here whose aim appears to be to suppress free speech in the conservative press (little as there is) and online media.

    We are told that we must curb our emissions because the rest of the world is and we must keep up. This accepted by at least 30% of our population and damn all objections from the press. In particular we are told China is making stringent efforts to control it’s emissions. Only on the web will you see this http://catallaxyfiles.com/2011/11/09/changes-in-carbon-emissions-2008-2010/ I wonder why I don’t believe China is interested in controlling it’s emissions.

    As to who was behind Climategate I think we should look at those who gained from the failure of Copenhagen. I have read a newsletter CCNET since the end of 2008. There was much concern coming from developing countries about the idea that a replacement Kyoto accord would include them. The timing of Climategate was perfect, about a month before, creating much uncertainty and doubt just before the meeting. Obama flew in for 24 hours and statement of intent was signed with Brazil, South Africa, India and China. That is the BASIC group who had met in Beijing before hand to plan their actions as a block. The most likely scenario is that one or more of this group had or still have persons within CRU. China has been accused many times of industrial espionage so certainly possible and they had much to lose if Copenhagen worked.


  4. thojak says:

    Good post, Pointman!
    I’ve furthered the link to our most read blog: ‘The Climate Scam’:

    (I know there are numbers of engaged people there who read & enjoy your blog.) 🙂

    Yes, it’s all about the money and our government is wasting vast amounts of tax money on the cAGW-scam, i.e. shortly ago they put up one billion skr (sw. kronor) for the purpose of enhancing the knowledge about cAGW amongst communities and official servants + schools…
    In a country with a ~ 9 million population, that’s a really big bag of money – and no one outside the elite circles has any possibility of protesting less stop this insane doings. A little like the same [desparate] situation you have ‘down under’ with Gillard and the ‘carbon tax’…

    Read a very good essay on the European finance crisis – which is plenty much worse than it seems to be… and it stated the biggest deficit there is, is the lack of rerspect for the people and the implementation of democracy, in all of the EU-member states.
    One has all reasons to Go figuring… sic!

    Brgds from Sweden


  5. MikeO says:



  6. meltemian says:

    Goodness! Is it really two years since Climategate? It doesn’t seem that long ago. On the other hand it seems to have taken forever for the tide to turn against the “Consensus” of so-called Climate Scientists. How much longer before the whole Carbon Tax Scam grinds to a halt? I’m afraid it’s going to be one of those things that enters the system and just becomes accepted as part of our responsibility without ever being questioned.
    None of the people involved in the AGW scare will ever be brought to account but will gradually back-slide and dissemble, and either re-invent themselves or vanish from sight.
    There’s certainly never going to be an apology forthcoming.


  7. k. montgomery says:

    Working under the following assumptions:

    1. that our so-called capitalists engineer financial bubbles to enrich themselves (and impoverish us);
    2. that they would rather engineer bubbles instead of actually doing work to create wealth;
    3. that bubbles appear to be generated with increasing frequency (uncertain about this one…);
    4. that they foresaw global warming as the next bubble;
    5. that the global warming bubble was prematurely deflated;

    What should we be on the lookout for next (forewarned is forearmed)?

    Or should we beware of the ancient “wars and rumors of wars”?


    • Pointman says:

      Hello and welcome. If you think, as I do, that the global warming craze is dying out, then your question is the one we should be giving some thought to.

      First off, I kind of suspect the next scare will not have a pseudo scientific basis because people are pretty jaundiced nowadays by the phrase “scientists say.” They’ve tried to launch other scares in that vein and they’ve not gained much traction in the popular mind. Ocean acidification and biodiversity spring to mind as examples of these.

      The one they might go for is overpopulation. Like global warming, it provides the rational to do the social engineering which is at bottom, what the activists always really wanted to do.

      Anyone else have other ideas?



      • PaulW says:

        Over population is a good catch all to use for a myriad of other problems that will need regulation, control and above all your money. (and I think we may have already seen the seeds sown)

        Think water and food security.

        Then add back to that the environment with biodiversity, forestry, salinity, marine degradation and of course the whales/pandas/manatees…
        There will need to be serious social engineering as well as a major rejig of your personal finances.

        Over population is also a minor detour from where we are. All the concerns over global warming and consequences can be, with minimal tweeking, be redirected to the new problem of Populate and Perish paradigm.


  8. Pointman says:

    @ MikeO.

    My apologies Mike, for some reason some of your posts ended up in the spam queue. I can’t see a reason for this so I’ll just have to keep an eye on that glitch. I can’t afford to turn it off since the amount of spam comments are unbelievable; about 4500 attempts this year.



    • MikeO says:

      Not a problem but is so frustrating not knowing why. Seems the spam filter will not accept a comment if I type catallaxyfiles com with a . between the words instead of a space! I am now unsure if I can put a link into a comment at all. I have had a lot of trouble with spam emails getting about 50 a day and one stage. What I finally did was only accept addresses I know about. So if you are not in my address book or allowed senders list then into the junk folder. Once there I only see headers if it peaks my interest or is a new contact I handle it otherwise delete it all. Even the proposals from pretty young Russian women. I also use a different address for contacts that might attract spam and delete it if too much is coming in.


    • MikeO says:

      Just had a look I have made a mess of the thread much could be deleted sorry.


      • Pointman says:

        Not a problem Mike, I can understand your frustration. With your permission, I’ll go through and try to remove the duplicates. Again my apologies mate.



    • MikeO says:

      If you delete as follows
      November 13, 2011 at 3:40 am
      November 13, 2011 at 7:41 pm
      November 13, 2011 at 7:42 pm
      November 13, 2011 at 7:50 pm
      November 13, 2011 at 7:52 pm
      November 13, 2011 at 7:53 pm
      November 13, 2011 at 7:54 pm
      November 13, 2011 at 7:57 pm
      November 13, 2011 at 8:01 pm
      November 13, 2011 at 8:02 pm
      November 13, 2011 at 8:10 pm
      November 13, 2011 at 8:13 pm
      November 13, 2011 at 8:19 pm
      November 13, 2011 at 8:22 pm
      Should work.
      I have copy of my ramble I anything goes wrong.


  9. Blackswan says:

    G’day all,

    In case anyone thought my previous comment was exaggerated or overly pessimistic, check this out……

    “…. the Labor government is actually threatening to fine businesses that blame the carbon tax for excessive post-tax price rises.”


    “Under the government’s consumer watchdog guidelines, businesses face potential fines of beyond $1 million if they place undue emphasis on the carbon tax as an explanation for increased charges.”

    So any business whose supplies are more expensive because of carbon tax on long-haul transport, or whose electricity costs have skyrocketed because of subsidies on renewables, or whose wages bill escalates as carbon-induced inflation bites will now be effectively silenced in laying the blame squarely at the root cause of all this mayhem – Carbon Fraud.

    For an inept fool, the Orange Roughie sure is a slick operator in fulfilling her long-held dream. This declared Fabian has succeeded splendidly where her Socialist predecessors failed in turning this country into a Marxist state. She has effectively silenced the MSM over the criminal activities of herself and her union mates in stealing millions of workers’ dollars, appointed her cronies to the judiciary which gives them life-long tenure, dissolved our border protection, rigged the Parliament to pass all her legislation, gagged debate in the House, signed treaties and agreements without any mandate from the electorate and given some low-paid workers a 30% wage increase without any consultation with employers. This has resulted in her now being neck and neck in the polls with the Opposition Leader as preferred Prime Minister.

    Gotta hand it to her. Wonder what cushy UN job or ambassadorship she has lined up for herself and her live-in boyfriend when we finally get the chance to throw her out on her lard-arse? Oh wait, that would require a fair election. Better not count my chickens ……..


    • Blackswan says:

      BTW, you would think that such a law threatening million dollar fines to suppress the truth would be banner headlines in the MSM but I can readily find no other reference to it. It is simply an obscure op-ed piece without any by-line. She sure has ’em whipped.


  10. Blackswan says:

    “AN INCREASING number of households have had their electricity disconnected due to their inability to pay their bills, with the state government under pressure to boost assistance to avoid further disconnections.”


    This is the face of disastrous Gangrene/Labor policy – people are doing it tough, and the Carbon Fraud isn’t even implemented till July 2012. Current subsidies on renewables are the cause for energy price-hikes and the Greens have declared they want 100% renewables by 2020, shutting down all coal-fired power stations.

    Even worse….

    “A survey of board members by the powerful Australian Institute of Company Directors has found increasing disenchantment, with more than 80 per cent saying that the government lacks an understanding of business.”


    When a Government has zero understanding of how the private sector works, indeed displays contempt for the engine that drives our economy, then we are certainly headed into a downward economic spiral from which there will be no easy recovery.


  11. Edward. says:

    Embarrassingly, we in Britain were the initiators of the AGW myth pointy.

    Thatcher and her advisors knew what a wheeze it could be and seeing as the Ironhearted-lass was for ending Britains’ mining industry and winding down coal power for ‘more eco friendly gas’ [one of her greatest follies – burning gas to generate felectricity is madness].

    All we had to do was to get the Americans on board……… The USA and Hansen took it on and GISS and Penn State had a field day, in Europe the Green loons in Deutschland loved it and though the French [quite rightly] only gave it a passing and insouciant nod BUT! the EU signed up in a big way.
    Now the our Teutonic cousins are giving renewable energy a wide berth [who can blame them, it is a total failure] Germany is rushing for coal and conventional power generation. Spain has binned her renewable commitments……………………..

    And! Just who, which damned country is last to ‘get it’??

    Cue – audible groan!

    But [and it must be said!] we in Britain, are always at a distinct disadvantage.

    We have the most imbecilic and stupid political claque, a ‘professional political, corporate, Statist-technocratic elite’ beholden to the EU and who are more concerned with their own petty ideological squabbles and venal, sordid pilfering than the security and vital interests of their own nation.
    We never stood a chance, however some of us are still interested in Britain first, some of us helped [albeit in a very minor way] stop the UN/one world government/IPCC/ juggernaut in it’s tracks.

    Now, it is time we focused our attention to our internal difficulties [climate change Act] but if we show the same indefatigable quality, then we shall win this battle of Britain too.


  12. Blackswan says:


    Found quite a comprehensive piece on our Carbon Masters’ silencing tactics…..

    “THE whitewash begins. Now that the carbon tax has passed through federal parliament, the government’s clean-up brigade is getting into the swing by trying to erase any dissent against the jobs-destroying legislation.”


    “Businesses are not even allowed to throw special carbon tax sales promotions before the tax arrives on July 1.

    “Beat the Carbon Tax – Buy Now” or “Buy now before the carbon tax bites” are sales pitches that are verboten. Or at least, as the ACCC puts it, “you should be very cautious about making these types of claims”.

    There will be 23 carbon cops roaming the streets doing snap audits of businesses that “choose to link your price increases to a carbon price”.

    There you have it folks. While from your perspective in the northern hemisphere CAGW appears to be in its death throes, here in the Antipodes we have to contend with an emerging monster.

    This has nothing to do with the climate, nothing to do with science but everything to do with theft of our wealth, control of our population and loss of our sovereignty as an independent democratic nation.


    • Pointman says:

      Government bullying at its very worst.

      It would be interesting if a company explained, with a full cost breakdown, why their prices were going up. Politically, it would be very unwise, given their unpopularity, to initiate any legal action against the firm even using any proxy government body. I’m not familar with Australian legalites. Perhaps a contributor more informed in this area would like to comment?



      • Blackswan says:

        G’day P,

        As this fraudulent tax is aimed at all power generators (and retailers) and all petrol sales (except for cars and light commercial vehicles), every time an electric light or refrigeration unit is switched on or any item is moved by our long-haul transport system (now that economic rail freight is a thing of the past), the price of everything will rise. And it will compound as it moves down the chain.

        From a sheep grazing in a paddock to where it ends up in the butcher’s window thence to a roast on our dinner plates; from a carrot in a market-garden to the supermarket to being sliced and diced next to the roast lamb; from a dairy cow ambling to a milking machine to where its milk ends up as an icecream treat after your Sunday roast – the price of all of it will rise inexorably.

        How could any company NOT attribute their rising costs specifically to carbon tax?

        As you say, this Government’s tactics are nothing short of threats and intimidation. As for a legal challenge, I can’t see it happening. Probably because so much of the legal action/inquiries/court decisions that have resulted from Govt ineptitude have rarely seen the light of day. Four young men were killed as a direct result of the disastrous home insulation scheme which has since been abandoned driving insulation companies into oblivion – nothing to see here, nobody to blame, everyone still has their jobs, nobody compensated.

        There is a litany of successive economic and social disasters presided over by this band of political brigands and the Juggernaut continues to roll on, unaccountable, unrepentant and in power for another two years. The mounting national debt and economic/social damage caused to this hitherto “Lucky Country” is generational – what a mongrel legacy is being left to our children.

        Unfortunately for my generation, shame is not tempered by rage.


      • mlpinaus says:

        Like most things, it’s about money… one would have to have deep pockets to afford justice. The myriad small traders ….. companies like mine of the recent past, simply cannot afford to go up against the guvermint. You shut up, adapt …go broke quietly. It’s this kind of deep resentment that causes revolutions….


  13. Edward. says:

    Hey Swanny,

    Get a load of this!

    Strewth mate!


    • Blackswan says:

      G’day Ed,

      No surprises there mate – ‘our Julia’s’ life has been full of “special relationships”.

      Back in the day, as an industrial relations lawyer, she had a really special thang going with one of her major union heavyweight clients who was found to have set up dodgy accounts, blackmailed construction companies, funded his&hers houses out of diverted union fees and buggered off with over a million bucks. Her excuse? “I was young and naive”.

      In more recent times as PM, we have this … “Julia Gillard appoints Bernard Murphy, her partner in crime from Slater and Gordon Lawyers, as a Federal Court of Australia judge.” Another “special relationship” securing him lifetime tenure and a well-padded seat on the gravy train.


      Oh, and not forgetting the days when she was a member of the Shadow Cabinet. She found “lurve in all the wrong places” when she took up with a cabinet colleague, a married man with children. He is in her government today and remains one of her most staunch defenders.

      Now she is shacked up in the Prime Ministerial residence with her live-in boyfriend, a hairdresser commonly referred to as our “First Bloke”. That must be handy for keeping the mousy brown locks burnished to a pulse-quickening brassy red. Hmmm, wonder if the collar and cuffs match …..

      One would never dream of using terms such as “slag” or “trollop” when discussing the Head of Government of a sovereign nation – no, “special relationships” is more appropriate.


      • Pointman says:

        And there was I, expecting you to give Ed a good beaking for swan baiting!

        “One would never dream of using terms such as “slag” or “trollop” when discussing the Head of Government of a sovereign nation – no, “special relationships” is more appropriate.”

        Yup, we must be respectful and tug the forelock LOL.



  14. Blackswan says:

    Nah Pointy, I’d never give Ed a pecking for ‘having a go’, specially when I agree with him…. LOL


    • Edward. says:

      Ey up Swanny,

      Thank you mate! I’ve always given Swans plenty of room – they deserve respect.

      I didn’t really know that much about Joolya’s private doings, crikey she’s a piece of work – she’s a very friendly sheila but I really do have to wonder about the blokes – good grief?!#!

      Oh God, I can’t get over that damn picture, vomit bucket please!


      • Blackswan says:

        Sorry Ed, that bucket’s in use …. and nearly full to the brim.

        If you could see the OZ MSM fawning and writing glowing reports about that “special relationship” you’d really lose your dinner.

        We have to be especially and suitably appreciative now that, for the first time since WW2, we’ll have a fully operational American military base on our soil. We had troops here on R&R in the Vietnam era, but we can’t consider this 2,500-strong foreign military presence in our country to be any compromise to our sovereignty – after all, they are only here “on rotation”.

        Bricko Bummer’s address to the Parliament was squarely aimed at China, our biggest trading partner. They are not happy campers. Bet they thought that with the closure of the US bases in the Philippines, the Asia/Pacific region was their domain. Economically it is, but with the Northern Territory base strategically between the Indian & Pacific Oceans and squarely facing Indonesia/China, not everybody is deliriously thrilled by our new “guests”.


  15. Edward. says:


    Obarmy making noises about Asia/Pacific rim being the new focus of US strategy or summat but there is more to this.
    China is building a formidable naval capacity and Sabre rattling in the Sea of Japan, China needs open routes to the African Continent, hence the navy.
    Thailand is ‘neutral’ and craftily plays both ends against the middle, India is a rival and potential enemy of China, who knows which side Indonesia is on?
    Australia, has big interest for China [and I don’t mean the Sheilas], iron ore, copper and coal, thorite, thorianite, makes money: China and their ‘aphrodisiac’.
    America too has big mining interests in Australia, caught in the middle Swanny and with no chance of any help from you know who, up here.
    In Britain, we have allowed ourselves to be compartmentalised and isolated by our shortsighted and very dimwitted pymies some call politicians. Major, Bliar, Brown and now Cameron are not, do not, were not capable of assimilating, let alone appreciating and accordingly making, seeing and shaping world events.

    For Australia, I still think America is the best bet but that: Australia should keep her options open!

    I wish also that Britain had maintained our close links with the Anzacs and with all of the Anglosphere instead of throwing our lot in with the Germans who are now inaugurating the Fourth Reich.

    Joolya and the Chicago Kid, are talking bollocks but then, they always have done. What you should be asking is:

    What is in it for Australia??


    • Blackswan says:

      Great question Ed. “What” indeed.

      This country has become a giant quarry. Insanely, we ship ‘dirt’ overseas. No value-adding here – we export iron ore and import steel products as our smelters are progressively shut down. Foreign oil companies are sucking oil and gas from round our coastline for export mostly while our own oil refining capacity continues to be reduced. Okay, sure we get ‘royalties’, paltry sums in the ‘big picture’ of world energy profits, which the Labor Party has now dubbed “super profits” ripe for the plucking via a “super tax”.

      Indonesia is now the gatekeeper, presiding over the Straits of Malacca and the Sunda Strait. They aren’t on anybody’s side except their own. When they annexed West Papua to complete their boom-gate blocking access from the South China Sea, there was nary a peep from the rest of the world. Poor blighted West Papuans. Their ancestral homeland was given a new name and a whole new population whose continuing raids into Papua/New Guinea are kept well under wraps. What was acceptable practice by the 18th & 19th century colonial powers was very much frowned upon in the 20th century …. unless you’re the gatekeeper.

      Remember 20 years ago when a bloke from Iraq thought he’d annex Kuwait to give him better access to the sea ports?

      For the past 70 years Aussies have looked to the US to intervene in the event of turmoil and any threat to us from southeast Asia. They still think it’s the “special relationship” which would bring us an ally. Hardly. It’s defense of American interests here. Along with mining, oil/gas and huge land holdings, there are the all-important spy-in-the-sky secret satellite bases here; the space program tracking stations – their “window on the world”.

      Instead of us being subservient little peons, our strategic importance should have us calling the tune, but unfortunately someone else is paying the piper.


      • Pointman says:

        Let’s face it mate, she’s a crap eyeball to eyeball to negotiator; she gave the Greens the whole damn shop, even if it meant the eventual destruction of the ALP and they’d been prepared to settle for so much less.

        After that, bending over for the yanks at the expense of Australian national interests is nothing that can’t be eased by a bit of virgin olive oil applied to the right orifice. It’s a Greek thing after all …



      • Blackswan says:

        Gee whiz P, “virgin” oil? Not likely. Besides, the way she was gazing at Barry, none was necessary.

        She’s no sort of negotiator at all. She learned her tactics from her Union thug boyfriend – bludgeon your way into getting what you want. Brown is canny enough to understand her kind of language. “Give us what we want or we walk away and you can whistle for your minority Govt”.

        It’s the old donkey and carrot routine – a classic.


  16. Edward. says:


    I thought this was a family blog;-) But you make the point and it is well made.

    @ Swanny,

    That is the ongoing tragedy for Australia, it should be a policy of: value added dirt!!

    The Australians should be far more canny in their mineral rights leases and should be the world’s smelter, THE biggest iron and steel producer in the WORLD bar none – it is terribly sad – there shouldn’t be unemployment in Aus’!

    To a certain extent Australia has allowed itself to be pushed around, in dealings with the US of A.

    If Britain [as Allies and friends of Australia – show solidarity] was a bit stronger we should have been pushing our nose into Indonesian affairs a lot more but you need a Navy for that – Bring back our gunboats!

    On Indonesia, don’t get me started, anyone is kidded by this lot is a naive ****er. Muslim devils in the East and they are ethnically cleansing regions right under the world’s nose and nobody says boo to a ghost!
    PC gone effin mad – colonial policy won’t do anymore don’tcha know! Which in effect equals: allow the racial and ethnic cleansing to go on. In Syria, Indonesia, India, Somalia, Kenya, Zimbabwe et al but get stuck into a contest we had no business in – in Libya [a cynical person would say oil].

    Gotta go lads, s’pose I’d better comment on new blog too.


    • Blackswan says:

      Ed, this cynical person would say “gold based currency”. As Gaddafi wanted the EU/USA to pay for his oil in his own African gold standard and his customers’ vaults are empty, they had to take him out – helping themselves to his frozen assets while they were at it.


    • Pointman says:

      Hello and welcome Harry. Finally … ?

      Just wading through them now, crash post going up in a moment.



      • Harry Kal says:

        Just like you said.
        There is one email discussing that ‘Climate Change’ would be more appriopriate than ‘Global Warming’.
        Without missing a beat.
        And the rest is also very disturbing.
        Although, as we did not always knew this was happening.



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